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\m/, I just want to help


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As also defined in the War description.....

And even according your own definition, all tech raids are wars.

Sorry, for I am sick and my brain does not fully function at 1:00 am, my mistake.

Organized Tech raids are wars, normal tech raid are debatable to a point.

No problem; people can easily be misunderstood with these issues occurring.

<s>Tech raids</s> Wars require coordination and organization at any level, whether it is national, interalliance, or extra-alliance. Think not? Then I would invite you to have a war without being coordinated or organized.

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You really shouldn't take it so personally.


Correction - What he shouldn't do is admit that he's taking it personally, especially on OWF and especially at this time. What he should do is use the very understandable frustration as motivation to "play by the rules" until he can start making them. That seems to be the usual course of action and has worked for Karma.

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But contempt for what? Acting up and causing trouble? The same thing you all so proudly heralded as bravery.

Eh, whatever. I'm just going to -insert posturing remark against the Sith here-

From what I've seen this new \m/ is little more than the dumbed down and inelegant version of us. Hence, condescending contempt.

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When Karma defeated the Hegemony it birthed this. This is the new path we are on. Many opposed to this action fought for this new paradigm. What did you think would result in a new power shift? A better world, please! Take your pseudo-ideological drivel elsewhere. This is the world you birthed and corrective action that were made will again have to be remade.Goons with their intellectual snobbery was gone. /m\ with their "not going to follow convention" gone. PZ1 gone when if it was still around could end MHA's problem with Emily.

All this was gone now its back, welcome to karmic retrograde.

Edited by Yggdrazil
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From what I've seen this new \m/ is little more than the dumbed down and inelegant version of us. Hence, condescending contempt.

So what we were before you existed? I mean, people complain about what \m/ used to be like, then they go and complain about this \m/ not being the same. Then we do the same, and now you're the ones that pioneered this whole deal?

GOONS were probably the first at this whole thing, and they were more aggressive about it too. I mean, you can be so "elegant" if you desire, but let's not pretend to invent personas here.

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we pursue our desires. That is our justification, that is all the justification we need. We do what we do to enjoy ourselves.

Y'all are really reminding me of this fellow today. I mean, not just a vague resemblence, but... OMFG THAT IS THEM!!!!!!one!!!!!

Not even close, really? Name every war where there was no public outcry, and according to you it better be a majority.

I said nothing about outcry. There is much distraction and propoganda posted for purely realpolitik reasons. I said I dont consider every war unjust. That is just a straw man you are hiding behind.

There may be one or two buck-pacificists left here (and if there are they should probably be declared an endangered species) but for myself and I dare say the vast majority of posters here, war is something we have done, something we will do again, a skill we take pride in and an honourable course of action in certain cases. But just as a firearm is a serious tool to be used carefully and when necessary, not a toy for a childs amusement, the same goes for war.

So no, however much you may want to characterise anyone who disagrees with you as opposed to war per se that is clearly not the case. War is not always unjust, to the contrary sometimes justice demands it. The outrage is because you waged war without even the barest pretense of a reason for it, like a snot-nosed brat throwing a fit with a loaded pistol in a crowded supermarket.

This was not a sad but necessary attack, just a sad one.

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So what we were before you existed? I mean, people complain about what \m/ used to be like, then they go and complain about this \m/ not being the same. Then we do the same, and now you're the ones that pioneered this whole deal?

GOONS were probably the first at this whole thing, and they were more aggressive about it too. I mean, you can be so "elegant" if you desire, but let's not pretend to invent personas here.

Don't get me wrong, \m/ was always a terrible alliance.

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From what I've seen this new \m/ is little more than the dumbed down and inelegant version of us. Hence, condescending contempt.

We can't all adhere to a mystical religion based on magic and the supernatural.

*looks at my name*

Wait.......................... ;)

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I said nothing about outcry. There is much distraction and propoganda posted for purely realpolitik reasons. I said I dont consider every war unjust. That is just a straw man you are hiding behind.

There may be one or two buck-pacificists left here (and if there are they should probably be declared an endangered species) but for myself and I dare say the vast majority of posters here, war is something we have done, something we will do again, a skill we take pride in and an honourable course of action in certain cases. But just as a firearm is a serious tool to be used carefully and when necessary, not a toy for a childs amusement, the same goes for war.

So no, however much you may want to characterise anyone who disagrees with you as opposed to war per se that is clearly not the case. War is not always unjust, to the contrary sometimes justice demands it. The outrage is because you waged war without even the barest pretense of a reason for it, like a snot-nosed brat throwing a fit with a loaded pistol in a crowded supermarket.

This was not a sad but necessary attack, just a sad one.

Except you didn't say that. You said "Not even close" to a remark that was being made to the society. Either you were purposely misinterpreting Starfox's words (which usually refer to the community at large) or you just wanted to make a point that held no water.

And yes, we love war, yet we also love hating war. Planet Bob is a place filled with irony, as I'm sure you've noticed.

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We're on top of the bottom hooray!

I'd make you a fancy medal if I had any talent for that sort of thing, but I don't, so I won't. You'll just have to imagine it.

My Sithdar detects the arrogance of people who were once important but now live in mediocracy, Still missing Iron Heft?

I left power because I was tired of being "important." I do enjoy people talking about me though. So continue.

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Why does he have to be raided *AGAIN* for you to aid him? since my last comment here ONE person has sent some aid. the broke guy from SOS mustve hit the lotto. This makes a grand total of 12 million in rebuilding aid plus another 6(3 from Athens and 3 from MASH) which im not quite sure what it is..yet here we sit..still going round and round

Hey NSO, you guys dont tech raid and are the symbol of all things right, wheres the aid packages?

Darth hasn't been hit yet. I was referencing him in particular.

As for the others who are hit, I plan to aid them as much as I can.

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It seems that we are insignificant, otherwise people like \m/ GOONs and PC wouldn't have unofficially declared war on us.

Btw, FoA is still going to seek War Reps.

I'm going to tell you right now, you can seek the reps all you want. You won't be getting them. That's how they roll.

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It seems that we are insignificant, otherwise people like \m/ GOONs and PC wouldn't have unofficially declared war on us.

Btw, FoA is still going to seek War Reps.

Restating what you have already written before is not going to make you more significant, no matter how much you try. However, if I was you, I would push the earlier angle upon which we agreed -- all wars are tech raids, and all tech raids are wars. You can call it the Reflexive Property of Game Mechanics if you like. This may earn you the significance you crave.

Or you could do a deal with me. Whichever.

Edited by Luciferi
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You're going to seek reps, sure, OK.

But I don't think you'll get them. You were attacked, clearly provoked, and you didn't fight back, you accepted their peace offers. You gave the raiders what you want.

You've already proven that war isn't an option for your alliance. The raiders have no reason to pay reps. I mean, what are you going to do if they refuse to pay, attack them? You've already shown you wont fight.

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