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IRON Declaration of War

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Weak CB? Easy for you to say as you are not the alliance that was being spied on. I for one believe spying is never ok, and would personally never support it. Congrats IRON.

Uh oh, guess it's time to cancel on Ragnarok hey?

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I don't see why they had to post this at update if they weren't going to do anything. Yesterday at noon would've worked out just as well :mellow:

More delegates in attendance at the dark hour. Maximum pr and communication effect. And the blitz is a thing of the past when it comes to coalition, retaliatory fighting. At least total the total blitz. People should stop ribbing on the lack of war declarations and work on figuring out the new strategy, or the initital 4 aggressives should take a very conciliatory tone in peace negotiations and end this before their side has to figure out how to fight it.

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And the blitz is a thing of the past when it comes to coalition, retaliatory fighting. At least total the total blitz. People should stop ribbing on the lack of war declarations and work on figuring out the new strategy, or the initital 4 aggressives should take a very conciliatory tone in peace negotiations and end this before their side has to figure out how to fight it.

They have very smart people. I'm quite sure they'll figure it out (if they haven't already ;) )

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They have very smart people. I'm quite sure they'll figure it out (if they haven't already ;) )

Meh TOP is the only one with brains, but with that LM would do all the work. So I'm not sure on the intelligence. They're probably just waiting for retaliation from the other front, in hopes of getting to who they want, more likely to be MK + CnG in this case.

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More delegates in attendance at the dark hour. Maximum pr and communication effect. And the blitz is a thing of the past when it comes to coalition, retaliatory fighting. At least total the total blitz. People should stop ribbing on the lack of war declarations and work on figuring out the new strategy, or the initital 4 aggressives should take a very conciliatory tone in peace negotiations and end this before their side has to figure out how to fight it.

You know i think i can take a wild guess what our strategy is going to be:

Call in our allies to counter the fearsome front arrayed against us. Drop nukes until the other side has enough. Negotiate a peace agreement.

And i am sorry to say but i will certainly rib the CC until they actually manage to do something. Frankly for a planned counter anything less than 50% slot coverage is a disgrace. Considering how many alliances they had available one could even expect 75% coverage.

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Meh TOP is the only one with brains, but with that LM would do all the work. So I'm not sure on the intelligence. They're probably just waiting for retaliation from the other front, in hopes of getting to who they want, more likely to be MK + CnG in this case.

/me goes to check his TOP propaganda advisor on how to rebut this cunning statement

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Meh TOP is the only one with brains, but with that LM would do all the work. So I'm not sure on the intelligence. They're probably just waiting for retaliation from the other front, in hopes of getting to who they want, more likely to be MK + CnG in this case.

It's such a shame to see an intelligent guy like yourself underestimate your adversaries like this Brutus. Until the Karma Scientific Corps proves otherwise the level of one's intelligence is not linked to the size of one's ego.

Props to leadership and the Coalition as a whole. We now ride to war, and the salvation of our TPF allies. I bleed for you TPF! :war:

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or the initital 4 aggressives should take a very conciliatory tone in peace negotiations and end this before their side has to figure out how to fight it.

I'm fairly certain that the 4 'aggressives' were actually offering white peace when TPF walked out and you guys all attacked. But uh, ok?

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I'm fairly certain that the 4 'aggressives' were actually offering white peace when TPF walked out and you guys all attacked. But uh, ok?

From ignoring any diplomacy and a sneak attack to alliance wrecking individual surrenders then a 2 week beat down with groveling apology over 9 days a last minute offer of white peace is far too little too late.

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1/1/2010 11:32:05 PM




Independent Republic Of Orange Nations


Ruler: angryraccoon

Athens Currently Fighting <- have a nice screenshot if you want it :lol1:

Declaration of War the day after you hit.Nice move and its kinda funny how you left Rok out being they are also hitting TPF ;)

Also have a happy new year,,,,,,Better later than never

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White Peace is better than no peace. :)

It was only offered when they realised what had formed against them. Only a couple of days ago they wanted to give the standard 2 week beatdown that Athens seem to like demanding in peace terms. The white peace wasnt ever considered until the last minute to save themselves and their infra.

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It was only offered when they realised what had formed against them. Only a couple of days ago they wanted to give the standard 2 week beatdown that Athens seem to like demanding in peace terms. The white peace wasnt ever considered until the last minute to save themselves and their infra.

You are wrong. Go back and read the initial thread. I stated in that thread that Athens would be pursuing white peace. Vanguard, MK, and others have been demanding that since the very beginning and Athens has agreed the whole way. But I understand you have a agenda to follow so as you were.

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You are wrong. Go back and read the initial thread. I stated in that thread that Athens would be pursuing white peace. Vanguard, MK, and others have been demanding that since the very beginning and Athens has agreed the whole way. But I understand you have a agenda to follow so as you were.

Seriously Athens agreed the whole time to offer white peace? They were just doing what for the last week? Ive seen the terms they were offered and it wasnt a white peace.

o/IRON give them the same white peace TPF was offered. ;)

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Why oo why does MK want to war us, giving us even more tech for free?

If you wanted IRON, declared on us from the beginning will ya, stop beating around the bush and just do it. It isn't hard, you obviously showed us that a CB isn't important!

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