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Karma is the new Hegemony?


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So this wall-of-text guy Neverender made a post all pissed about people using the name 'Karma' to define their side. First I was going to post 'Cool Story Sis, we'll call you whatever we want to', but then I thought about it for a moment, and as you know with Neverender, he has an absolutely brilliant mind (>Newton) so I thought, mayyybe, Neverender is right, their side is not Karma, it does not contain all Karma elements, but certain the side that is active in war included members that were all in Karma, anyway is this subset of Karma infact Hegemony-in-making?

Now, lets be fair, alot of people have suggested its only natural a powerful side will attempt to Hegemonize, it might be that? I mean the blatant taunting and baiting is all there, Some self-declared Tom, Grandmasters and Harrys' have even made desperate attempts, (but a good one, o\) to bait the other side in. People have also linked years old Hegemony crimes to say 'No U's' etc.

*Edit: Some posters make a good point, Karma is no more, the right word, rather elements initiating the war that were all elements within Karma. Lord Razzy makes a good point, one side consists completely of Karma elements, while the other side has few Karma elements, similar to how Karma included few elements of former Hegemony on one side and other side consisting of completely former Hegemony elements.


Is it a purposeful attempt to Hegemonize?

Is it just that the 6 month old CB naively appeared and has put the line-ups in that order?

Is it the natural order of things? No one to blame, but its only logical that a powerful side consolidates it power through whatever means and justifiy it by whatever means?

Edited by shahenshah
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Oh god not this cack again

when will people get it into there thick heads that there is no more Karma,

Karma was a wartime coaliion that even before the Surrender of NPO started to go its separate ways

what we have now is a multi polar world connected by a mess of a web of conflicting treaties

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I have been humbled by the posts in this thread by the noblest of the noble, I will re-phrase some words in OP, also, hi ODN, thought we were cool about not flaming each other?

War Planning will take another 11 days James. Sit back, relax and eat some caek. Jhonny boy, Yes I am very bitter, your one liners tear my emotions apart :(

Edited by shahenshah
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I have been humbled by the posts in this thread by the noblest of the noble, I will re-phrase some words in OP, also, hi ODN, thought we were cool about not flaming each other?

War Planning will take another 11 days James. Sit back, relax and eat some caek. Jhonny boy, Yes I am very bitter, your one liners tear my emotions apart :(

Cause that really helps you allies :rolleyes:

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Why Thank you Der_ko, a poll dedicated to me? you good man are stroking my ego.

Anyway,The_Damned, thanks for making sensible post, Also Jack, there is a thread for the CoC 2.0 topic, I have voted in support of CoC 2.0.

Steodon, We're CoC 2.0, We have never helped allies or enter a loosing war, u Mad?. -.-

Edited by shahenshah
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This isn't the Karma War and the opposition is no longer in a position of hegemony. This is a war between everyone who hates TPF versus TPF and everyone who is unfortunate enough to be tied to TPF.

Edited by Ch33kY
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What's with this bizarre obsession over finding somebody to label the "new hegemony?"

Did the old old hegemony reign supreme for so long that people forgot what this game was like back when there was no hegemony?

They actually think this sort of thing is witty and humourous. :P

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Why Thank you Der_ko, a poll dedicated to me? you good man are stroking my ego.

Anyway,The_Damned, thanks for making sensible post, Also Jack, there is a thread for the CoC 2.0 topic, I have voted in support of CoC 2.0.

Steodon, We're CoC 2.0, We have never helped allies or enter a loosing war, u Mad?. -.-

I can assure you, good sir, that i have done no such thing :lol1:

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What's with this bizarre obsession over finding somebody to label the "new hegemony?"

Did the old old hegemony reign supreme for so long that people forgot what this game was like back when there was no hegemony?

It's not new.

During the Karma War, nearly every discussion devolved into "YEAH WELL YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS US".

I can't speak for my alliance, but it seems to me that none of the nations involved want to control Bob like Hegemony did. One side just doesn't want to be infiltrated and attacked from within, the other wants to lawyer their way out of any consequences for their actions.

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