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Avalon Stands by The Phoenix Federation

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Whether or not they're guilty of what they've been accused of, you have to defend them anyways. That's sort of what a mutual defense pact means, defending them even if you don't agree with their methods.

This post fails on so many levels simultaneously.

They dont have an MDP, they have an ODP.

Even if they did have an MDP, they would not be required to support TPF aggression.

Lurk moar, foo!

Regardless of whether you are on one side or the other or neither in the current conflict, trolling Avalon here is just pathetic.

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Barix9, you know as well as any, the historical record shows Avalon brought to the field of battle in Karma nearly 28 nations, of which approximately 15 (if memory serves) were nuclear capable. Fighting valiantly for many months, weeks after all other conflicts in Karma had ceased, during the war, the ratio of nation sized destroyed by Avalon to nation size Avalon lost was approximately 6:1 (if memory serves).

Barix9, of ARES, when Avalon choose to activate her ODP and assist TPF against PC thereby entering the Karma conflict, and when subsequently PC had difficulties with Avalon and sought assistance, ARES was one of those recruited. Of the many alliances ultimately recruited to assist over the months, ARES proved by far the least effective.

Thus, maybe your lies come from over-compensation given your insecurity in your abilities. So immature I must assume you do not speak for your alliance's government. Checking wiki.... Oh lovely TFA you are. So spinning lies is now official ARES policy is it?

Barix9, please patiently wait for the decision of the Avalon Gov't with respect to this matter. Then, maybe, you'll have the chance to speak on the field of battle, and let your nation and/or alliance do the talking.

- eaglecat

The only difficulties PC had with Avalon is not having more than a handful of nations in range. Please get YOUR facts straight. There were several very honorable fighters in Avalon, but the hollow chest thumping the rest of you are doing is rather amusing. Previous poster was right though... there was seldom more than a half dozen in war mode at a time. The 6:1 ratio is also amusing.

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Newsflash, this just in: they don't care. They fought to ZI last time for months for TPF, and are happy to do it again. Best allies you could ever ask for. o/ Avalon.

As a former enemy of them I would have to agree. These guys gained a ton of respect from me. Fought and fought and fought. Always respectful and never a bad word from them.

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The only difficulties PC had with Avalon is not having more than a handful of nations in range. Please get YOUR facts straight. There were several very honorable fighters in Avalon, but the hollow chest thumping the rest of you are doing is rather amusing. Previous poster was right though... there was seldom more than a half dozen in war mode at a time. The 6:1 ratio is also amusing.

Absolutely. I was President of ARES at the time, and we maybe hit 3 or 4 Avalon nations. We came in with RAD, and we left with DT. The problem was that Avalon's nations were so small but with decent warchests they tore through our noobs like butter, and when they fought someone with real experience, they turned over and died. I do believe Avalon is a very honorable alliance, however I think you like to think it more then your actually worth it.

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This post fails on so many levels simultaneously.

They dont have an MDP, they have an ODP.

Even if they did have an MDP, they would not be required to support TPF aggression.

Lurk moar, foo!

Regardless of whether you are on one side or the other or neither in the current conflict, trolling Avalon here is just pathetic.

heh, I just saw them listed as allies on the CN Wiki and assumed they had an MDP.

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Firstly, my sincerest apologies to all who have read this thread for the rushed job I did in producing it. I had little intention of even checking the world news this morning before I left for the days affairs, however I woke up a few minutes early and decided to pass the extra time perusing the latest news. Unfortunately it was far greater than could be handled in the limited time available, and thus the post was not subject to an normal rigors of editing or proof reading before being sent out. Once again I would like to apologize to all for the typos and confusion and when I have rested and am next able to do so shall take care to make the necessary corrections.

Secondly in regards to the issue which can not be edited for clarity, but which has drawn many questions:

One last thing, what does the E stand for in DoE?

This is a Declaration of Enquiry such as: "enquiry - a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest" or as some of those speakers of a more modern form of the King's English may use "inquiry"

Avalon as a treaty partner of and long time friend to The Phoenix Federation is a fully vested involved party to any such dispute. As such we must make a decision upon a course of action, and that decision must be made based upon the facts of the situation as best as we are able to determine them. This thread serves as a public notice of such, especially given the limited time we have to work privately. Already it has helped draw a few more pieces of information to our attention, so it is serving its purpose to that end. We seek more information on the current situation because the facts of the case are not open and shut, and the exact nature of the truth of various claims dictates which side is acting with dishonour in this conflict.

Thirdly allow me to explain the following so that they are on record and hopefully will not be misunderstood again. Avalon holds an Optional treaty with The Phoenix Federation. Avalon has, and shall continue to refuse to agree to mandatory defense or aggression treaties, as doing so compromises the spirit and integrity of our code. While the norm may be to view the "optional" portion of a treaty as meaning "convenient", to us it implies "if our allies cause is honourable". Honour must always come first, and our aid is always predicated upon the cause of the recipient being a just one.

Lastly to address the rest of this thread, there is really no cause for such venomous tangents.

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Firstly, my sincerest apologies to all who have read this thread for the rushed job I did in producing it. I had little intention of even checking the world news this morning before I left for the days affairs, however I woke up a few minutes early and decided to pass the extra time perusing the latest news. Unfortunately it was far greater than could be handled in the limited time available, and thus the post was not subject to an normal rigors of editing or proof reading before being sent out. Once again I would like to apologize to all for the typos and confusion and when I have rested and am next able to do so shall take care to make the necessary corrections.

Secondly in regards to the issue which can not be edited for clarity, but which has drawn many questions:

This is a Declaration of Enquiry such as: "enquiry - a systematic investigation of a matter of public interest" or as some of those speakers of a more modern form of the King's English may use "inquiry"

Avalon as a treaty partner of and long time friend to The Phoenix Federation is a fully vested involved party to any such dispute. As such we must make a decision upon a course of action, and that decision must be made based upon the facts of the situation as best as we are able to determine them. This thread serves as a public notice of such, especially given the limited time we have to work privately. Already it has helped draw a few more pieces of information to our attention, so it is serving its purpose to that end. We seek more information on the current situation because the facts of the case are not open and shut, and the exact nature of the truth of various claims dictates which side is acting with dishonour in this conflict.

Thirdly allow me to explain the following so that they are on record and hopefully will not be misunderstood again. Avalon holds an Optional treaty with The Phoenix Federation. Avalon has, and shall continue to refuse to agree to mandatory defense or aggression treaties, as doing so compromises the spirit and integrity of our code. While the norm may be to view the "optional" portion of a treaty as meaning "convenient", to us it implies "if our allies cause is honourable". Honour must always come first, and our aid is always predicated upon the cause of the recipient being a just one.

Lastly to address the rest of this thread, there is really no cause for such venomous tangents.

Sooo... tl;dr mhawk screwed up and you arent losing your infra for TPF? Honorable indeed!

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In the interim until that time however, the provisional authority has begun an query into the matter. The Phoenix Federation has requested aid, and should our research conclude their cause honourable, Avalon must answer.

As of this point our investigators have examined the Declarations of War issued against The Phoenix Federation and determined that the accusations appear to be aimed at acts of war committed during war. The very concept was so ludicrous that we have instructed a thorough reexamination as we can not imagine anyone would be so contemptible as to do such.

While Avalon does not partake in acts of espionage as such, we recognize that they have long been considered legitimate means of continuing warfare by other means for many on Planet Bob and as such stand by The Phoenix Federation and their claim that these did not carry on past the war. They have never given us reason to doubt their sincerity, and Avalon thus shall take mhawk at his word at this time int he matter.

Thirdly allow me to explain the following so that they are on record and hopefully will not be misunderstood again. Avalon holds an Optional treaty with The Phoenix Federation. Avalon has, and shall continue to refuse to agree to mandatory defense or aggression treaties, as doing so compromises the spirit and integrity of our code. While the norm may be to view the "optional" portion of a treaty as meaning "convenient", to us it implies "if our allies cause is honourable". Honour must always come first, and our aid is always predicated upon the cause of the recipient being a just one.

You make it seem very clear in the OP that the basis of the current CB is "contemptible". Generally speaking contemptible and honorable are two words that do not go together. Then you say you trust mhawk and take his word (in that the espionage ended after the war).

So what will it be? Does aiding your allies compromise the spirit and integrity of your code?

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Sooo... tl;dr mhawk screwed up and you arent losing your infra for TPF? Honorable indeed!

WickedJ normaly I would agree with your statement but for those of you that dont know Avalon, it just doesnt fit here. Avalon places little value on their infra when it comes to friends. If Avalon states they are looking in to it and they find TPF is being unjustly prosecuted im sure you will see a DOW comming from them. The place more value on Honor and justice than any of the rest of us.

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WickedJ normaly I would agree with your statement but for those of you that dont know Avalon, it just doesnt fit here. Avalon places little value on their infra when it comes to friends. If Avalon states they are looking in to it and they find TPF is being unjustly prosecuted im sure you will see a DOW comming from them. The place more value on Honor and justice than any of the rest of us.

Well hell this investigation could last longer than the war

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