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Athens Declaration of War


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I'll remember these sage words if ever I create splinter cells to infiltrate and destroy other alliances.

Wait a minute... you can't fool me. I know I read earlier in this thread that you had a splinter cell created to infiltrate and destroy Zenith from the inside.

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Hopefully you'll remember them if you find your allies doing the same.

I have full confidence that my allies are smart enough not to do something so stupid. In the event they did then they would fully deserve whatever punishment came their way.

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Wait a minute... you can't fool me. I know I read earlier in this thread that you had a splinter cell created to infiltrate and destroy Zenith from the inside.

Well, that was minutes ago. Old news. Jeez stop dragging up ancient history!

Edited by Tygaland
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The burden of proof is not on me, just as in mathematics, the creator of an idea must prove it true in all cases before it can be accepted as such.

Except this isn't mathematics. You are accusing Athens of fabricating a CB. Therefore, the burden of proof is on you. So far, Athen is NOT GUILTY.

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The burden of proof is not on me, just as in mathematics, the creator of an idea must prove it true in all cases before it can be accepted as such.

So you didn't make these ridiculous claims:

I think were missing the real issue here, that this never happened. This is and was all a lie from the beginning, fabricated by Athens as an excuse to roll TPF. I, for one, find it difficult to see mhawk sending a rogue alliance to destroy Athens. Why should he give a !@#$? Give me one good reason mhawk would want to destroy Athens that isnt "they are bigger/stronger/whatever". The only reason I can see is that they arent freinds and TPF wants to rule the world, and frankly I think thats the purpose of every alliance, so are you going to declare war on everyone? Im sorry but this and the other declarations make absolutely no sense and until you can give me a non bs reason these cb's and these wars are invalid and irrelevant and I hope some of the larger players on the worlds stage can see that and stop people from doing this kind of thing.

The burden of proof is on you if you want anyone to listen to you...

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Men who view another man as illogical are often only looking at things from thier own viewpoint, and who can blame them? They were taught to feed the party line and so they do.

Oh yes, if you cant prove your point of view is correct then claim the higher ground. Is that how its done right?

You of course, have proof of your claims, right?

Of course he cannot. He cannot prove that infiltration with the aim of destroying an alliance from within is justifiable so he will make up baseless allegations that we cannot disprove by any normal logic. Our inability to beat his superior logic thus makes us the loser. Or fools for even trying. Whichever one you choose :P

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Except this isn't mathematics. You are accusing Athens of fabricating a CB. Therefore, the burden of proof is on you. So far, Athen is NOT GUILTY.

I am accusing athens of not exploring all the possible falses of thier declaration before presenting it as truth. They created the idea, not I.

and WC, does it look like I did? You may want to read what I said again.

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He went to sleep thinking this wouldn't happen for another day. Boy is he going to be surprised!

He won't be the only one. Poor Chief Savage Man is going to also find himself in a curious situation.

This is what happens when you sleep. Moral of this story; Never sleep, 4/20 play CN everyday.

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I am accusing athens of not exploring all the possible falses of thier declaration before presenting it as truth. They created the idea, not I.

and WC, does it look like I did? You may want to read what I said again.

Excuse me, TPF? Hey we were wondering if you could just give us your side of the story for these logs. What? Attack you? Never!

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I am accusing athens of not exploring all the possible falses of thier declaration before presenting it as truth. They created the idea, not I.

and WC, does it look like I did? You may want to read what I said again.

So its Athen's fault that TPF sent an alliance to infiltrate them but failed?

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I am accusing athens of not exploring all the possible falses of thier declaration before presenting it as truth. They created the idea, not I.

and WC, does it look like I did? You may want to read what I said again.

I'm accusing you of not exploring all the possible faults in your suggestion. I created this idea, do it.

Also yes.

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Excuse me, TPF? Hey we were wondering if you could just give us your side of the story for these logs. What? Attack you? Never!

How do you know the ZH members in question didnt fabricate the whole thing to get back at mhawk? Supposedly they left disgruntled, whats to say this isnt payback? Or maybe theres some other reason that is yet unknown to the masses? Im just saying maybe it isnt the best idea to go and declare wars without pursuing a diplomatic course first.

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If we had proof that you actually spied, we'd be have a serious chat. If it happened months ago while your faction and my faction were at war but you aren't currently doing it, I'd be the bigger man and just let it go.

You wouldn't really spy on Zenith, would you?

No Stumpy would only waste his time destroying alliances that are relevant...and a threat...Zenith doesn't fulfill either.

As long as you don't actually spy or perpetrate any thing against us, you'll be warmly welcomed.

And if you do he'll talk to you in a stern voice while he tries to figure out what to do with you. Heck Bob you might even have to sit in a corner and wear a dunce cap for 5 minutes.

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How do you know the ZH members in question didnt fabricate the whole thing to get back at mhawk? Supposedly they left disgruntled, whats to say this isnt payback? Or maybe theres some other reason that is yet unknown to the masses? Im just saying maybe it isnt the best idea to go and declare wars without pursuing a diplomatic course first.

We found Zero Hour to be very sincere and we trust them 100%. If we didn't, we wouldn't have declared war. There is a time for diplomacy, and then there is a time for war. There is no time for diplomacy in this case what so ever. Do you really think TPF would of contacted us before hand if they had information like this on Athens?

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No Stumpy would only waste his time destroying alliances that are relevant...and a threat...Zenith doesn't fulfill either.

Lol, very good, very good. Character attacks are so in vogue.

And if you do he'll talk to you in a stern voice while he tries to figure out what to do with you. Heck Bob you might even have to sit in a corner and wear a dunce cap for 5 minutes.

Good idea.

Now really, I've said my piece. I hope the entirety of the facts are brought out and a resolution beneficial to both sides can be found.

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