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Global Q and A session

Azrael Alexander

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

First Strike

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

The act of spying away a nuclear missile from us will be considered a first strike.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?


4. (Answer to #3) Why?

It's fun for the whole family!

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

The massive amount of trades on pink.

6. Are NAPs useless?


7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Yes, some alliances you are really close to.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?


9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

I can.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Depends on your definition of small

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?


14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Open Door with some caveats

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?


16. Current view concerning NPO?

Good group of guys

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Probably The Corporation

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?


19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

5, 3, 4, 2, 5

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Tight-knit group of friends with a medium-high NS

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Possibly inactivity.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

\m/, RoK, tLC

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

You can't uphold both treaties. Stay neutral.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?


27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?


30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?


30.2 ...Frostbite?

Possibly fun

30.3 ...Superfriends?

Decent peoples

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

lol Athens, lol reps

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?


33. Do you ever censor your members?


34. Are coups ever justifiable?


36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

Trollfest 2010?

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

I've been on the winning side of every great war and I've been on the winning side of every other war as well. I don't choose only powerful alliances it's just the way things worked out

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

We have elections for that

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Active membership, Competent gov, Good Allies

46. Current Government type?


47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Freedom, Fun, Power

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

No, but that's because it's GGA.

49. Do you believe in moral police?


50. What treaties do you have? It's a Cold Day in Shell - TKTB/NpO Protectorate

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

Not really

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are? 18-26 and a few around 30ish IIRC

61. Where do most of your members live?

USA and Canada

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

We haven't had any yet

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?


64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Founding, reaching 1 million NS.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Those are alliance plans not public plans.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Those are alliance plans not public plans.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?


69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?


70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Honor to me is staying true to your obligations and friends. The other questions can be answered from that.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

None of us.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?


75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

No comment.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Competent members with nukes and money.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?


78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

UJP, I'm unhappy with the result

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

It has some facets that are similar.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

We buy, 3m/100

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

Tech 3m/100

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Tensions between UJP and ~ and ~ disliking UJP-style of play

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

I have a few ideas...

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Recognition and Ghosts. Good thing.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No comment )):

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?


93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

I would expect every penny back in either cash or tech.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?


95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

Depends on the action

97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?


99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

They are doing something by existing. Yes they are isolationists.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

We can't know who is on their ZI list so we are not in the wrong. We defend our nations to our last breath.

Edited by Comrade Goby
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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

It depends on the mood we're in.

I believe in nukes. They're part of the game. Why not use them?

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

See #1.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

We allow it. I'm not sure if endorse is the right word.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Why not? Tech-raiding is part of the game. If you're not playing CN then you're in the wrong game.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

Don't ask me. Probably because IAA 1.0 was on blue. I'm personally not fond of it. (:wub: NpO etc.)

6. Are NAPs useless?

No. Unless you sign it with someone who you know will ignore it. Then I guess it would be pretty useless.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Absolutely not. I'm completely opposed to any aggression clause in a treaty.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

See questions #4 and #1. It's part of the game.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


10. What happened to this question? :unsure:

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Aren't all small alliance's major political players? :D On a serious note, my first choice would be LOUD.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

No. No alliance is neutral. Everyone slips up eventually.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Join IAA.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

In our charter it tells us that we can order military action via the Emperor, Grand Vizier (me! :D ), and Grand Admiral agreeing on the decision.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

I've never liked NPO, and they never seemed to like me. I think we can leave it at that.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

For me personally, I would have to say LOUD and R&R.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

Isn't that the one that says NPO owns red? Yeah, it's !@#$%^&*.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military: 4

Diplomacy: 5

Economic: 4

Internal: -3 :wub:

Stability: Over 9000

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Everyone voicing every opinion they could possibly hold in their entire life. Like seriously, it gets so annoying when things go on for pages of random text. But every once in a while there is an amazing idea in there that gets pulled out and makes it to the light of day. That's a good strength.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

We totally debate way too much on everything. Like, there's some !@#$ that happened weeks ago that people still aren't over. It's not that much of a weakness, it's just annoying. <_<

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

That merger with SSSW18 upped our percentage of people coming from their alliance by quite a bit. :3

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

By resolving it peacefully, or at least attempting to. Even though I'm pro-war, you abide by your treaties. Of course if I had my way, I wouldn't run into this problem because I wouldn't have any MADPs to begin with. ;)

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?


27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

Yes. But they shouldn't have been so stupid as to sign an MADP with someone they didn't agree with. Hence the illogical reasoning of the MADP!

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?: They're big.

30.2 ...Frostbite?: We're allied to 1/3 of them and I respect 2/3 of them.

30.3 ...Superfriends?: I've been friends with superfriends for months.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?: IAA is in C&G, didn't you hear?

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?: Uhm. It's complicated?

33. Do you ever censor your members?

<This message has been deleted.>

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Yeah sure. If the leader or government of an alliance is running you into the ground and you don't like it but you love your alliance/alliance members, why shouldn't you attempt to coup? It's easier (and more fun) than creating your own alliance and starting over from scratch.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

You cannot respectably tell me that you hate my friends.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

GWII: Victory

GWIII: Victory

Unjust War: Victory

War of the Coalition: Defeat

Karma War: Victory

I was in one or two other smaller skirmishes. They were victories too.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

If they officially accuse us of wrongdoing then we have a vote, etc. If they don't then they have no balls.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Define a 'good alliance'. Unity is the biggest. A unified alliance can do anything.

46. Current Government type?

Permanent leaders while the alliance votes for everything else.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Friendship and fun. What else do you need?

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

Of course not.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

There are no morals, only perspectives. The only true 'morals' are what admin says.

50. What treaties do you have?

Athens MDoAP

Greenland Republic MDoAP

League of Small Superpowers MDoAP

Invicta MDoAP


Nemesis MDoAP

New Polar Order MDoAP

Global Alliance and Treaty Organization MDP

Conservative Politically Allied Countries Protectorate

Imperium Romanum Protectorate

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

Perhaps. I believe we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

2. How can you have an alliance with yourself?

60. Age range most of your members are?

Because I definitely stalk them. I believe most are between 16 and 30.

61. Where do most of your members live?

Quite of few live in the southern USA.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Disbandment. Secession. Cookies.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?


64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Re-declaring existence is a pretty big step. Especially when there are people out there who weren't fond of us. Ooh ooh, another would be declaring that we have no hard feelings over anything that happened in our past life.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Get more people in the alliance active and participating.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Doing things that we enjoy.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

No, I'd be lol'ing too hard. I also dislike them because of the way they've treated former members.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Again with this MADP business? How many times have I said that I wouldn't have an MADP?

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honor is maintaining your principles no matter what is thrown at you. Supporting a friend for years and then throwing them away is extremely dishonorable. So is ignoring treaties you signed.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

I thought the CN Forums rules said that there is no flaming allowed? Both I assume.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

Diplomacy. War experience means nothing if your nation is 100 NS.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

LOUD. They'd never cancel a treaty.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Being able to fight for months (or years). That would take even the most prepared enemies down.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

I'm not disbanding an alliance because my opponents want me to. That's absolutely ridiculous.

78. Might makes right. True or false?

False. Just because you can kick someone's $@! doesn't mean you're allowed to.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

That's ancient history. I'd like to think that my side was in the right since we won. Unfortunately opinions and times change, and we always second-guess ourselves.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

I'm skipping to the end and saying that we need to eliminate the MDP web. I mean come on, it's ridiculous. At least in real-life nations have the courage to actually cancel treaties with countries that make them angry. In CN everyone wants to preserve peace instead of making war. They are called pixels. It's okay if you lose a few of them.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Buy tech. Whatever the buyer decides on.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

Eww donations. I really don't know.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation):

Stuff that went on. You like this Unjust War stuff eh? I'm not a historian. I live in the moment.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

Yes, but the boundaries keep shifting every time people think they have them pegged.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

It depends on how well the alliance can handle it.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

My alliance would not. They have scruples you know.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Oh come on. None of this treaty breaking. Breaking treaties is bad mmk? If I ever wrote a treaty, it would have all of these little clauses where if certain things like breaking treaties went on I don't have to uphold it.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

Give me back my damn 15 mil.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

lolrespect. People all think about respect in different ways. Sometimes you can say something little and set someone off, and other times people will say awful things and nobody seems to mind.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

That requires dignity and honor. Yes. But not if the alliance was really called the Fookheads. That's just stupid.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

lolisolationists. This game is a game of war. I could care less if they did anything, but neutrals and isolationists are just wasting bandwidth in my opinion. Peace is good in real life, but this is a game.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

ZI is immoral. Put this in your sig if you're down. :v

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I always love to hate doing these, lol. For whoever is interested:

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

Always nuke unless we feel it isn't warranted.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?


3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?


4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Basic freedom of an individual to war and enjoy the game. We infringe as little as humanly possible.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

It's home, it's always been home, and it's free of political meddling. Also probably the only sphere with such an obsession on unity that we've been doing, or talking, about it the entire damn time we've been around.

6. Are NAPs useless?

Only if one of the parties won't honor it. I don't believe they're good 'stepping stone' treaties, but I believe they can be useful in diffusing things, among other things.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Yes, and mostly because it's a nice excuse. :P I have to get involved. No, really! Other than that, it's symbolic, but again it depends on the parties how much that's worth.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

No. Too much collateral damage.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

None, currently.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Yes, but I also consider recent moves !@#$%^&-ish. Doesn't make them any less neutral, though.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

IRC Interview.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?


16. Current view concerning NPO?

Worthless shell of an alliance I once liked.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?


18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

$%&@ no. All of NPO's doctrines were !@#$ ideas.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military: 5

Diplomacy: 4 (We can be very, very lazy when we feel like it)

Economical: 5

Internal Organization: 4

Stability: 5

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Near constant stability, aiding, and participation since our founding. Open dialogue with membership while also maintaining a simplistic and autocratic government. Managing to ensure we can play as we will without foreign threat.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Recruitment. Seriously, you don't even know.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

ENA, Illuminati. We had a lot of IBCers at one point but that's not the case anymore, unfortunately.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

I drop them like it's hot. If one of my MADP partners declared on another, presumably with no warning so I could choose a side, it'd show such a level of disrespect for our friendship that I'd probably attack them myself.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

Si senor.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

Yup. You have to live with your mistakes. Cancel after the war, but honor it for the war. Morality doesn't justify breaking your contracts.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

Some bright spots amongst a lot of vitriolic ones.

30.2 ...Frostbite?

Too much talk for so little ability to walk.

30.3 ...Superfriends?

People who took us in at a time when we were broken and isolated and treated us right. Damn cool, and has only added people I already thought were the !@#$ since - RnR, MA, RoK, CSN.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

Awesome and probably the most SF-like bloc in the game right now, but they have some bad taste in allies that extends to almost all of them, with a few exceptions.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

They say scum gathers at the bottom.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

In public, sometimes, but you'd never know it. We don't break ranks in public. In private, absolutely never.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

God no.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

A shrug. Heard it before and it's not all wrong. I'm my worst critic and not a lot that people can say will ever top what I say to myself in my head. Something I learned in UJW, lol. <_<

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

GW3 - Victory over the Pink Panthers.

UJW - Loss to a collection of people who later dropped dead.

CDT/SF-Illuminati - Victory, surrender of Illuminati later followed by disbandment.

Karma - Victory, surrender of Echelon, AB, GDA and NPO.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

Drum them out. We're not a democracy, we never will be, and anyone trying to pull us that way will find themselves quite unwelcome.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Efficiency, unity and vision.

46. Current Government type?

Emperor + Tri, with the Tri getting sovereignty over the three key departments. Tri appointed by Emperor. Emperor and relevant Triumvir both required to approve treaties, war, etc. [FA Tri + me have to approve MDPs, for instance]

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Freedom and Sovereignty.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

Are you !@#$ting me? No.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

I believe they exist and I believe in killing them - does that count?

50. What treaties do you have?

Many, none of which I regret.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?


56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?

Don't ask, don't tell. OOC details don't matter within GOD, and that's how I prefer it.

61. Where do most of your members live?

North America, with some exceptions.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Getting completely outmaneuvered in UJW, being left alone with no allies in the aftermath (our UJW friends wanted nothing to do with us), being utterly wrecked to the foundation by the sheer number of the people ~ threw at us (this was before war chests were common).

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

Far, far stronger. It gave us a voice - we stopped acting like a Jr ally among our stronger friends, and made sure we were heard, consulted, and a part of all overarching strategy. It's safe to say it's the reason we are like we are, whatever you feel about that.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Protectorate with VE, war with NONE, merger with IBC, entrance into UJW, admittance into SF, perma-MADP with VE, war with LOFN, and our hand in Karma - in chronological order.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Recruit, grow, import tech by the planetful.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Wait for someone to try and start a Hegemony


Beat them into the !@#$@#$ pavement

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?


69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

You enter. If you're retarded enough to ally someone you're not morally compatible with, I feel honoring the treaty is penance and a good way of teaching yourself to be more careful screening in the future.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honor is abiding by what you sign, dishonor is not. It's really that black and white.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Neither. Verbal sparring is one of the funnest parts of the game.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

War experience. Even the best diplomatic team in the world can only hold belligerents off for so long.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

MK, iFOK, Genesis. Surprise.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

The system setup fueling it and the people in it.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

Nukes, spying and basically everything in the playbook. If peace isn't on the table, neither is the rulebook.

78. Might makes right. True or false?

False. Might makes the end result, it doesn't make the result 'right'.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

I feel the UJP were in the right, but I'm happy with the result. It knocked some sense into a lot of us that made us far, far more stronger for it.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

It bears some similarity but not as much, as financial aid counts for less in CN than RL. The FA on this game for me most closely resembles the period in time when the Roman empire was fragmenting.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Majority buys. 3/100.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?


83. What was the cause of the Unjust War?

Polar being @#$#!.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?


85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

It's a landmark, but little else. The only real good thing about it is you get your flag in game, which is a nice boost to morale.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No. Only in a war of disbandment.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Cancel the NAP, wait out the period, then attack. Cancel on Fookheads as soon as the war is concluded.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

No. 15m is change these days. If it was 3x that, though, we'd probably burn him down.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

There's such a thing, but it's rare.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

No, but they often can.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

I'd have already hit ILovePooNuggets long before they cooked up a questionable CB.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

Yes. No, they're not isolationists.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

Diplomacy and reps to my member or it goes full scale.

Edited by Xiphosis
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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

First Strike policy

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

As above

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

No- unless its Athens ;)

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Meh- it's just what we do I suppose. We are quite a 'hippy' alliance.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

I think it is because Pope Hope that there we no alliances on Orange and an opportunity beckoned.

6. Are NAPs useless?


7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

We have considered signing a MADP on 3 occasions- with Polar, IRON and Legion (lulz). At the moment- they are a huge blow to our sovereignty and we will not sign them. Perhaps one day we will build up the required relationship to consider a MADP again- but not in the foreseeable future.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?


9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

The Resistance is up-and coming. The international is more established- but has got a good team of people around it- and it can get become a bigger player. So one of those two.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Personally, yes. But the alliance has no official position on TDO

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Applicant interviews and a month-long recruitment process.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

It really does depend on the situation.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

Meh- we will probably never be friends with them (Citrus War anyone?) but we don't hate them or anything.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

We are pretty close to FoB. We still have a lot of love for legion too.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?


19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

3.5 - probably higher- but we need a war to make sure

4 - Not too shabby cosidering the bias people hold against us. It took a lot of diplomatic effort to change our FA policy over the last year.

4 - we have been the 3rd - 5th (monthly fluctuations) largest importer of tech for some time now. Considering our shrinking member base our growth has been pretty good.

3.5 - we need higher IRC use- but our forums are among the most active and our communications department is very effective.

5 - longest continually sanctioned alliance in the game :v:

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Community. We're pretty close knit.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Our international image- it's going to be hard to shrug off.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

The ODN.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

We drop both and save our pixels :awesome:

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?


27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

No. If they have solid reasons for cancelling- they should cancel.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Don't really know most of them too well- many of them openly dislike us. I wouldn't say we have much of a feeling towards them.

30.2 ...Frostbite? Very solid group. We respect STA and NpO immensely.

30.3 ...Superfriends? Meh. We really like RnR- and RoK and Fark aint bad. But we don't have much to do with the rest.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? They are scum and should be wiped off the face of the earth.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? No Comment

33. Do you ever censor your members?

Yes. But only when they are dropping important information on the BBs or openly insulting other alliances.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?


36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I'd feed off your criticisms and flame you futher :P

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

Oh man... We lost the citrus war- and lost against GOONS once. I think we won the rest :P

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

We elect new officials in a bloodless coup every 2 months ;)

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Activity, intelligence and commitment.

46. Current Government type?


47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Peace, Caek and Land

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.


49. Do you believe in moral police?


50. What treaties do you have?


55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?


56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?


61. Where do most of your members live?

Leaders- Canada. Plebs- US of A.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Dropping our friends. Losing wars. Walker Ninja :P

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

Hmm. We became weaker after the first two. Losing the Citrus war made us meek. Dropping our friends made us embarrassed. Stronger after the last one though.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Founding. ORRPLE pact with Legion. LUEnited for Orange. OUT (at the time anyway) and our new FA goals.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

We hope to get back to 400 members- after our new policy of quality > quantity we want to hit 400 members. No real reason other than the fact it's a cool number :P

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Solidify our current position. We are having exchanges to get close to our allies. We would also like to publically show our commitment to our orange allies and to our C&G ones too.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

No- they don't fit with out current goals at all.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

We fight with them- but tell them we are to drop the treaty after the war.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honor is a terrible misspelling of honour. An alliance is honourable for losing its stats for it's friends and it's morals.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

GOONS. It's always GOONS' fault...

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

War experience- wars come along from time to time- and if you never fight them- people lose respect for you.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

Ooh- good question. Maybe Polaris- we share 3 mutual allies and we liked them in the past. However, any treaty is, for obvious reasons, out of the question for the present time.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?


77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

FAN style. FAN are full of win ;) The ODN will never disband- not when we have so much history.

78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

The Unjust cause was in the right. We were not happy with the result. On a side note- the NPO should have defended GOONS.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

Comparing CN to RL is a huge pain! The current FA landscape closely resembles the modern world because of the lack of "sides."

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Buy- 3/100 only

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?


83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Split off from the WUT

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

No. Speculation is needless.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Bad. Not only do you have to deal with ghosts- but you have to deal with higher publicity and people watching your every move for a fault.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No- not after the Citrus War.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Well, as we don't have an NAP we help out the Fookheads.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

He pays it back. Same amount.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

There is no such thing as respect on the CNF :P

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

No- but the ODN has (Not naming any names...)

97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

We help the ally.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

Isolationists. As long as they don't pretend to be anything other than that- I have no issue with them.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

We back our member. The NPO is in the wrong- we will not cave into them.

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

If warranted

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?


3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?


4. (Answer to #3) Why?

My first alliance allowed it. I was the one who did most of the diplomatic clean up when it went wrong. Got tired of dealing with it real quick, so when writing the charter for Genesis, we decided against allowing it.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

It's my favorite color. Beyond that, trades, and our then protector NpO was on blue.

6. Are NAPs useless?

No. They can be helpful for strategic reasons, assuming both parties honor the word and spirit of the treaty.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

I know they exist. I also know there are very few alliances I would trust enough to sign an MADP with.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

Depends on the situation. Normal large scale war, no. Nuclear rogue that shows no sign of going away, sure.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Who said they would?

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?


14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Applicant interviews

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

We believe in protecting ourselves and our allies, whatever it takes.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

Don't care

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

The Resistance, OSA, GOD, UINE

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

Nope. And these days, neither do they.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military - 4

Diplomacy - 5

Economical - 3

Internal Organization - 4

Stability - 5

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Gov is open and honest with members, input is welcome by members new and old, great sense of unity.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Probably recruitment

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

ODN, maybe IRON. In the beginning, we had some from TOP and Old Guard as well.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

Drop alliance A and attack them for being idiots. I can't have one of my allies attacking another of my allies. That's just plain wrong.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

It's not something we tend to practice, but it's not banned either.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

You honor your MADP. If you're going to cancel, do it once the war is over.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

Neutral on them. There are many people in Cit I like and respect, but I don't know all of them well enough to have a well informed opinion.

30.2 ...Frostbite?

Love them.

30.3 ...Superfriends?

Seriously need to get to know them better. If recent trends continue, I'll probably find more common ground there than I once would have thought.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

Love them. Even if I don't agree with some recent moves by certain members.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

Haven't heard much out of them recently.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

Not typically. It's happened a few times in extreme cases though.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?


36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I'd listen to your rant and consider its implications. I'd investigate to see whether its true and take action if I felt necessary.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

BLEU v GUN and FIST - BLEU victory

BLEU v NADC II - BLEU victory

Genesis v Universalis - hollow victory for Genesis

Genesis v MHA (WotC) - MHA victory

Genesis v GRAN, VA (Karma) - victory for Genesis

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

They are free to leave if they dislike it that much.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Stability, community, integrity, vision

46. Current Government type?

Trinity (like a Triumvirate) oversees the alliance, appointed for life by other Trinity. Congress oversees their respective departments. 4 of those positions are appointed by Trinity, 1 is elected by the membership.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

That is possible to have fun in this game without stooping to levels below our standards.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

Seriously. WTF. No.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

They exist. I don't like it though.

50. What treaties do you have?

MDoAPs with NpO, GR, MK, ARES, NV, Ronin. PIATs with TFD, Invicta, MHA, UCN, Vanguard. Economic Blunity treaty.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

Not likely.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?

Varies widely

61. Where do most of your members live?

Fairly evenly split between here and elsewhere.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

When a founder and 10-15 members left and formed Universalis. I believe most of how we handled that was a mistake. I'd do it differently now.

When we got rolled by MHA for being in BLEU and not being part of the big boys club in 1V. This wasn't as much of a crisis as it could be, MHA were really cool about the whole thing. But while the war was going on, we learned a thing or two about not being prepared as much as we should have been.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

If we'd become weaker because of crises, we'd have no business still being an alliance.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Founded in June of 07, immediate protectorate with NpO, who later became our oldest and longest standing ally. Much love there. Joining BLEU. BLEU getting blown up and then dying of its own accord afterward. The Karma war, where we helped our friends in MOON.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Those plans are internal for a reason

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Maintain our good relations with our allies, reach out to a certain select few others.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

lol no

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Morals have no place in it. You signed a treaty, you honor it. If you have to cancel post war, do it then. Not a second before.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honor your word. Be it your treaties, your promises, your intentions, even if they fail.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?


73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

They're 2 sides of the same coin, you need both.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

STA, GOD, Vanguard. Yeah I know what an odd combination that is.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Having everyone on board and on the same page.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

I'm not going to disband the alliance over a war, I can promise you that.

78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

I'm happy with the result.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

Not enough bribery in CN to mimic real life. No real legit ways of using blackmail, extortion, etc. So I'd say hardly any resemblance.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Very nearly half and half. 3 mil/100 tech

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

The majority doesn't participate in donation deals.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

It's widely considered to because sponge wanted it to happen.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?


85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Wouldn't be worth it to me. I'd spend too much time and effort dealing with rogue wars and other such non sense that isn't as bad with smaller alliances.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)


91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Pretty shoddy move of them to attack a treaty partner. I'd probably have to help them out as per the MADP, and give them the boot after.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

We have a policy that states any aid received is subject to repayment if the nation leaves within a set period of time, with gov having the ability to give waivers.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

There is idiocy on the CN forums.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

Not usually. But it happens.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

Sometimes, but not always.

97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

If an ally of mine tells me they are being forced to cancel a treaty to avoid a war.. yeah that's not going to sit well with me. That MADP would be honored prior to the announcement of the cancellation.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

That's a random question. But yes, and no.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

I'd do what any serious alliance leader would do. Go talk to the NPO. If talks break down, then it goes full scale. Though I can't see any real reason a situation like this would need to go full scale. Maybe I'm naive.

Edited by empirica
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speaking only for myself:

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

- nope.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

- sure.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

- nope.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

- in-alliance aid and tech deals much more beneficial

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

- we have a colour ??

6. Are NAPs useless?

- depends on who you sign them with

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

- belief is relative

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

- a dick move, but it's enabled by the game

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

- http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/cybernat...bc/Custom62.png

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

- no comment

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

- democracy is neutral ?

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

- open-door, but they have to find us; and we're not hard to find ;)

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

- nope

16. Current view concerning NPO?

- no comment

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

- FARK !!

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

- no comment

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

- military 3

- diplomacy 2

- economical 4

- internal 3

- stability 4

where did #20 go ?

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

- we like to have fun

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

- we like to have fun

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

- me papa was irish and me mama was chinese

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

- make popcorn

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

- no comment

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

- no comment

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

- no comment

30.2 ...Frostbite?

- no comment

30.3 ...Superfriends?

- no comment

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

- no comment

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

- no comment

33. Do you ever censor your members?

- i don't think so ... hey kristoff, what are you doing with that fish, no, ah, aghh, ugh.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

- i prefer teacups, myself

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

- make popcorn

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

- we're still here

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

- plenty of alliances out there

45. What traits make a good alliance?

- like-mindedness

46. Current Government type?

- benevolent libertarian dictatorship with voting rights ;)

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

- we like to have fun

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

- no comment

49. Do you believe in moral police?

- we believe morale is important

50. What treaties do you have?

- FARK !!!

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

- can't wait to get out of it, frankly - a new ghost every day and every 3d one goes rogue and it's just too much sometimes i want to give up and go back to being a newbie, but i know too much and they won't let me go and it just goes on and on and on and *slap*

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

- if they act like an alliance, they're an alliance

60. Age range most of your members are?

- we rule at arcade games - what does that tell ya ?

61. Where do most of your members live?

- planet earth

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

- salted or unsalted popcorn

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

- we became more salted

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

- make popcorn

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

- make popcorn

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

- make popcorn

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

- make popcorn

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

- make popcorn

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

- making popcorn well; making popcorn poorly or making poor popcorn

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

- bad batch of popcorn

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?


75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

- is there a popcorn-making alliance bloc ?

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

- nukes help

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

- well, disbanding would mean no more popcorn - and nukes can make lots of popcorn at once !

78. Might makes right. True or false?

- POPCORN makes right !

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

- we made popcorn

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

- we'll share our popcorn if you'd like

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

- we love tech deals almost as much as popcorn !! 3 for 50 internally.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

- no comment

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

- not enough popcorn

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

- another popcorn shortage ?

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

- getting it is easy, getting out of it is hard !! the troublesome ghosts eat of all our popcorn !!

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

- only if they threatened our popcorn supply

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

- make popcorn

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

- pff, 15 million ??

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?


95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

- no comment

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

- no comment

97. Quality or Quantity?

- oooh, quality popcorn vs quantity popcorn, hmmmmmm - gonna have to coinflip that one ;)

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

- make popcorn

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

- make popcorn; no WTF is not isolationist - we just like to have fun

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

- and for the last time, you guessed it, MAKE POPCORN !!!

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Sure, why not, it's 5:09am and I'm avoiding doing more important things.

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? This falls under the proverbial "gentleman's agreement" - it's always polite to ask first and if the other side is unwilling, cool.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? See #1.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? Both The German Empire and The Sasori Initiative did, under guidelines.

4. (Answer to #3) Why? Tech raiding does provide some opportunity to gain experience in 'verse combat techniques.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color? I think most of us were on it when it was founded, not like it was a big deal.

6. Are NAPs useless? There's no point in having a piece of electronic paper to the effect of one unless you're trying to win political points.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? If I signed one I would.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? No.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? It's not my flag anymore and the PYSAS doesn't have one... yet.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? UINE probably, don't know about others.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral? I do.

14. Current recruitment? If someone wants to sit on the AA that's cool with me.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? Sure.

16. Current view concerning NPO? They're cool peeps.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? Misfit Nations, probably.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? Yes and yes.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: 1 for military, 5s for the rest.

21. What are your alliance's strengths? It's me.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? It's me.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? The German Empire, The Sasori Initiative.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? You avoid getting into it in the first place by not signing the stupid things to start with.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? Yes, and I do make the distinction between PZI and EZI.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP? No.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Big, scary, ineffective.

30.2 ...Frostbite? Eh.

30.3 ...Superfriends? I've not been impressed.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Coolest of the lot.

33. Do you ever censor your members? I never censor myself.

34. Are coups ever justifiable? Yes, they're just impossible to pull off and a waste of time.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? "Cool, thanks for sharing, I'll pass it along."

38. State the results of any wars you have been in. Won NoCB, won Stand-or-Die, lost Karma.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? Change the government.

45. What traits make a good alliance? Thinking things through before doing them.

46. Current Government type? Autocratic / Fascist (jackboots are cool)

47. What are your alliance's ideals? Having a laugh at someone else's expense.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. Sure.

49. Do you believe in moral police? They exist, I just think they're stupid.

50. What treaties do you have? None and it's staying that way.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? It's why I'm on gray.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+? 1

60. Age range most of your members are? 20s

61. Where do most of your members live? In my house.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? Crushing boredom.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Not sure.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? The establishment of an anthem.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? More mead.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future? More wenches.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? See 30.4

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? Wouldn't have signed an MADP.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Honor is whatever the masses think is cool at the time.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? Yes.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? Yes.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? Prism Protection Front.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Activity.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? FAN did it right.

78. Might makes right. True or false? True.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? Wasn't around, don't care.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted? CN politics resemble a bunch of children sitting in a sandbox throwing things at each other / glaring at each other and they all happen to be at the middle school reading level or higher.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? Can't be bothered.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? See 30.4

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) See 79

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? It'll be something small and dumb, probably over the cupcakery or some nonsense.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? It's a chance to wave your numbers in the air like you just don't care.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) Can't be bothered.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? Not sign an MADP.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? 15mil is 15mil.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? If there was it's not here anymore.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) Sure.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) Sure.

97. Quality or Quantity? Quality.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty? Enough with the MADP stuff already.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? NADC are actually a decent bunch who did me a solid during the Karma War so, yeah, they did stuff.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do? Stand up for the member - secret lists are stupid.

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I'll play...

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

Authorization by Captain, Lieutenant and Quartermaster. Only against nuclear capable (or nuclear offensive - spying away nukes) nations.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

As above. We consider spying away a nuke, or attempting to spy away a nuke a nuclear attack though.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

It allows us with clearance from the Quartermaster.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Tech-raiding is part of the life of an unaligned nation. If we didn't, someone else would. In practice, very few of our people ever tech raid, but it is a right they have, and provided they do it correctly, no harm is done and everybody gets to enjoy CN just that little bit more.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

Brown suits our theme.

6. Are NAPs useless?

It depends. Given the general character and attitude of Bob and the people who are here, they are.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Personally, no I don't. MDoAP's give you some leeway in case your ally does something god-awfully idiotic. That said, I'd still honour the Defensive part of the arrangement if they were counter-attacked.[/i[

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

I've always separated politics and economics as much as I possibly can. Using economics as a tool to beat your opponent with is smart, but not honourable.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

Indeed I can.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

57th Overlanders, obviously.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

You can't be neutral and have treaties at the same time, even economic ones. That said, they're more neutral than most.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

We interview people, and there's a minor test they have to take to become a full member.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

Preemptive nuclear strikes? No. Preemptive attacks on other alliances without a proper CB? No.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

They were bad folk, I still don't trust them, but they do have a point with regards to the current state of things.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Probably ICB or UBD.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

In a word, no. You can claim sovereignty over an entire sphere, and the NPO managed to actually hold on to it for quite some time. Which is impressive work. Doesn't mean it's right though.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military: 4, Diplomacy: 2 (we're not easy to get on with), Economical: 5, Internal Org: 5, Stability: 5.

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Organization, without a doubt. Community, commitment, intelligence all that good stuff.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

We can be arrogant, which annoys people. We're also not exactly known for our ability to forgive and forget. Well, we are, just not in the good way.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

Most of them are new people, or have come through with us from the Hegemony of Periphery States. Though we have picked up a few others along the way, no "typical" one though.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

Why on earth would I sign a MADP? To be honest, without knowing more of the details, any answer I give here is inherently flawed. That said it would, I'd have hoped, been discussed beforehand, if not, Alliance A has probably violated the terms of the treaty rendering it void. (There's usually something about keeping us abreast of plans). In such a scenario, I'd be inclined to back alliance B, regardless of the situation considering our treaty with alliance A was voided the moment they attacked.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

That term means different things to different people. I believe in keeping the same nation at zero-infrastructure. I don't believe in transferring that sentence across different nations (even ones controlled by the same person).

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

This is why people shouldn't sign MADP's. The Fookheads are morons for getting themselves into that position in the first place. They have no good choice available to them. Both options are dishonourable, so yes, though in this situation at the least they can hold their head high and say that did what the believed to be right.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

No opinion of them.

30.2 ...Frostbite?

An interesting group.

30.3 ...Superfriends?

I like RIA. The rest we have little to no communication with.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

I like the look of them, but haven't talked to them much.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

Haven't seen much of them about lately...

33. Do you ever censor your members?

Rarely, if ever, on the OWF, though they're all told the rules of proper conduct. At times when dealing with another alliance we have rocky relations with. I don't particularly enjoy doing it though, and they appreciate that.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?


36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I'd tell you that you probably weren't burdened by an overabundance of schooling, so why don't we just ignore each other until we go away? Then my members would probably flame you, apparently.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

Er... mostly defeats, bar a few skirmishes early on and the last war we had against RDD.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

This is when I break out the Jayne quote "You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til you understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Organization, Creativity, "Fun", Good community.

46. Current Government type?

Going to guess you mean of the alliance - dictatorship.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?


48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

They're free to do as they please, though I think the less of them for it, and if they did attack someone, well, their CB is less than ironclad.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

I think they're there, but I don't think they have half the power they seem to think they have.

50. What treaties do you have?

Read the wiki...

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

It's possible, but easily two years off yet.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

Communities start with 1, alliances start with 10.

60. Age range most of your members are?

Early to mid twenties.

61. Where do most of your members live?

Mostly US I think, but we're more diverse than most from what I can tell. Fair few Canadians too.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Too many to count.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

Eventually stronger, even if we don't see it at the time, or it takes us a while to figure out the how.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Going over the 50 member mark (we were set against it for about a year). The decision to only sign MDP's and MDoAP's. Expanding out into other games. The decision to form (almost didn't happen). Moving back to Brown. The style of government. We've made other decisions that are important, but in terms of historic decisions, those would be it.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

100 members and 1 million NS by mid-Spring.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

You realize where this is right?

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?


69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Why do people keep signing MADP's? There is no good option here. I'm assuming that The Hydra Clan are attacking. If they're being attacked, there's no question, we're coming to their defence. If they're attacking, I'll talk to my members. At the end of the day though, if I can't look my members in the eye and tell them we're doing the right thing, then I'd see the war through, one way or the other, and resign thereafter for making such a grossly terrible decision.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honour is keeping your word. Pure and simple. You keep your word, your an honourable alliance. You don't, you're not. Honour is not a difficult concept to grasp in the way that the internet has come to see it.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Nobody. They're words. People have them sometimes. Grow a thicker pair of skin if it offends you.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

Ultimately, war experience. You're going to go to war at some point, no matter how good your FA skills. Your ability to survive and keep your economic base intact is what's important.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Organization. Proficiency with the war system. Correct target selection. More men, guns and nukes helps of course.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

I'm going to assume that those are the two options available. I'd do both. Disband and leave roam free those who want to have no part in it, and lead the guerrillas myself FAN style.

78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

It can at times. Not very often, but in general sweeps it does, and certainly in particular situations. It varies by situation though, so there's no general era you can equate it with. Change it? Last time we tried changing it things seem to have gotten worse, so no... let's leave well enough alone.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Sell, 3 million for 50 tech.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Before my time I'm afraid.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

I do.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Mostly a morale booster. It's a good thing.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Seriously, first, I'd stop signing MADP's. Secondly, I'm obliged to follow my own treaties, regardless of what The Fookheads do.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

Repay the cash back.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

There is, I've yet to see said fabled beast though.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

Treaties are deterrents. We're still a sovereign alliance and if we feel we have to intervene, then we bloody well will.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

Pay reparations to one of NPO's fighters for the exact damage caused. Tell NPO to call that bloke who attacked one of my own off. If it leads to a potential war then so be it, but I'm hardly going to leave one of my own members be ZI'd because of something he had no knowledge of. Obviously if he had that changes things, but I'm assuming the best here.


Edit: Fixed formatting.

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It seems whenever I answer questions from Shamshir needless drama ensues so naturally, I couldn't resist.

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? Launch ‘em if you got ‘em.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? Reciprocity.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?We prefer to refer to this as an exercise in socialist engineering, technology and land redistribution so to speak, but yes we do.

4. (Answer to #3) Ourmembers enjoy the odd bit of war and we consider personal freedom important and in the spirit of fair play we only take from those nations who aren’t using these resources or participating more broadly in the economy of Planet bob. For our guidelines governing such activities view our Wiki entry.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color? Trades, the suggestion/prodding of Umbrella and the fact that nothing looks better on a nation than Black, it just never goes out of style.

6. Are NAPs useless?Pretty much.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause) I believe they have a purpose and a place, but neither of those for my particular alliance.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?Yes, it’s a weapon just like nukes or naval blockades only harder to get. If you go up against an alliance with a senator and you’re on their color, expect them to use it.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?You already have it :P

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? I cannot answer this without a proper definition of “small”.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?I haven’t thought about them in months before reading this question so whether-or-not they are is obviously not a concern of mine.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)We have a rather long application process, but (almost) all are welcome to apply (Woot! successfully avoided the temptation to make a play on words with option one!).

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? In certain circumstances, yes.

16. Current view concerning NPO?Sad that DM is gone.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?Me personally or OSA? OSA, I would say MFO and Olympus. Personally, the non-allied rulers I talk to the most are in TOP, TPF, Umbrella (though we are in NOIR together), Olympus and MK.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?Not really, but I have in the past supported less extensive (ie, based on stringent economic criteria) protection for unaligned nations, first on aqua and more recently on Black.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military = 3

Diplomacy = 3

Economical = 4

Internal Organization = 4

Stability = 5

21. What are your alliance's strengths?Our openness and collegiality.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?We’re not so open that we would make that sort of information public :P

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?OSA is the first alliance for a majority of our members.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? Personally I would probably remain neutral, but all such decisions in my alliance are put to a general vote. I really hope there isn’t another MADP question in this list, its getting a bit old.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?In certain exceptional circumstances, possibly, but it’s rather silly as a general proposition.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?Only if they cancel after the war has begun, and after serious attempts at persuading the Asgards not to act in violation of their [Fookheads] values, and MADP is a very serious treaty, and it is reasons like this why they are a bad idea for most alliances. I’m not going to answer anymore of these MADP questions, they are just stupid.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? I like Umbrella a lot and some people in TOP (Hello, LM, Celial and Inferno!), but I’m generally ambivalent towards them, they might stop by and say hello if they cared, but they don’t so meh in their position I would probably do the same in that regards, Janax isn’t too bad either I must say though I was not always of this opinion.

30.2 ...Frostbite?Polar seem like an interesting group with a strong community, and NSO and STA each have a member or two I consider to be the sort of people the community as a whole would suffer their loss should they ever depart.

30.3 ...Superfriends?I like Fark and can find some of Delta’s posts mildly amusing and occasional a bit clever, but not really a fan of the group, and certainly not of some of its members.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?MK has some interesting people, and I’ve heard goods things about =LOST= but that’s about it.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?Not had too much interaction with any of its members, so ambivalent I guess.

33. Do you ever censor your members?Nope, it would violate our charter to do so.

34. Are coups ever justifiable? Yes.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?”Ignore” is a great feature, more people need to learn to use it more often. If it were on the OWF, I would respectfully disagree and intesrt some not too subtly disguised witty insinuations of my own regarding your character for good measure.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in. I’ve not fought in any alliance wars.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? I’d give my opinion naturally, and try to persuade people to see things my way but OSA’s membership have the power and ability to modify the Source code as needed provided the fundamental tenants of openness, transparency and democracy are not seriously compromised.

45. What traits make a good alliance? An active, strong community based on a reasonable level of mutual respect and similar interests.

46. Current Government type?In simplest terms OSA is a democratic alliance, where the members have delegated certain decisions making powers to elected officials, but retain the right to overturn or compel the decisions of those officials, or to remove them from office prematurely, as well as having the ability to introduce legislation or charter amendments of their own accord. We also have strict term limits for all offices.

47. What are your alliance's ideals? Openness, friendship, education, transparency, respect, cooperation and a love of open source software.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. I wasn’t around for that but as I would never be in a green alliance it wouldn’t have ever been an issue for me.

49. Do you believe in moral police? Nope, but they exist, just without any powers of arrest, defense or detention.

50. What treaties do you have?NOIR (Black team Unity and ODP), a PIAT (though more like an MDP in all but name) with SNAFU, and an MDoAP with Ronin.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?No, and we have no aspiration to be. Unless you are talking about me personally being sanctioned by a senator, then yes absolutely when I quit and hit the people on my rogue list if they are still around I fully expect to be sanctioned.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?Five. One person is a rogue, or loner, two is a duo, three is those two guys with a mate, five shows you’re serious about things, or lazy both work for me.

60. Age range most of your members are? OSA’s demographics can be easily divided into three distinct camps, the two largest are teenagers and the young adults (twenty to twenty seven) at about thirty to forty percent each and the rest are all over that.

61. Where do most of your members live? We’ve got about six Asians and Aussies, six or seven Virginians, about a fifteen other North Americans, an Israeli and the rest, a slight minority overall, are from Europe.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? Just one to my knowledge: Staving off deletion after a malicious attempt to use altered logs and screenshots to have our government deleted by the mods (obviously it failed!).

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Stronger, if perhaps somewhat more suspicous I would hope.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?Our DoE, buying our first nukes, sending our first recruitment PMs to new nations, signing our first MDoAP with Ronin, starting project Cookie Monster.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? Economically for the next quarter, get the remaining n00bs wondered up, add about 6-7 more WRCs, about 160 more nukes, and commence large scale tech importation. We’ve got a reorganization of our communications department and forums on the horizon as well. I keep hearing rumors of a new flag, but haven’t seen much movement. We would like to get a few more ‘new’ members, while we are happy with 50 members, we would like to have about 60-65 for our anniversary.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?You’ll have to wait and see.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? No.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?For the sweet love of tech, not another stupid hypothetical MADP question, we know you don’t like them, get the #$%& over it already.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Honour is whatever you make it out to be, its having a moral code and abiding by it. Failing to meet your obligations or disrespectful conduct would make an alliance dishonorable. Or having an umlaut in their name, that works as well :P

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?Doesn’t sound like me, but obviously the GOONS member.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?Diplomacy.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?Free choice and implied mutual agreement? Then: Umbrella, Genesis, Olympus, and GOONS for the lunacy of it.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?Activity, coordination, warchests and wonders in about that order.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?Go down fighting.

78. Might makes right. True or false?Pragmatically speaking, yes. You don’t like it? Get some power and your subjective view can become the new ‘right’.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?Wasn’t around for it or the immediate aftermath.

80. (a)Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? (b)How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and (b)would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?Answer largely redacted due to the relocation of this thread, but in short: A: No. B: Not particularly. C: Less missives, more missiles.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? In exactly 10 days we will be basically a buying alliance. 3m for 100 or 6M for 150.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? No, a majority of our alliance do not buy donations, though we have about 10 members who get them monthly, and 2-3 who sell them. Price is 12M+200tech if done all at once, or 15M+250 tech if spaced out, or 700 tech, or 21M given to our n00bs.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)I wasn’t around so any commentary I could offer would be purely speculative based on hearsay.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? Yes, everybody does, I just hope I’m right so I can win the pot :)

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?I couldn’t say.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)No, but like everybody else we would ‘accept information’ :P

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?Another MAPD question? A bit much don’t you think? Not even going to waste my time on this.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? We would require them, or their new alliance to repay their debts, but I would be happy to see it converted to tech at 3M for 50.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?I’m not sure what you are asking here, freedom of speech has little to do with respect, civil discourse, on the other hand does, and I find it rather lacking.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) If the government or general membership were not aware, instigators, or supporters of said actions, then no.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) It would depend on the circumstances, if the actions were suitably serious and known to other members of the government who did not take measures to stop it, then yes certainly. I also think it makes a bit of a difference on the form of government in place, and the relative age of the alliance, but those are more fine detail points. There would be other circumstances were I would also be likeminded, but don’t feel the need to elaborate.

97. Quality or Quantity?Quality for everything but tech, wonders and warchests :P

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?What is this fanatical obsession with MADPs? I am beginning think this is some sort of odd treaty quality debate fetish.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? Don’t think they’ll do much.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?Back the member. Obviously we will attempt to reach a diplomatic solution, but if that fails, all for one, and one for all, fairly well sums up our position. Unless there was deliberate misrepresentation of the member of their situation when they joined, which is grounds for dismissal, even then, our position towards the aggressor would not change, though the member would be forced out the affront of attacking a member nation could not be left unanswered.

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7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

We have considered signing a MADP on 3 occasions- with Polar, IRON and Legion (lulz). At the moment- they are a huge blow to our sovereignty and we will not sign them. Perhaps one day we will build up the required relationship to consider a MADP again- but not in the foreseeable future.

The irony of this is delicious, the only 3 alliances that you considered to sign MADP is the 3 alliances that you decided not to fight for in a war. -_-

5 - longest continually sanctioned alliance in the game :v:

This has not to to do with stability, I have to say :rolleyes:

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? - I believe it is no first strike unless ordered by an Archon.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? - You nuke us, you glow.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? Yes, although it is under temporary suspension as we seek to put clearly defined rules in place.

4. (Answer to #3) Why? - I really dont have a good answer to this question.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color? Hell if I know. Londo likes pastels.

6. Are NAPs useless? Well, if you are just finishing up on the toilet, reach over to the TP dispenser, and it is empty, but you see a NAP sitting on the floor, then it has a use.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)- I believe MADPs reflect a relationship status that transcends I LOVE YOU. If you cant trust your friends, pick better friends.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? Kinda pointless, its not like it can alter the course of the conflict.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? Yeah, but I am lazy.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? TJO. I really think Doitzel, if he and his cohorts stick it out long enough, could become a future small group of elite players.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral? Nobody is really neutral.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)- a Hybrid between open door and applicant interviews.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? If the need arose, yes.

16. Current view concerning NPO? The war is over. By the standards we set forth at the beginning of the war, and in its conclusion, past crimes are paid for, so, kudos to them. They will be judged on their future, not their past, I hope.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? You would have to ask someone else this, I just began in FA.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? I suppose to a certain extent, the premise behind it was good.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

4.5 2.5 2 2.5(but improving) 2.5(but improving)

21. What are your alliance's strengths? Look at what we have stuck together through. It defines our strengths.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? Impulsiveness, lack of foresight. Practicing diplomacy through hindsight is not very effective.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? Camelot, HotU, Dark Evolution, FINAL

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? JGoods would wave his magic wand and correct the problem. If you feel alliance A has a good reason for the attack, then you are morally a polar opposite of Alliance B. But, they are friends, so you counsel them.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? Nope. It is never justified, and simply is murder.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

No, and anyone who thinks they are is seriously messed up. I dont think cacellation is the BEST option, but it is certainly not dishonourable.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Sometimes great strength is a weakness.

30.2 ...Frostbite? Very mixed. Lots of love, lots of dislike.

30.3 ...Superfriends? Same as above...Very mixed.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? Horrible group. They really do suck. Oh...wait...

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Well, I couldnt even name one member, so that should tell you what you need to know.

33. Do you ever censor your members? No.

34. Are coups ever justifiable? No. If your alliance charter offers no legal means of changing government, then you probably should pick a new aliance.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? You are entitled to your opinion. I would also call Shens on the General Membership statement. Since most general memberships are relatively inactive, you wouldnt know them at all. It is human nature to associate one or 2 faces as the face of any alliance and summarily judge it based on perceptions of those one or 2. Who am I to fight human nature, I have neither the time nor the energy.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

AE-FINAL war - Military victory for AE, HUGE PR victory for FINAL. My baptism into global politics.

noCB war- Athens was beat down. No other way to put it.

Karma- Sweet sweet revenge. Heh, at least I admit it was revenge.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? See above answer about the coup. Same answer.

45. What traits make a good alliance? Who really knows? I can go down the list of alliances, they all have different traits. Some work, some dont. The chemistry of the members is the determining factor in survival.

46. Current Government type? Too complicate. I am plotting a coup. Seriously, we need to change something...2 Archons is a disaster waiting to happen. Need to add a 3rd.

47. What are your alliance's ideals? Friends>Infra. Sounds cliche, but it is real. Dont believe me? Hit another CnG member and find out.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. What a joke. The fact that a) GGA thought they were THIS important and B) the puppet masters allowed it, and c) CN in general allowed it....speaks VOLUMES about the state of CN at that time. Sidebar: watching Bilrow suddenly championing morals, after penning this doctrine, is just too rich.

49. Do you believe in moral police? Believing in it is irrelevant. Moral Police exists. We, in Karma, kinda created them. Its the world we wanted, or we created, we cant complain about having to play within those rules now.

50. What treaties do you have? Read our Wiki, I think its up to date.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? Could go either way at this point. I hope we can. We have already universally decided that we would add the CnG flag, and not Athens personal flag. This is a testament to how important we are to one another as allies.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+? If I could wave a magic wand, I would make it 1, but it would have to have a charter, a forum and at least an outline for structure with the intent to grow in numbers.

60. Age range most of your members are? Hell, I dont know. Im an old man. I would say most of us are 18-25.

61. Where do most of your members live? In their homes I would guess. seriously, mostly North America.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? Th Ni! debacle. The world likes to view that situation as Archon spanking Londo thereby forcing the change. They can believe that. I saw what went on in our forums. Anyone who ever lead an alliance that had people they cared about in it, should understand, that fallout from allies means nothing when weighed against fallout from members. I have zero doubt that if you asked Londo what his greatest regret over the Ni! incident was that he let Athens down. So, people can think what they want, I know the reality.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Short term, weaker, because if political fallout worldwide. Long term, the most unified alliance in all of Planet Bob, is now more unified. Despite who thinks what about us, we win.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? Funny, this question is philosophical, and usual I embrace that. Maybe I will come up with an answer to this later, right now, I dont have the energy.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? A return to honour.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future? To roll NPO a month before terms end...DUH. In reality, that course is for others to chart, not me.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? No way, you never know when the next crap CB will be concocted to tech raid them.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? You signed an MADP. You have no choice. In the future, pick better friends. For now, blow stuff up.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Honor is fleeting. I watch alliances hail other alliances for abiding by treaties. It is hailed as honor. That alone proves that 99% of this world has no clue what honor is. The truth is, the only way to be TRULY honorable on this planet is to have no treaties, and enter wars based solely on which side is in the right, and which side is in the wrong. Other than this, honor is just a buzz word.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? GOONS died long ago. The restless dead are a pitiable sight. Ignore the flame.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? War experience. You dont need to be good at diplomacy to be successful at it. But you do need to be good at war to be successful at it. Need proof? GGA once said "NPO will show you why GGA doesnt need WRC's"....Nuff said.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? FOK and STA

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Commone sense.


77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? If your community is strong enough, you fight and survive until you can sieze freedom. If your community is not strong enough, you shouldnt exist in the 1st place.

78. Might makes right. True or false? Sadly, it was, is, and always will be true.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? Wasnt around for it. But, in regards to its history, lots of knives went into lots of back, on both sides, and within both sides.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?(ooc): I think it only bears a similarity in as far as the individuals are willing to RP it. Other than that, the killing of people is rather arbitrary, which, in real life, doesnt usually go over so well.(ooc)

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? Id say its about 50-50.. 3mil/100 is the price though.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? We dont do donations often.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) Dont know, really dont care.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? So many powder kegs sitting there right now. Picking one would be impossible.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? Its good in that it provides a sense of accomplishment to those who worked to get there. Other than that, its irrelevant.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) What? You mean all aliiances dont accept information? Oh wait... What others would do, I dont know, I would, in no circumstances condone active or encouraged spying. However, if someone came to me and said they had proof they could provide me with that harm was being planned of us, and as gov, my duty is to protect my members, damn straight Id take it and use it. Anyone who says they wouldnt...is a liar, and can consider themsleves to have been called a liar to their face by me.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? Depends on the CB. This is not a black and white issue, as it is not anyones place to determing what another entity may consider to be an act of war.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? I believe that if your alliance has no pre-set policy in its charter than nations who receive startup aid packages agree to repay those aid packages if they leave, then the alliance deserves to lose its $15 million.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? Absolutely.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) It depends on the situation. There are times I would pay willingly for someone else's actions. Especially if the counteractions were overly reactionary. PS..If I had to type action one more time that sentence, I would have imploded.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) Same as answer above.

97. Quality or Quantity? Quality.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty? If you dont, you arent worth the saliva in your own mouth.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? They will collect taxes and buy tech and infra, so thats something. I believe they will get sucked into world politics at some point.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do? I guess we see Athens declare on NPO a 3rd time.

PS: The moral of this thread, The Fookheads are full of loser leaders. Dont sign treaties with them.

Edited by Rush Sykes
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Funny how everyone is answering question #100 nowadays.

"NPO!? lol I would kick their $@! till the hell :gun:"

I feel sad now broken-heart.gif

Because the question is being asked right now, not 3 months ago. With any luck we can be rid of some of those type of shens

@Brendan, thanks :P

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

Nuclear First Strike requires a 3/4 vote from gov. I guess the circumstances would be severe in order to receive that kind of vote.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

If nuked, we nuke- no questions.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

We do not.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

We believe war should be the last resort, and as such, our nations should adopt the same philosophy and only go to war in aid of their alliance or alliance's allies.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

We we already aqua and didn't want to switch. Aqua is also a sphere that contains a lot of well known and powerful alliances.

6. Are NAPs useless?

Depends on the alliance that signs them. If they are only signed to look pretty on the OWF and then get cancelled, then they are useless. If the alliances that sign them honor them, they are useful.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Depends on the circumstance. What we believe in more than the acronym, is the wording in the treaty.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

Depends on the war. If it is a nuke rogue, then yeah. Kind of hard to sanction an entire alliance though.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

I feel that ADI will make it's way into the main stream in time, and has been majorly underestimated and unnoticed. This could just be pride speaking though. I see good things out of Rage Company and The Corporation as well.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Neutral is as neutral does. That is all I have to say about that.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

We open and close recruitment depending on our needs and the activity level of our provisionals. If we have a bunch of inactive provos that are about to drop off, we recruit. If our provos are consistently becoming full members, we halt recruitment to build up what we have.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

It totally depends on the situation.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

I have no emotions toward NPO. Some of ADI's members might, but I personally don't. They never did anything to me personally. I can see why people got mad at them, and I can see why Karma happened. But I'm not personally opinionated either way on it.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Different members will answer this differently. A lot of alliances have come to our IRC channel recently to introduce themselves. We have members who are close to Argent simply due to them knowing a lot of the ex TDO there. We also know several people from Gre. We've seen gov from Invicta and UCN in our channel recently that are beginning to be considered close. I can't really, in any bit of fairness, pick one that I consider to be the "closest".

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?


19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military- 3 (and learning)

Diplomacy- 5 (I trust my FA crew with my life)

Economical- 4 (we do pretty well, but can improve)

Internal Organization- 3 (We are still working out the kinks in some of our programs)

Stability- 5 (We are here and not going anywhere)

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

We have a lot of active and talented members as well as an active government.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

We've never been in a real war, so even though we've done our part in studying how war works, we won't be experts until the inevitable day in the distant future that we fight in one.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

38 of our members came from TDO. We are a split from them. The rest are new recruits.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

If treatied to both sides of a conflict, we would be the mediator and try our best to diffuse the situation. We believe that treaties are written to be honored, and as such, we refuse to attack any alliance we have a treaty with. We would likely remain neutral in a conflict between two friends, regardless of whether we believed one side was right or wrong.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

We believe in ZI as punishment, but after ZIl, the person is released. So, in other words, no.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

The Fookheads can do their best to try to reason with the Asgards about why their planned move is unethical. If The Fookheads begin to see repetitive breaches of what they consider to be moral by the Asgards, then they would not be dishonorable. It is only if the Fookheads immediately cancelled at the first sign of inconvenience, without making attempts to salvage the relationship.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

Don't have much association with them other than knowing a few members in Gre and Argent. Being a defensive and non aggressive bloc is a plus, but I don't have much else to form an opinion off of.

30.2 ...Frostbite?

Not enough contact to make an opinion.

30.3 ...Superfriends?

RoK was our protector, and we will be forever grateful for that, as well as for the way they stood next to us in our time of need. Any friend of RoK is a friend of mine.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

Only real connection is through Athens. Athens, although making a mistake, seem to be a great group. I really think people should stop hating on them. Otherwise, don't have much of an opinion.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

FEAR are great people. They are just as close to us as RoK. We are beginning to get to know the other members of this bloc- as they've approached us. So far, we have no negative experiences and feel the members are friendly.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

If a member makes a statement that is his OWN statement, no, we do not. However, any government member that speaks on behalf of the alliance is held to a different standard.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Depends on the situation

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I would ask for the evidence of wrong doing. If in the wrong, I would apologize and make every effort to correct the issue. If the accusation was unfounded, I would simply tell you that you had the right to your opinion and say I was sorry you felt that way and to please give us a chance to improve your opinion of us.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

ADI has been without wars.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

If the majority of the membership did not like the government, our charter can be amended to create a new government.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Community, activity, diplomacy, and hard work

46. Current Government type?

Democratic Aristocracy

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Our alliance's ideals are centered around allowing the general membership to have involvement in the way things are going. They have the ability to vote for the house that writes the laws, as well as to run for office. They also elect Lords and the Head of State. We believe that the alliance belongs to the people, and that the people should be involved.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

I believe that goes against democracy, which I believe in.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

People have different morals, so the moral police is flawed from the start.

50. What treaties do you have?

MDoAP with RoK


PIATs with Athens, MHA, SoS Brigade, and WAPA

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

It is a hope of mine that we be sanctioned, and I believe that if we continue to put in the effort that we have that we can accomplish any goal, including this one.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

Any alliance that Declares Existence, is an alliance in my belief

60. Age range most of your members are?

It is a big age range. We have young and old members alike.

61. Where do most of your members live?

I know we have a lot of Americans, but we also have plenty of Europeans and Asians.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

We almost went to war, but were able to resolve it peacefully.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

The incident made us stronger, in my opinion.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

We chose a really good protector, and some great friends along the way. We came out of the gate running, and put together a 300 million dollar aid program right off the bat that will allow us to reach 1 mil NS before reaching 3 months in age.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Just to get things running more fluidly.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Continue to make ourselves known. Make some more friends. Not have people tell us they don't know who we are. That type of stuff.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

Aren't they neutral?

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

ADI would never sign a treaty that obligated us to fight an offensive war. We will defend out allies no matter what, but we choose to have the right to turn down an offensive war, for this reason. In any case that we believed in what our allies were trying to do, we would fight with them, so this would just prevent us from being in this situation.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

The only real thing you have on Planet Bob is your word. Honor is to do what you say you will.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Both. The GOON for starting it and myself for continuing it. Takes two to tango.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

Diplomacy. It gets you out of wars that you will definitely lose.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

I can't answer this, because our Hall has a unanimous vote on all treaties, so their opinion matters as much as mine.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Activity and being prepared. Warchests are huge too.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

There is option 3- diplomacy. We'd come to terms.

78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

Wasn't there, so it wouldn't be right to comment.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

I think CN politics are a good experiment. And I do find some parallels with real life as well.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Internal deals- 3 mil for 50, External 3 mil for 100. Only sell to allies, after being screwed by a couple non allied alliances on tech deals. We have a pretty even amount of buyers and sellers, although we have a few more sellers than buyers.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

I really don't track who buys donations- that is up to them. A lot of them do sell tech.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Wasn't around for it so I shouldn't try to act like I know about it

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

Well, for a moment, I thought it would be around ADI, but we got it settled. I don't have the slightest idea of who the next major war will involve. I just know that I'll be fighting alongside my allies.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Gives you a flag and helps with recruiting. And it means you are powerful. Pretty much about it.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)


91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

This is why we leave the offensive part of treaties as optional, lol.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

I would define it as an aid scam and want the 15 mil back.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

Depends on how badly you want to get flamed, lol.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

If the alliance takes care of the one member, no. If they refuse to, then yeah.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

Same as the last answer.

97. Quality or Quantity?

Little bit of both, but I prefer quality.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

Yes. If we felt they were set up like that, we'd come to their aid.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?


100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

We start with diplomacy. Then we go from there. If we are attacked over it, we defend ourselves.

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

If you dont want to get nuked by us offensively, don't piss us off into declaring war on you.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

Bombs away.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?


4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Don't like the practice, and it opens up a Pandora's Box of problems potentially.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

Because green is awesome, and GGA couldn't keep us down forever.

6. Are NAPs useless?

When they get canceled as often as they seemed to in the Karma War, yes.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Yes. GOD is great.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?


9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

#45 in game.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Whenever TJO wants to become a major political player, they will.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?


14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Anyone is welcome to apply, and attempt our academy.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

April 22.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

I take daily baths in their tech and cash. On a more serious note, some of them have the power to make them a great alliance, if they can overcome the few who are more intent on reliving the past.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?


18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

I respect the protection, do not respect the senate part.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Military: 4.5

Diplomacy: 3

Economical: 3.5

Internal Organization: 4

Stability: 4.5

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Member loyalty, ability to make war.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Past events that some hang over our heads.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

Most started here.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

This situation seems familiar. Try to mediate.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?


27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

I wouldn't have a MADP with such a foolish alliance, but for the sake of the hypothetical, MADP is MADP and we roll to war if we can't talk them out of it.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Like Gramlins a lot, but Karma War did not show the rest to be dedicated fighters.

30.2 ...Frostbite? Respect them in most cases, do not like some others. Like STA a lot.

30.3 ...Superfriends? <3

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? Vanguard seem like terrific people, and I have no ill feelings toward the bloc, but I am not a fan of a lot of their actions.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Who?

33. Do you ever censor your members?


34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Circumstances can allow it in my view.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

Want to say something back, but then I'd remember you are in IRON.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

Karma War - win.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

Squash the rebellion. In all reality, if a majority of members think your government system is so far out of whack that it needs to be changed, I would say even if you change it, that your alliance is a good candidate to fall apart.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Honor, standing by your allies, military strength.

46. Current Government type?

Capitalist? :P. Executive who oversees a 3 member voting Parliament.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Meritocracy and honor.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

Safe to say, no. I love how the tables eventually turned.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

I am moral but I don't police others. People can play the game how they'd like, so long as it does not infringe on my alliance or my allies.

50. What treaties do you have?

MADP: GOD (x2), OV

MDoAP: Rok, RIA, Tetris, iFOK, NV


ODP: Brig

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

Give it a week.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?

I'd say 20-22.

61. Where do most of your members live?


62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Uh... GCW, Viridicide, and Reformation are a good start. Could go on.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

I'd say we came out of them and grew pretty strong.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

UJA, dropping MADPs a month before the Karma War.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Grow big, get nukes.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Strengthen friendships.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

I'd welcome GPA not being neutral lamers.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

What part of Mutual Aggression do these questions not understand?

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Respect for those who play the game, and allowing them to play how they'd like, but holding yourself to a higher standard. Those alliances that do not resort to the exploitation of others are honorable, those who do are not.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

I'm right because I'd akill them after.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

Diplomacy is more important in the short term, but people change and diplomatic efforts don't last forever. Knowing what you are doing in war does.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

MDPs are lame, MDoAP or bust.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Nukes, experience, competence.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?


78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

GOONS died, I'm happy.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

Not even close. Way more hubris and backstabbing IRL.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

About even, usually 3/100.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

Not really related conditions.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

No idea, I'd say it had to do with NPO wanting to kill someone.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

Polar will either be the chief aggressor or one of the main defenders.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Lets you have a forum icon. I think that's cool.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)


91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

For the second time, what part of Mutual Aggression do these questions not understand?

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

Pay it back or we will make you glow.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

It's only as respectful as people make it out to be.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?

There is quality in quantity.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

What? I would probably not consider the treaty canceled if it was forced on them under false pretenses.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

They'll do stuff, just nobody will ever care.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

I thought we cleared NPO's ZI list.

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The following is based upon my own very limited grasp of CN, CN politics, CN history, alliance stance, alliance history, alliance FA, and a myriad of other subjects inclusive within the questionaire.

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

If the defensive response was a guarenteed nuclear counter as demostrated by a public declaration describing such, then yes.. in most cases..no.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

Oh yes..

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

No. We recognize each nations self-rule and tech raiding is tightly controlled with very real discipline for those that break the rules.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Tech raiding causes all sorts of headaches. Personally I feel that tech raiding amounts to nothing more than bullying.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

Have no idea.. it looks good with fur loincloths?

6. Are NAPs useless?

mostly... They do tend to show a willingness to get better acquainted.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

Totally... if you're that tight, then there should be no question and the MADP is a public notice of that relationship.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

Any weapon in a fight.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

Not off hand and I'm too lazy to look it up. #52

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Don't really follow world politics that closely.. I hear Fan is making strides though. Corp has some solid people.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Not really... or more accurately, not anymore.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Application process with background check.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

I would say that really depends on the reliability of the source of the intel.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

reserved... Time will tell.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Most of the alliances we are close to, we have treaties with. FOK maybe.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

Not wholly(sp). I believe it provided a means by which a nation could live out it's days unaligned... but, NPO clearly states that they "own" the red sphere... which is not "protecting" but creating a vasal state out of the entire sphere with little or no opposition to anything that NPO decides to do with it. Might makes right would definately pertain here. Stability? sure.. stagnation... in all likelihood. Instead of offering the opportunity to work with other potential entities on the red spere... they instead simply stuck their flag in the red soil and announced.."This is ours..thbbt!"

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

Above average in all areas... except maybe, finacial.. and strides are being made there.

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Our willingness to go to bat for each other/allies with little or no regard for our own pixels.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

We like booze... not really a weakness, I know.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

Not sure.. all over the place. It takes a certain type to really feel like they belong. A wise man once said to me, "I only have a nation because they told me I needed one to play this game." Love of your pixels will not fly well with us.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

It should never have come to that. Someone failed in the diplomacy dept. Hypotheticals(sp) never take into account all the underlying factors and are mostly worthless, IMO. Morals..thbbt(<---raspberry sound)! Declare neutrality and aid when it's over.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

Not in any way, shape or form.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

Again, see answer #25... I feel one should honor the treaty and then reconsider the relationship.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

30.2 ...Frostbite?

30.3 ...Superfriends? - great group of folks..wubs.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

33. Do you ever censor your members?

Very rarely a "blanket" gag order may go out. individual censorship... not really.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Again, if this becomes necessary, diplomacy has failed... or the mechanisms needed for an alternative were not in place.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

You are, of course, entitled to your opinion... however wrong that opinion may be.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

Came in late for the Bleu war, bounced some low-level targets and got some experience early out of the gate. Rode through the entire Karma war as a non-nuke nation taking on nuke-capable targets almost exclusively.. got my butt pounded, but kept in the fight and had a blast. We've never been on the losing side in a war.. chalk that up to luck, diplomacy, awesome allies.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

Show them the door. We're not a democracy, you don't like it..take a walk.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Varied depending on the overall path chosen... If it works...it is good. Universally, a solid idea of where it's going... leadership that has the ability to inspire a strong work ethic and the foresight to head off issues before they develop into problems. Core membership that is both active an knowlegeable. The ability to seek out, establish and maintain solid allies. Working internal controls over military, aid/growth, information, foriegn affairs, and all of the other things that make the ship run true and straight. The ability to stand back and have a chuckle. The willingness to burn or get burned for your mates.

46. Current Government type?

Council advised dictatorship with limited democratic and merit based systems.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Honor, activity, unity, and, above all, sacrifice. Oh, and beer/bacon.. though they be not mutually exclusive.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

Was not here for that, but no.. I would not have supported it.

49. Do you believe in moral police?


50. What treaties do you have?

Bunches... again.. too lazy to look them all up. CN-Wiki.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

You mean again? meh.. don't care.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?

We're all over the place on this one.. I happen to be one of the fogies.

61. Where do most of your members live?

As above, all over.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Several merges and recent changes in the leadership. Hard fought fronts in the Karma War.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

Definately stronger.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Growth from very meager beginnings and external bias in a hostile world climate. Entrance into the Superfriends bloc. The transition from a dictatorship to a triumvirate and back to a dictatorship.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Growth mechanics. Pruning. Both at the same time? lol

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Uncertain... not at all up-to-date on FA issues.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?


69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Again, hypotheticals..grrr... Honor the treaty and re-evaluate the relationship... morals..thbbbt!

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

If you say a thing, do a thing, promise a thing... you had better be willing to back it up... to the Nth degree.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Depends, if it's a matter of opinion, then both. If facts were misconstrued, then by all means a strong correction would be in order.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

I don't believe you can have one without the other... but I would lean towards diplomacy.. if you're an ace here, you might get away with being lesser in the war department.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

We prolly already have that or better with everyone I would consider.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Again, all depends... Understanding of the battle mechanics of CN is a major plus(duh).. Clear communication chains..Willingness to shed NS without crying about it...Effective coverage of all NS ranges.. are some. Universally, money, money, money.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

Definately FAN it. Then Wombaticus and I fight over who gets to be "the last Rokker".

78. Might makes right. True or false?

Yeah, until "Wrong" gets fed up with it and gang-pokes Might.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

I'm severely lacking in the history department.. hang on while I investigate... alright.. I've looked it over and have no idea.. lol.. I'm prolly not alone there, as you had to ask the question in the first place.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

Dude, c'mon... how many questions could you fit under one number? I think it bears little resemblance to RL politics. There's no blood shed... no one dies... the cost is pixels and time and that is all. I would change nothing as any change that is likelly made would in itself eventually be changed. It is in a state of flux and shall remain so lest we all get bored and go back to console games.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Yes... differing rates apply to different situations.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

Yes. The markets fluctuate... and you asked about selling tech twice.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Was not there and I don't feel like studying the darn thing in any detail that would provide a meaningful answer. Too lazy.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

I have an idea...yes.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

I don't really care about the stats... of either my own nation of that of my alliance. Having a tight community and awesome friends is WAY more important than any of that BS.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No...spying is bad..mmmkay?

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Again with the hypotheticals? There are way too many unknowns here to offer any sort of answer. I'm sure my friends had a very good reason to drop the NAP? I feel sorry for them menhuggers.(not really)

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

Meh... If there was a written obligation to pay it back, then I would pursue it... but c'mon.. 15mil is peanuts. I would warn his new alliance mates about it though, provided..you know... they weren't *hats as well.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

Individuals choose to be respectful or not and then every individual has there own limit of what constitutes respect..

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

Gov. should know that their actions carry more weight than the general membership and should act accordingly. When you accept a government position you also accept the fact that your words and deeds may be viewed as representative of alliance policy.. choose your words and deeds carefully, there are many strangers who are relying on you to not get them in unnecessary hot water and as many who are more than willing to start trouble over things you say and do.. oppotunists abound... these waters are full of sharks. Diplomacy should always be the first avenue of recourse and an alliance that is correcting an issue should not be penalized for a "good faith" response.

97. Quality or Quantity?

Definately quality.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

Of course. Damn the harpoons!! Paper shmaper.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

Not a clue.. I am not a seer. I dunno, never spoken with them.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

If an alliance attacks one of my members without first trying a diplomatic solution, they deserve to get their butt handed to then in a shiny new box...but I would attempt a diplomatic resolution first... if they're willing to go alliance wide war over something as trivial as this... then man the guns boys... we get to ride the bombs to hell!! Sorry, that is a BS reason to go all-out war, but defense of ones mates is always worth biting bullets.

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

I don't think there's moral high ground to be had by condemning nukes. The chances of us initiating nukes in an offensive war are low, but we will initiate the use of nukes if necessary.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

Yes, we will retaliate in kind to nuclear weapons.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?


4. (Answer to #3) Why?

Because it's not profitable to any of our members, and we prefer to destroy antagonists, not bystanders.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

N/A, People can go wherever they find the best trades.

6. Are NAPs useless?

Pretty much.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

They exist, but we don't see ourselves signing any.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

I believe people use sanctions during war, I'm not convinced it's a good idea.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

I don't know.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Yes, same for anyone else we are neither allied to or at war with.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Anyone may apply but we are rather selective. We don't actively recruit.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

We're not going to declare war on someone just because we think they might attack us.

16. Current view concerning NPO?


17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Hard to say,

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

We have no interest in supporting or violating the Revenge Doctrine.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.


21. What are your alliance's strengths?

experience and solidarity

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

boredom between wars

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

Most of our membership has at some point been in MCXA, though there are those who hail from elsewhere.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

Not applicable, we don't have any MADPs, and even if we did it would take staggering amounts of incompetence by both allies to get to a DoW with both treaties intact. If we did have two MDP+ partners out for each other's blood, we we would try to negotiate a fair peace, and may cancel a treaty with whatever party refuses to deal reasonably.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

Nothing is permanent but some things are indefinite. People that actually want peace can get it.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP? No, canceling the treaty is not dishonorable, refusing to honor the agreement before canceling it, however.....

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel?

Cool people.

30.2 ...Frostbite?

Cold people.

30.3 ...Superfriends?

I like pie.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

Where's the beef?

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

Purple skin is good for masking bruises.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

Well, there is some information we'd prefer be kept within the alliance, such as war plans, and baiting trolls is frowned upon, but a member can express ideas to the rest of the alliance.

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

People try to justify coups all the time, whether they succeed is a matter of perspective.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I'd tell you we await your DoW, but won't hold our breath.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

Victorious in Karma war.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

I'd give whichever member that thinks something can be done better a chance to prove it.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Activity solidarity and competence

46. Current Government type?

trium with delegation of certain responsibilities to other government members.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

Bacon is awesome, just ask Rah.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

I wasn't aware of it, but it sounds amusing.

49. Do you believe in moral police?


50. What treaties do you have?

MDoAP with TOP

ODPs with TFD and BTO

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

Probably not, we don't spend much effort recruiting new members.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

Doesn't really matter, an individual can have influence and AAs of 30+ people can be completely insignificant.

60. Age range most of your members are?

20 ± 5

61. Where do most of your members live?

We have members all across the world, including Australia, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Our DoE, and various threats of war.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

The threat of war makes us stronger.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

The decision to exist.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Twiddle our thumbs until someone starts some drama

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Buy tech until someone starts some drama.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

No, GPA is a neutral alliance.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

We cancel the MADP, and enter the war if asked.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honor is being straightforward with your allies.

Dishonor is lying to yourself.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Factual correctness is irrelevant in a flamewar, and it's usually pointless to get involved.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

War experience is typically more useful.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

I'm in no hurry to sign a bunch of treaties.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Activity, preparation(wonders, warchest, tech, nukes), Command Efficiency, and strategy(war guides, waves, and staggers).

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

We would go down fighting, the damage we deal far exceeding the damage we take.

78. Might makes right. True or false?

True, you have every right that you have the will to assert and the power to enforce, everything else is privilege.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

Don't really care.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

We typically buy tech for 3m/100, but reliable sellers may get bonuses.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

I don't think so, if any do their slots should already be full.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Boredom, it's easy to come by a CB when you have a jerk protectorate to provoke an attack for you.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

I'm guessing it will involve at least 2 of citadel, frostbite, and C&G

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

It's good for recruiting inactive noobs and ghosts, not much else.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No, unnecessary and counterproductive. Why the hell would I just hand a CB to someone I thought wanted to attack me?

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Depends on circumstances, anything from declaring war on themenhuggers to canceling the MADP with the Fookheads. If it was a conflict of interest I'd expect the fookheads to have the decency to cancel the treaty first.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

I've never seen an aid scammer get through our apps process, the motivation for leaving would probably matter most(so probably not).

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

I have no idea what you mean by that, so no.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

If the alliance supports the member in his or her actions, yes, if the member is expelled, no.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?

Quality, unless you're talking about nukes(then it's BOTH).

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

This makes no sense, we'd support rolling whatever party was pressuring them to drop the treaty BEFORE they canceled it.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

If they do something they do it, if you're concerned about something more specific, say so.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

The consequences for aiding a rogue depend on circumstances, if the member that aided the ZId nation knew about the ZI listing and aided anyway he would be asked to pay a suitable reparation to whatever nation is fighting mangina. This said, attacking a member of TSO without talking to us is grounds for war. We would ask for reparations equivalent to damage(rounded to a full aid slot), or the expulsion and destruction of whichever party was responsible for ordering the attack. We will fight to ZI to defend one member that has done nothing wrong.

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First off, I'm not Gov. and don't plan to be it. Take it all with a grain of salt and popcorn

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

Depends on who we are fighting and what objective we want to achieve in said war. We will use nukes when we feel it is necessary, but wall also offer a conventional war if it suits our goals.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

Same as above, but let me add that we have plenty of nukes. You are warned ^_^

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

Nope and never did.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

There was a discussion I would guess between GWII and GWIII about tech raiding but general consensus was that it posed no gain in terms of nation growth but potential of actual losses. Moreover it could escalate into larger conflict and add more work for our somewhat understaffed government (at least compared to today.)

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

Orange wasn't de-facto under control of a single alliance which meant that we had hopes to gain a senate seat. It wasn't unfeasible to have 3 senators against you and 15 sanctions in mid 2006 on a 100 man alliance would seriously cripple our defensive capabilities. It has always been one of the better trading spheres too.

6. Are NAPs useless?

We cancelled all NAPs, so yeah.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

No I don't. Treaties are tradeoffs. Fx a NAP protect you from aggression from one side, but on the other hand you can't attack them either. MADP gives you an ally no matter what, but you're also forced to join on your partners campaign.

If such a treaty is desired, it really needs a real objective behind it and not "We're friends" since the sovereignty loss on the world scene is diminished and can have serious consequences. MADPs by definition overrides our charter and that has implication in and off itself.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

Nope. It's a hassle for those who loses trade circles. Orange has a lot of intertwined trade circles so a sanction will hit any and all factions. The advantage of sanctioning is also minuscule looking from the bigger nation perspective.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

Fullsize - Link

Treaty Announcement - Link

Cyber Nations flag - Link

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Since small isn't properly defined I cannot give an accurate answer to this question.

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

No idea.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Applicant Interview

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?


If war is not avoidable and it is to our advantage to attack "them" sooner rather than later, off course I believe in pre-emptive strike. I do think that a defensive action has it's own merits

16. Current view concerning NPO?

Opinions vary but mostly negative. We have talked at length with NPO and I don't really feel it necessary to convey those discussion to the world.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

Beats me. We tend to favour treaties with those we like so I don't think I know any.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

Seemed counter-productive for trades, but a secured senate was important years ago, so do understand it. Protecting unaligned was nice of them.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.


TOPs perfect :v:

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

Let me just quote myself from a place unrelated to this world :Attentionwhore:

So what is the secret to reach the TOP?

Personally I think it lies in the community. Since I have been in TOP nearly as long as the alliance, I am not the best to explain it being so used to it. It is not manifested in a big thing, but rather plenty of small bits. TOP is great because can go on irc or forum at random times at day and there is discussion or I can immediately start one. TOP is great, because we always try to help each other in all matters of Cyber Nations. TOP is great, because we listen as much to our newest members as we listen to the most senior members. We are great because we mourn the loss of every single member and react with immense joy when we get another to the group. We are great because we have always worked towards to be the best we can.

It is our ability to keep our members when they join that matters. [OOC]We are more than an alliance that play a nation simulator game[/OOC] and this has in time brought some of the greatest personalities under the Paradoxian banner.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

Hard to tell. There are some buttons you can push to make us angry and I don't think we will ever learn to to properly defend against it. Going by our allies we are a bit too paranoid but there is also strength in that.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

It descent from another world, but the current makeup is from many alliances around planet Bob

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

We don't sign MADPs because of that specific scenario. If TOP should choose to have such a treaty it will specifically exempt our allies from aggression and we would defend alliance B.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

If the crime committed it vile enough, yes.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

Of course they are. You should follow your treaties to the letter, else it's just paper.

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Yeah I like them.

30.2 ...Frostbite? Would personally like to see them on the battlefield as a study in nation building, but really a bit neutral about the bloc.

30.3 ...Superfriends? Alright I guess. Some I like, some I don't.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances?

As a member from MK said about us (roughly) : Can't believe a crappy bloc has that many excellent members (nations).

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty?

Who? Sorry, it just fails me.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

On these boards: Yes. Certain topics cannot be saved and asking members to stay away happens.

In Private: Never and the few times gov. tried to, massive incident

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Of course they are.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

I know better than you do about the ongoings of my alliance and it's policies and generally agree with them. If you dissagree I cannot do much to change your opinion.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

GWII - Won


CEN War - Won

FAN War - Guess we won, but sadly didn't fight.

GPA War - Won

WotC - Won

Freak Safari War - Won but somewhat pyrrhic victory.

Karma War - Won

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

We have elections each 2nd month. We have plenty of new government so this is rarely an issue.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

A place people want to be.

46. Current Government type?

Representative Democracy I guess.

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

To follow the charter. I really don't know unless I should repeat myself from earlier.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

I don't think anyone wants to form and alliance on Grand Global Alliance, but that policy was stupid. It essentially killed the largest trading sphere in the game for only small gains.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

Cyber Nation Anti Rogue Force (CNARF)?

I don't think there is a moral police. At least not one with enough power to enforce it's morals.

50. What treaties do you have?



Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pacts

AO | Ag | FOK! | IRON | MHA | OMFG | OG | TSO | Umb

Mutual Defense Pacts

Grämlins | Kronos


FACE | VOC | Erebus

Optional Defense Pacts

FCC | OBR | tF

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

I know we are sanctioned.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

If they actually consider themselves/self an alliance they are.

60. Age range most of your members are?

20 +- a few years

61. Where do most of your members live?

US, Northern Europe

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

CEN crisis

The Nation ID debacle


Karma War

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

Stronger in all of them no doubt about that.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Signing an MDP with NPO. Not only did it mark our renouncement of neutrality it also planted our foot on the WUT sides of things.

Formation of the Heptagon

MDP with FOK

MDP with Grämlins



Leaving Continuum

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

Ask our Grand Hospitaller

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Ask our Grand Chancellor

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

We don't know them so nope.

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Then Traitor it is. We have been called many things in the last many years and as long as we feel we are doing the right thing, then we don't care for the peanut gallery.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

Honour is keeping what you promise

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

Post in "Walker Ninja Trolls" next time you dimwit. Next question.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

Diplomacy. The initial war experience is important so you realise that only proper built nations will last in a war and unprepared are a liability to the war effort. Else diplomacy.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?


76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Active membership and milcom that can coordinate priority targets to the correct nations.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

We plan on outlasting anyone and everyone should that war come. White peace is the mildest term we will accept. The Order of the Paradox will fight until that objective is achieved.

78. Might makes right. True or false?

True, but The quill is stronger than the sword.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

As all Major wars in CN they are built around !@#$%^&*. Both sides claim innocence and I don't give much to who is right.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?


81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

Buy 3 million for 100 tech.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

No idea.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

Certain people wanted war and war it was.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

I wish but I don't. Hope it will be fun.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Bad. Makes people all fuzzy and think themselves all powerful. Ally Sanction means nothing and is a horrible measure of power. Before TOP was sanctioned we could have kicked the crap out of many of them (The Grämlins ditto)

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

No. If TOP has a weakness it's the complete lack of counter intelligence ie spies in foreign alliances.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Their issue, but I think we will sternly warn any to attack Fookhards.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

He pays 30 million. We had that issue in 2007 and we do not look kindly upon people taking our investment although it is stange he only accepted 15 million in aid.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?


95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)


96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)


97. Quality or Quantity?


98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

That event has no precendent. It would require a healthy debate to find out what consensus TOP's Grand Assembly is.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

They are isolationists and will most likely not do much. They are likely paper tigers anyways, so who cares?

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

First, if he was on NPO ZI he should have been at war with NPO and the TOP member just broke our charter. Else it's a funny way of ZI'ing people (spy attack maybe?)

Else, people are nice enough to ask us first if they can attack people wearing "The Order of the Paradox". The scenario as portrayed has never happened and I doubt it ever will.

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I like this. MA here.

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

Depends on the situation, but usually it's up to the archein (leader)

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

You nuke or spy away our nukes, we go full force.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

Currently on hold, but we did/do have tech raiding policy in place

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

I don't want to restrict my members in any way possible, also tech raiding will get new nations more involved in other aspects of the game

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

The founders all came from maroon alliances, and maroon alliances are some of the friendliest

6. Are NAPs useless?

No, They provide warning if you about to get attacked, and it will cause bad PR to the other alliance if they break it

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

I will only sign a MADP with someone I know and trust. MDoAP are perfectly fine for me

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?


9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?


11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

Coproration, Brain, or SoL

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

Their actions as of late? less neutral

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

Applicant review

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

Depends on the situation, I won't rule anything out that would benefit my alliance in some way

16. Current view concerning NPO?

hammered by reps and from the looks of it will be way behind in the tech race

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?


18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?


21. What are your alliance's strengths?


22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

inexperienced players

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

No alliances, most of our membership was recruited when they started

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

Don't enter, but make it clear that if anyone not involved and takes the opportunity to have a low blow at either will be taken out

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

I won't comment because I want to keep the option open if i ever need it.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

Of course. When you sign a high level treaty such as MADP, you have complete trust in your allies. If they pull something stupid like that, you are bound to help them.

30. Thoughts concerning... (all these are my personal views, not the views of MA)

30.1 ...Citadel? Some good, some bad. Overall neutral

30.2 ...Frostbite? Dont like any of them

30.3 ...Superfriends? Best group around

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? good group of guys

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? not a big fan of most, but some of them have potential

33. Do you ever censor your members?

If they are acting retarded on the OWF

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Yes, there are certain times when a coup is the only time to overcome a problem

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

If it were in IRC? you would be banned from the channel.

On the forums? I would probably dig up dirt on your alliance, but other than that you have every right to say that, just as I would.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

As an alliance?

WotC - W

Karma War - W

Personally? (for leadership experience sake)

maroon war - W

GW2 - L

GW3 - L


WotC - W

Karma War - W

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

Have a charter amendment thread and then have a vote on it within the govt. from the members input.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

Intelligence, courage, a bit of recklessness, and willpower

46. Current Government type?


48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

No, color teams aren't there for one alliance to control, but there for alliances to get closer on a common ground.

49. Do you believe in moral police?

No, it is the worst thing to happen to CN

50. What treaties do you have?

member of the superfriends

member of chestnut accords

MDoAP - Valhalla




55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?


56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?


60. Age range most of your members are?

RL age? probably early to late 20s

61. Where do most of your members live?

USA, bro.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

Failed coup attempt by the alliance of AB

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?


64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

Joining superfriends was probably the biggest step.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

To grow stronger internally, it both structure and comradeship

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

Currently unsure

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

Nope, I don't know anyone in GPA

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

Fight the war, I signed the damn treaty.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

honorable? standing up for your allies and friends, even in the face of extinction

dishonorable? ditching your "allies" to stay safe

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

No one is wrong, words is words.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?


75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

VE or Sparta

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

Tech and lots of it

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

Tell the nations who want peace to secure it now, and take everyone else and go down fighting.

78. Might makes right. True or false?


79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

UJP was right. I was in the channels when JB was parading around ignoring GOONS govt. acting like a complete tool. The war could have been stopped, but GGA and NpO wanted it too bad.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

even, 3 mill 100 tech is what usually happens. Some of the members will do 3 mill / 50 tech if they also want the person to grow

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?


83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

BotS and Genmay. The bigger picture was GOONS potential dominence needed to be snuffed out before they posed a more serious threat than they did.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

between 1 of the 4 current power blocs (FB, Cit, SF, CnG) don't know which though.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

Probably good thing for most, because it is obviously something they work on.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)


91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack

TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

Attack with fookheads, but reprimand them in private

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or


15 mill, part of our internal rules.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

In some cases, people can be respectful but also get the point across, but that mostly happens behind the scenes.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

Depends on the actions, but most likely no

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

Depends on the actions, but most likely yes.

97. Quality or Quantity?

The middle ground

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

Depends on how close I was to Fookheads and what the CB was. But even if I didn't, I would feel bad.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

NADC does stuff, they are just bad at it. WTF isn't isolationist, they have treaties and junk, they just avoid the clutter of OWF

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced.

There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

Get my member off the list by paying whatever reps, and use the opportunity to possibly gain Mangina freedom as well in hopes that he will join my alliance. It wouldn't go to war, I would make sure of it.

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1. Offensive Nuclear Policy? The Global Alliance reserves the right to use Nuclear first strikes on any target.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy? A uclear attack on the Global Alliance will result in a full nuclear response

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding? No it does not

4. (Answer to #3) Why? GATO is a defensive alliance.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color? No idea actually. I'm sure Depraved had his reasons

6. Are NAPs useless? Yes

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause) GATO's charter prohibits aggressive action without cause. Therefore we would never sign a document that requires us to join in an aggresive campaign without allowing us to consider cause.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war? Sure why not.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v287/gen...biggatoflag.png

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run? None

12. Do you consider TDO neutral? I guess, I don;t know them and as far as I know GATO has not signed their DoN

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?) GATO is open door but each applicant is subject to review

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes? No

16. Current view concerning NPO? Neutral

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with? Silence and Carpe Diem

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine? Yep

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability. Mil 3 Dip 4 econ 2 io 3 stability 5

21. What are your alliance's strengths? GATO has always been and forever shall be

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses? Activity on the forum

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from? GATO

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation? GATO doesn;t sign MADP's so the scenario is moot. I would recommend neutrality on that front and engaging elsewhere if the opportunity arises

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI? No

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP? No

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? Good enough. Liquid mercury is an old Pal

30.2 ...Frostbite? NSO is great STA is OK Grub hates us.

30.3 ...Superfriends? Not too bad

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? I like

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? Meh

33. Do you ever censor your members? No

34. Are coups ever justifiable? Yes

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be? You have your right to your opinion.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in. Everyone knows GATO's history

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do? Vote on a charter amendment proposed by those who want change.

45. What traits make a good alliance? Good membership core. Active forums. Loyalty to the alliance and not to ones self.

46. Current Government type? Representative democracy

47. What are your alliance's ideals? Strength in Unity Honor in Justice

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked. If an alliance can get away with it so be it

49. Do you believe in moral police? No. Morality is subjective. They remind me of bible thumpers wanting to legislate against abortion and gay marriage

50. What treaties do you have? MDP: NSO, ODN, IAA ODP: Athens, MCXA

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned? Yes

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+? 2

60. Age range most of your members are? My guess would be 17-22

61. Where do most of your members live? Most seem to Be from the US but there are a few from The British Isles and Australia and The Phillipines

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome? I don't think this needs answering

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them? Stronger

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history? Not crapping out like most would do in similar situations

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future? Growth

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future? Growth

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept? Probably not

69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do? Hopefully they would have listened to us before entering. If not I would move to cancel

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion? Just standing for what they believe in and never being hypocritical

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong? Neither

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience? diplomacy

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice? Athens, Silence, Carpe Diem

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance? Organizationa and activity

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance? Always go out fighting

78. Might makes right. True or false? False

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result? Personally? Both sides were right. Both sides were wrong. I had no personal stake in the outcome. It is what it is.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted? CN is unique. Nations don't sign defensive pacts anymore if they ever did on a global scale as we do.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price? Most buy at 100/$3mil

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price? Sell tech at 100$3mil

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation) Sponge wanted to kill Pacifica's allies from what I understand

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be? If I had to put odds p[robably with NSO or MK

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances? Good in that you get a pip on the forum bad in that ghosts increase dramatically

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying) No

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do? Depends on their reasons for breaking it

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more? Yes an equal amount

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums? Only limited to the rules of the board

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government) Depends on theaction

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government) Depends on the action

97. Quality or Quantity? Both if you can manage it

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty? I would

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists? I doubt it. NADC isn;t completely but WTF is

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do? I'd declare war on the entire alliance.

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If anyone cares (doubt it :P)

1. Offensive Nuclear Policy?

- If you have 'em, use them.

2. Defensive Nuclear Policy?

- If you have them, use them.

3. Does your alliance endorse tech raiding?

- It's allowed, yeah. It used to be more common than it is now.

4. (Answer to #3) Why?

- It's actually not a half-bad way to learn the basics of the war system.

5. Why did your alliance choose your color?

- It's home.

6. Are NAPs useless?

- That depends. If it's written like the old TPF/PC NAP, hell yeah it's useless.

7. Do you believe in MADPs? (Meaning, why not just have MDoAPS just in case if you do not believe in the cause)

- Sure. Gotta have both a high level of trust and a high level of compatibility first, though.

8. Do you believe in the use of sanctioning during war?

- Probably too much collateral damage to be really worth it, but it is war.

9. Can you provide me a link to your flag?

- Could, but too lazy.

11. What small alliances do you feel will be major political players in the long run?

- I have no idea. What exactly does "small" mean? Low members, low NS, low nukes, no treaties, what?

12. Do you consider TDO neutral?

- I don't think about them much. But they inched pretty close to that line recently.

14. Current recruitment? (Open-door? Applicant interviews? Invite-only?)

- IRC interview usually.

15. Does your alliance believe in preemptive strikes?

- Ask someone in gov.

16. Current view concerning NPO?

- Urk. Liked them when I first started playing, but it seems that the more I know the less there is to like.

17. Who are the alliances you are closest to who you do not have a treaty with?

- My personal favorite of those we aren't treatied to is MK, with Kronos second. I'll let someone in gov answer for the alliance.

18. Do you believe/support in NPO's Revenge Doctrine?

- It doesn't exist anymore, so moot question.

19. Rate 1-5 (1 being lowest) for which how well your alliance has each of the following: Military, diplomacy, economical, internal organization, stability.

- 4 - I think we're at least decently good, 3 - We can be pretty damn unreasonable when we want to be, 3 - Some folks are on the lazy side with nation building including myself, 4 - People know what they're supposed to be doing and they do it, 4 - Gov's very stable, but having good people get deleted for inactivity sucks $@!.

21. What are your alliance's strengths?

- Experience, mostly.

22. What are your alliance's weaknesses?

- Oh God, recruiting. The less said the better, but we really, really, really suck at it.

23. What alliances do typically the majority of your alliance descend from?

- Goodly amount of people who were in Illuminati way back in like late 06. Beyond that, massive mixed bag.

25. Alliance A declare war on Alliance B. You have MADPs with both. Morally, you agree with Alliance A and feel they have a good enough reason for attacking alliance B, how do you go about handling this situation?

- I'd be extremely pissed off at Alliance A regardless of their moral reasoning.

26. Do you believe in Perma-ZI?

- It happens. It's justified at times. So yeah.

27. An alliance called The Fookheads has a MADP with The Asgards. The Asgards decide to declare war on an alliance called Icantbelieveitsnotbutter alliance. Asgards reasoning for attacking is simply because they want dominant control over the silver senate, and they feel this is the only way possible. The Fookheads, whom have an MADP with The Asgards, feel the reasoning is both unethical and illogical, thus canceling their MADP. Are The Fookheads dishonorable for standing up for what they believe in and canceling the MADP?

- They're at least somewhat dishonorable. Standing up for what you believe in is nice. Breaking your word though is considerably less than nice. Plus, if you can't trust an ally not to drag your sorry $@! into that situation, why on earth do you have a MADP with them in the first place?

30. Thoughts concerning...

30.1 ...Citadel? They're fine by me. Umbrella in particular is cool, but some of the rest are a bit too buttoned down for my personal taste.

30.2 ...Frostbite? They're okay. I quite like STA, and appreciate NSO's style, but at times they can be quite stuffy.

30.3 ...Superfriends? I'm in SF. So...yeah.

30.4 ...Complaints and Greviances? They're cool. I like every alliance in the bloc a fair amount at absolute least.

30.5 ...Common Defense Treaty? They're... okay I guess? At least some of them are.

33. Do you ever censor your members?

That depends on how stupid they're being :v:

34. Are coups ever justifiable?

Beyond me couping Xiph and getting us rolled one fine day, hell no.

36. I respectively tell you I dislike your alliance, I feel your leaders are disrespectful who feed on power and power only. I also state I feel the general membership has no respect and constantly flame. What would your response/actions be?

- If I like you, I'll ask you why you think that, and try to give a valid response to your reasoning.

If I don't... Once upon a time, I might have tried to change your opinion. Now? Shrug, say something suitably patronizing to make you more angry, and move on.

38. State the results of any wars you have been in.

- WotC versus CCC, LEN, and OTF - Won.

Karma versus NPO, Echelon, GDA, AB. - Won.

That's it unless you want to count rogue hunting or tech raids or TE or something.

44. Your members wish for a new government, they don't like it and feel a different kind would be better. What do you do?

- I facepalm hard, and wonder what the hell they're doing in GOD in the first place if they want a democracy. Things just plain don't work that way here.

45. What traits make a good alliance?

- A good community, a sense of unity, a vision, experienced hands and good instruction for those lacking experience.

46. Current Government type?

- For my nation, Capitalist for buying Infra, Democracy for just collecting.

For the alliance, we're a kind of not-so-benevolent dictatorship :P

47. What are your alliance's ideals?

- A safe, fun place to enjoy hanging out where people don't have to be terrified of what to say or not to say on our boards or on IRC, the way some folks seem to roll.

48. Did you support GGA's doctrine concerning the Green team, stating an alliance needs permission from the to form on GGA and no alliances other than GPA can vote for senate? If a senator from any other team has more than 20+ votes, they will be attacked.

- You're kidding me, right? !@#$@#$ hell, no!

49. Do you believe in moral police?

- I believe they exist, yeah.

50. What treaties do you have?

- Trying to resist the temptation to use the wiki...

SF, CA/SPAM/MEP for blocs.

VE... I think three times over? Maroon Entente, Balkan Entente, VE-OV-GOD MADP.

Obviously OV.

Sparta MDoAP.

Corp MDoAP

A fair amount of redundant MDPs/MDoAPs with people in either SF, TT, or Maroon.

OAODONF with R&R and TTK that I sadly can't find my link to.

NAP with The Brigade

...That's all I can think of without using the Wiki. Our Wiki's probably out of date, anyways.

55. Do you feel you will ever be sanctioned?

- I actually hope the answer to this is no. Unless we get a lot better at recruiting by some arcane magic, it'll be no.

56. How many members must be in an alliance before you consider them an actual alliance? 1? 5? 10? 20? 30+?

- Two.

60. Age range most of your members are?

- Not sure, mostly near college age probably.

61. Where do most of your members live?

- North America.

62. What crisis's have your alliance overcome?

- A fair few. I wasn't around for it, but by all accounts the aftermath of UJW was pretty damn bad.

63. (#62) Did you become weaker or stronger because of them?

- Stronger.

64. What were some of the most important steps your alliance have made in its history?

- Most of it's a matter of public record.

66. What are your alliance's plans internally for the future?

- Personally, invent a way to slap and/or throw things at people through the Internet and use it on people who get deleted.

67. What are your alliance's plans externally for the future?

- Find something worth killing and try to kill it. Maybe Hegemony 2.0? I dunno.

68. GPA wants a MDP, do you accept?

- Not without knowing why the heck they're offering us a MDP... not to mention getting to the point where we are comfortable with dealing with them both as an alliance and as individual people, and know that we're compatible as possible allies.


69. The Hydra Clan enter a war you do not agree with, you have a MADP with them. You are seriously against it and it is against your morals, though, if you do not comply, you can be seen as traitors. What do you do?

- Enter. We gave our word. Afterwards, give them the finger unless they have a darn good reason that they didn't see fit to share before. Even then, probably cancel/downgrade since concealing something like that is a pretty clear indicator of a lack of trust.

70. What is honor? How is an alliance honorable, what makes an alliance honorable, and what makes an alliance dishonorable in your opinion?

- That's a silly question.

71. A GOONS member flames you, and you respond back, publicly, with harsh words as well. Who is wrong?

- Neither. And why does it have to bee a GOONS member? I sense major bias.

73. What is more beneficial in the long run, diplomacy or war experience?

- A little from column A, a little from column B.

75. Which alliances would you sign an MDP with if you had free choice?

- MK, maybe Kronos, maybe FOK, maybe Genesis.

76. What makes a effective fighting alliance?

- A good system in general, coherent and skilled leadership, a good plan and the flexibility to alter that plan should things change, and people on the ground who know their business.

77. In a war against a much bigger opponent against who you could not win, would you use the alliance nukes to go down fighting (to take as many of them down with us as possible - FAN style) or disband the alliance?

- Fight. Disbanding because someone else wants us to would suck.

78. Might makes right. True or false?

- False. Though to someone without knowledge I guess it could look like it's true since winners write history.

79. About the Unjust War: which side do you think was in the right, if either, and are you happy with the result?

- Neither.

80. Do you think that CN politics and diplomacy bear much of a similarity to diplomacy in real life? How are they similar or different, and why do you think this is? Does the diplomacy of CN more closely resemble that of any particular time period in human history, and would you change anything about the way it is generally conducted?

- No. RL politics have even more inaction and pointless rhetoric.

If it resembles anything, it resembles either the Diadochi minus the endless wars, or the end of the Roman Empire. Possibly also Medieval Europe in the sheer amount of political entities.

81. Does the majority of your alliance sell tech or buy tech? For what price?

- Buy, 3/100.

82. Does the majority of your alliance buy donations or sell tech? For what price?

- No.

83. What was the cause of the Unjust War? (note: not the actual casus belli but the wider interrelation)

- There were several.

84. Do you have any ideas about where the next major tension or war might be?

- Yes.

85. What do you think the effect of an alliance sanction is? Is it a good thing or a bad thing for most alliances?

- Prestige and a flag in-game. And a whole lot of ghosting problems. Not worth the trouble imo.

90. Would your alliance ever spy on an alliance if you felt threatened? (Not in-game spying)

- Threatened as in they might someday attack us? Nah.

Threatened as in we're at war and they want to disband us? Heck yeah.

91. The Fookheads have a NAP with TheMenHuggers. You have a MADP with The Fookheads, who break their NAP and attack TheMenHuggers. What do you do?

- Regardless of whether I had a problem with it or not, Mutual Aggression is not optional.

93. You send a member 15 Million Aid. 2 weeks later, the member leaves. Do you make the member pay 15 Million back? Or more?

- No. 15 mil is spare change in building aid nowadays it seems. Though if they ran out without fulfilling tech deals or something, I'd have a problem with it.

94. Is there such thing as respectful freedom of speech over the CN forums?

- Yes.

95. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Non-government)

- It happens. I suppose it depends on the gravity of the actions taken.

96. Should an entire alliance pay the price for one member's actions? (Government)

- Same as before.

97. Quality or Quantity?

- Quality. No doubt about it.

98. The Fookheads, who you have a MADP with, are forced to cancel all treaties to avoid war with the ILovePooNuggets Alliance. The ILovePooNuggets alliance finds a questionable cassus belli, do you help your ally even though they were forced to cancel the treaty?

- I sincerely hope we wouldn't allow it to come to them being forced to cancel on us in the first place. Also yes.

99. Will alliances like NADC/WTF ever do anything? Are they isolationists?

- Yes, they will. No, they aren't.

100. Your member sends aid to Mangina, who is on NPO's ZI list. (Not really, theoretical situation), who they never announced. There was no way for your alliance to know Mangina was on the list. NPO then attacks your member's nation. How do you handle this situation? What if it leads to a potential war, what will you do?

- Attacking a member of GOD for aiding someone he had no idea was on NPO's ZI list...hmm, I thought that list got cleared recently.

Anyways, reps to the member who got hit or things might get a bit heated.

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