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Most Hated: King Death II

(I would say Bilrow, but I know he likes it, and I hate him so much that even bringing him that sick, sadistic pleasure makes my blood boil.)

It's funny because I bet many out there share this viewpoint. I wouldn't slide KDII into his place though simply because, while KDII shows great promise, he has yet to frustrate me with his pig-headed contempt for the english language to near the degree Bilrow has over time.

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You Hate John Mathews :P

I don't hate anyone, I just have a dislike of some peoples who know who they are for just for certain view points that they push forward at times

tho OOC I hate Crush since hes so sexy its scary

No Sweetie, I love you very much B) And you're right about Crush's sexiness....

Have we just turned this into a love thread? :wub:

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IC, several of the old NPO 'troll squad' used to make the cut, but most of them have retired or mellowed. Only Bilrow remains as a real figure of dislike.

I haven't really mellowed, it's just that there's much less NS backing up my words and my mouth can't write as big of checks as it could in the past. Give it some time, my good man.

I'm disappointed I haven't been mentioned by anyone. I really need to get on with couping Ivan so my reign of terror can commence.

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I haven't really mellowed, it's just that there's much less NS backing up my words and my mouth can't write as big of checks as it could in the past. Give it some time, my good man.

I'm disappointed I haven't been mentioned by anyone. I really need to get on with couping Ivan so my reign of terror can commence.

Whenever you think you are man enough, ginger boy.

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Jerdge - Every post he has ever made has been psuedo-moralistic drivel. Its not easy to say that much and contribute that little. I can only hope that he sits home laughing at anyone that actually buys into his crap. The only way I can rationalize his playing style is that its a big prank.

How can you hate Jerdge? I can see not caring for his posts, but they're all reasonable and appear to be the product of actual thought, as opposed to many people I could name.

edit: I guess I'll name them - Bilrow, Josef Thorne (back when he was still around at least), and ChairmanHal. I also don't care for essenia, who seems to spend rather self-important and uses the "you're irrelevant!" argument too much for my taste.

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Prodigal Chieftain was insane, drunk and abusive to other players. The game is better off without him.

I can only hope to be described in such loving words.


Kaiser Martens. That spineless turd bailed on us the minute his reps were paid, by us, and his "probation" was done, right before the last war leaving us high and dry. If I ever catch him in a dark alley....

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Hate? God no. But there are quite a bunch who get on my annoying list because they're attention whores (Francesca, TBB...) or because their posts are nothing but idiocy and drooling (Bilrow, shahenshah, TheAUT, Tokusomething, D34th, Alterego...).

Then again, don't feel honoured/sad to have made the list, I dislike everyone.

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I can't say I hate anyone.

Moldavi and Corinan's posts used to drive me crazy, but for some odd reason, I've found myself agreeing with them lately. So no hate there.

Schattenman's dislike for VE makes him an easy choice, but I don't hate him either. I'm more puzzled I guess.

Starcraftmaster's recent bout of puking all over VE almost got me to hate him, but then it became funny.

At one time, I could have hated TPF, but I have to give them props for gutting it out during Karma.

NPO? I don't hate them. I don't understand why anyone would want to belong to what I see as an almost cult-like culture but to each their own. I might have had a serious dislike for them before the Karma war, but they proved to be mortal like the rest of us. There's some good people over there despite what we all want to believe.

I do believe though, that there is some serious hate out there for Impero. Most of it from the Moralists which means he's doing something right.

I'm sure someone will do something sooner or later to get me going and I'll get the Viridian mob up in arms and we'll have a good time over it. Maybe a new monster will appear on the scene in 2010. :awesome:

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