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Most Hated Player


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I miss when people used to hate me, but I suppose that comes with not being the "NPO Troll Squad" any more even though I haven't really changed. Also, I've never really hated the Big Bad or Ivan Moldavi, but Watchman posting in this thread made me remember how much I despise him.

Edited by Katsumi
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edit: I guess I'll name them - Bilrow, Josef Thorne (back when he was still around at least), and ChairmanHal. I also don't care for essenia, who seems to spend rather self-important and uses the "you're irrelevant!" argument too much for my taste.

I'm curious as to when I've used that argument. There are valid criticisms that can be made about my posting style, but I'm not seeing where you're coming from with that one.

Edited by Essenia
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How can you hate Jerdge? I can see not caring for his posts, but they're all reasonable and appear to be the product of actual thought, as opposed to many people I could name.

I would contend that they are mostly the result of an intense desire to appear smarter than he actually is but thats another issue. How anyone could like him with this record is the weird part.

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I'm curious as to when I've used that argument. There are valid criticisms that can be made about my posting style, but I'm not seeing where you're coming from with that one.

Well to pick a gem from this very thread:

If it were for worst player I might nominate you. Sadly, you're not important enough for me to hate you.
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Well to pick a gem from this very thread:

Ah, so you read an unserious post as a grave insult. If there was a time where I seriously tried to win a debate/seriously argued that person/poster x was irrelevant I'd be curious to find it.

Edited by Essenia
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I would contend that they are mostly the result of an intense desire to appear smarter than he actually is but thats another issue. How anyone could like him with this record is the weird part.

I wasn't really interested in nominating anyone in this thread until this. Hating him for OOC reporting rule violators? Seriously?

Bob Sanders.

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How can you hate Jerdge? I can see not caring for his posts, but they're all reasonable and appear to be the product of actual thought, as opposed to many people I could name.

Probably still smarting after a certain alliance had to apologise to another alliance after a certain someone made offensive OOC remarks about someone else, in the embassy of that alliance no less. On a completely unrelated note, I vote Bob Sanders.

Also Electron Sponge.

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I've never hated anyone OOC, and at this point I don't hate anyone IC, though there are a few that I find annoying and/or stupid in significant ways for specific reasons:

- Bilrow, it's one thing to annoy people by attacking them in a somewhat clever way, it's another to just be a broken record of stupidity, like in his Athens countdown thread.

- Nintenderek and his whole "I like to role-play a small nation." thing comes across as a really bad and laughable excuse for just failing very miserably at that part of the game.

- Mhawk's complaining about terms from karma, though at this point that has pretty much died so I'm not sure that really counts any more.

- Jonathan Brookbank: his moralism isn't well thought out and often takes on a whiny quality.

- Everyone who trots out the "see Karma is just as bad as Hegemony!" line with any regularity.

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Hate? God no. But there are quite a bunch who get on my annoying list because they're attention whores (Francesca, TBB...) or because their posts are nothing but idiocy and drooling (Bilrow, shahenshah, TheAUT, Tokusomething, D34th, Alterego...).

Then again, don't feel honoured/sad to have made the list, I dislike everyone.

AHAHAHAHA, I got mentioned! Feed my ego, foolish mortal! Also, potato, proud to be in that class of names. Cheers.

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Ah, so you read an unserious post as a grave insult. If there was a time where I seriously tried to win a debate/seriously argued that person/poster x was irrelevant I'd be curious to find it.

Interestingly, I scanned all your posts, and you've never called a poster irrelevant outside of this thread. You did once suggest that a boiler room poster was posting irrelevant arguments.

This might be the closest analogue I found to an irrelevance argument: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=31951

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Jerdge - Every post he has ever made has been psuedo-moralistic drivel. Its not easy to say that much and contribute that little. I can only hope that he sits home laughing at anyone that actually buys into his crap. The only way I can rationalize his playing style is that its a big prank.

I didn't think that it was a mistery, but anyway I can clear up to you that I roleplay a mostly pacifist and (trying to be) reasonable person, that is more or less my RL character.

Yes, I'm bad at Role Playing and I never felt that I had enough time to spend in improving myself in that. Sorry.

I would contend that they are mostly the result of an intense desire to appear smarter than he actually is but thats another issue. How anyone could like him with this record is the weird part.

I think that I can explain to you why that "part" isn't weird at all. The state of confusion that you are experiencing derives by your mixing together the reports I made/make in the Moderation forums and the actual game. If you could only realize that the two are completely separate issues, we would all be free from these annoying repeated references to myself, my reports and the like. I'm not an exciting character and I'm also quite inactive right now: I'm sure that there aren't many people interested in your commentaries over my reports.

I can also assure you that I'm completely uninterested in the complaints I receive from this or that person whenever I file any kind of report. Everybody here had plenty of opportunity to understand that i) the Mods and not the "plaintiff" issue warns; ii) I anyway don't care at all about any form of in-game threat because of what I do outside the game (the maximum reaction you can hope to obtain is that I shrug, but you won't be able to see it anyway).

While I think that you still have wide room for improvement, Bob, I however acknowledge that this time you didn't engage in open insults against me, and I thank you for that.

Finally, to express my feeling about this thread, I'd say that it's horribly silly to hate another player over an Internet game. One could deplore the way someone else plays the game but that should be, in my humble opinion, all.

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Hate? God no. But there are quite a bunch who get on my annoying list because they're attention whores (Francesca, TBB...) or because their posts are nothing but idiocy and drooling (Bilrow, shahenshah, TheAUT, Tokusomething, D34th, Alterego...).

Then again, don't feel honoured/sad to have made the list, I dislike everyone.

Why pick one when you can pick eight. Dont move I just have to drool on you...


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Hate? God no. But there are quite a bunch who get on my annoying list because they're attention whores (Francesca, TBB...) or because their posts are nothing but idiocy and drooling (Bilrow, shahenshah, TheAUT, Tokusomething, D34th, Alterego...).

Then again, don't feel honoured/sad to have made the list, I dislike everyone.

Very much this. For the exception of TheAUT, who most of the time has some good understanding of what he is discussing/addressing.

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- Nintenderek and his whole "I like to role-play a small nation." thing comes across as a really bad and laughable excuse for just failing very miserably at that part of the game.

I can safely say that at around 1k NS, war is much more enjoyable, and intense. It doesn't just come down to nuking and whoever has the bigger warchest, though I would enjoy having an actual nuke to use from time to time.

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