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It's Christmas Time....

Father Christmas

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It's that time of year when presents are given; this year the deliveries will start early - this week in fact! There are some rules:

1. You must be nice, not naughty. This means you mustn't be the agressor in any war. If you're being attacked, Santa may check his list twice and see if he can find out if you deserved it.

2. Christmas is for the Kids. You must have an NS below 5K.

3. You must be home. The nation must have been active in the last 10 days.

4. You must check under the tree to see if presents have been delivered. The present will be taken away and given to someone else if it hasn't been unwrapped after 5 days.

Please note the following:

Accepting or rejecting a present ($3M aid package) is entirely without prejudice. I won't be upset either way. Accepting a present doesn't mean you agree with me or Invicta; just as me sending one doesn't mean I agree with you or your alliance, or that I support you in any war you may be engaged in at the time (see also rule 1).

I'm the one sending the gifts, as a personal thing. Some time ago there was a furore about nations offering support to victims of tech raiding, on the OWF thread about that, I said I thought it was sad that the only contact some smaller nations had with the wider world was to be raided. This is, in some ways, me putting a bit of my money where my mouth was. This is therefore not an officially sponsored Invicta project, so if some of my cash ends up with someone you don't like, tell me, not Invicta.

The nations will be selected at Random (a simple MS Excel RANDBETWEEN function, with the upper limit set to the nation ID of the newest nation, if you must know!) - I will repeat the function until I find a nation that meets the criteria above and then send the aid - providing they have a slot free.

I will not be seeking to cause or avoid controversy with these presents, fate will play its part and the gifts will go where they go. The first gifts will go out shortly.

Of course, I can only send so many presents between now and Christmas, so I invite anyone who has the means and the inclination to do the same!

Happy Christmas!


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Can I sit on your lap?

Also, when I first started and was without an alliance, I remember just being tech raided, which was confusing at first. He demanded tech to end the raids but I refused, after a few more days he offered peace because he was "bored" and I took it.

I stewed about it for a long time, as in a few days, and decided I would extract a measure of justice and bided my time waiting for an opportunity. Amazingly, right on, or just before, christmas a random person sent me 3 million. More money than I'd ever seen before. It was divine, and all the armaments and tech and infra that I purchased with it was awesome. I waited until my aggressor was engaged in other tech raids and pounced. He never saw it coming.

That's right, for christmas:

I got revenge.

Thanks to who ever sent that money, it made my season.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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It's that time of year when presents are given; this year the deliveries will start early - this week in fact! There are some rules:

1. You must be nice, not naughty. This means you mustn't be the agressor in any war. If you're being attacked, Santa may check his list twice and see if he can find out if you deserved it.

2. Christmas is for the Kids. You must have an NS below 5K.

3. You must be home. The nation must have been active in the last 10 days.

4. You must check under the tree to see if presents have been delivered. The present will be taken away and given to someone else if it hasn't been unwrapped after 5 days.

Please note the following:

Accepting or rejecting a present ($3M aid package) is entirely without prejudice. I won't be upset either way. Accepting a present doesn't mean you agree with me or Invicta; just as me sending one doesn't mean I agree with you or your alliance, or that I support you in any war you may be engaged in at the time (see also rule 1).

I'm the one sending the gifts, as a personal thing. Some time ago there was a furore about nations offering support to victims of tech raiding, on the OWF thread about that, I said I thought it was sad that the only contact some smaller nations had with the wider world was to be raided. This is, in some ways, me putting a bit of my money where my mouth was. This is therefore not an officially sponsored Invicta project, so if some of my cash ends up with someone you don't like, tell me, not Invicta.

The nations will be selected at Random (a simple MS Excel RANDBETWEEN function, with the upper limit set to the nation ID of the newest nation, if you must know!) - I will repeat the function until I find a nation that meets the criteria above and then send the aid - providing they have a slot free.

I will not be seeking to cause or avoid controversy with these presents, fate will play its part and the gifts will go where they go. The first gifts will go out shortly.

Of course, I can only send so many presents between now and Christmas, so I invite anyone who has the means and the inclination to do the same!

Happy Christmas!


You need to hook up with a guy called Astronaut Jones, could be epic.

Good luck with this, nice gesture as Kzoppistan points out, 3kk can really help a little guy.

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