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Sometimes Its Just Necessary


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Ask Echelon about 30 million, and as you are in Polaris I am sure you know of it.

As polaris was the ones who supported Keve and told Echelon to back down.

"Proof = Were bigger" I'm sure you remember that.

Umm... Hizzy is in Nueva Vida, so unless we absorbed them Hizzy has not been in Polaris in a while.

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I feel I need to say this:

Time will tell if this worked, or didn't work. Honestly if there is such a dissent from the UINE, then maybe I made the wrong decission, however, I hope with the logs and proof that comes forward, you will all see that I was in the right.

If for whatever reason this was failed... and I am outcast again... Then I will live with that. I cannot force anyone to believe me when I say that I am not interested in the power. However, I can tell you that I did what I did for the benefit of my alliance. An alliance I *KNOW* to be great... that just doesn't have the proper people up top to make it happen. I am doing this because I know that UINE will be better off with a leadership transition, and in the end if this at least brings to light the errors of Keve69... and it forces him to reform himself then all the better. I don't care how UINE betters.. I just want to see a great alliance succeed.

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Polaris and TOP are not necessarily on opposite sides in a very multi-polar world.

Polaris despises log dumping by former government members of alliance who don't get their own way.

Polaris despises said former government attempting to coup an ally and good friend.

Polaris advises you that you have a very very short period of time to remove yourself from the situation before I get involved personally. Given that I am in a foul mood lately, the outcomes could be less than unfamiliar to the former NADC nation involved.

Whether Keve is not selling tech to TOP or not, whether he has conspired with others to deny TOP/Citadel tech or whether he has specifically deceived TOP in relation to it are not relevant to the situation at all. TOP are big boys and they can buy tech almost anywhere if they want to. Keve is perfectly within his rights to decide who he will supply and who he wont. There is a clear right of refusal to deal with anyone for any reason.

It is my understanding that this situation will be resolved quickly but if not, expect me to care more in a short period of time.

The notion of irony relating to coups is not lost on me however :P

Edited by AlmightyGrub
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Polaris and TOP are not necessarily on opposite sides in a very multi-polar world.

Polaris despises log dumping by former government members of alliance who don't get their own way.

Polaris despises said former government attempting to coup an ally and good friend.

Polaris advises you that you have a very very short period of time to remove yourself from the situation before I get involved personally. Given that I am in a foul mood lately, the outcomes could be less than unfamiliar to the former NADC nation involved.

Whether Keve is not selling tech to TOP or not, whether he has conspired with others to deny TOP/Citadel tech or whether he has specifically deceived TOP in relation to it are not relevant to the situation at all. TOP are big boys and they can buy tech almost anywhere if they want to. Keve is perfectly within his rights to decide who he will supply and who he wont. There is a clear right of refusal to deal with anyone for any reason.

It is my understanding that this situation will be resolved quickly but if not, expect me to care more in a short period of time.

The notion of irony relating to coups is not lost on me however :P

The Corporation hereby claims responsibility for all the spy attacks launched on NpO previously assumed to be done by UINE.


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The Corporation hereby claims responsibility for all the spy attacks launched on NpO previously assumed to be done by UINE.


I would mock you, but your constant need to re-invent yourself only to reveal yourself because of your massive ego issues is sufficient I think.

Go away and do not tempt fate.

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I would mock you, but your constant need to re-invent yourself only to reveal yourself because of your massive ego issues is sufficient I think.

Go away and do not tempt fate.

I don't believe in fate, Grub. What we do is what matters and builds our future it's not decided for us. What happened to me happened because of bad timing and bad judgment on my part, fate had nothing to do with it. Getting a lecture on ego from you is ironic, however.

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I feel I need to say this:

Time will tell if this worked, or didn't work. Honestly if there is such a dissent from the UINE, then maybe I made the wrong decission, however, I hope with the logs and proof that comes forward, you will all see that I was in the right.

If for whatever reason this was failed... and I am outcast again... Then I will live with that. I cannot force anyone to believe me when I say that I am not interested in the power. However, I can tell you that I did what I did for the benefit of my alliance. An alliance I *KNOW* to be great... that just doesn't have the proper people up top to make it happen. I am doing this because I know that UINE will be better off with a leadership transition, and in the end if this at least brings to light the errors of Keve69... and it forces him to reform himself then all the better. I don't care how UINE betters.. I just want to see a great alliance succeed.

I see words about what is wrong with your current government. They may have merit. They may not. Not my alliance. Not my business. Can't say I care.

But since you are announcing a government change I think it's fair to enquire by whose authority? Do you have backing from your charter? If not were democratic means tried and circumvented to require such a bold move? And if you felt such a move was necessary do you have the backing, especially amoung allies, to enforce your statements creating a new government?

If not then you've obviously mislabeled your post and you are actually creating a splinter alliance and this is Declaration of Existence for a new alliance you have yet to properly name.

That is if this isn't a fantasy post. A coup requires more than just saying the old guy is "bad" and that you are "good." It requires the actual ability to control the alliance you are allegedly leading.

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<teamcoltra> Lets at least talk about this... I don't care about power or anything... but I damn sure want a stable UINE

Spineless TC, the time for Talking is over, you blew right passed talking when you attempted a half assed hostile take over with no support or tangible evidence.

You spout your slander from peace mode, and then beg for mercy through the walls of the prison you made with your own hands.

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Ask Echelon about 30 million, and as you are in Polaris I am sure you know of it.

As polaris was the ones who supported Keve and told Echelon to back down.

"Proof = Were bigger" I'm sure you remember that.

It is a long established tradition here on Bob that you repay your debts to your alliance under the arrangements they were made even if you leave the alliance. The tradition stops various people mooching off all and sundry without any recourse.

If the situation you allude to disturbs you, feel free to make a thread discussing my evil ways, my ''might is right policies'' and so forth so that I may mock you further in a different thread. Until then, Polaris has made our position clear, we support Keve and will continue to do so. Does that mean we support everything he does? Probably not, but we will back him.

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It is a long established tradition here on Bob that you repay your debts to your alliance under the arrangements they were made even if you leave the alliance. The tradition stops various people mooching off all and sundry without any recourse.

Interesting you should quote a WF member while saying that... :ph34r:

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UINE has been known as a common sense revolution, and in so doing, myself and Keve have sat down at a table to discuss the future UINE. Instead of bucking horns, and saying that my way is better we both realise that we have done things that the other person doesn't like (my attempting to coup him probably being my big one) and I would like to officially denouce my intentions of being the leader of UINE.

While this will upset some who supported the coup, the simple fact is that UINE doesn't need this kind of instability right now.. and we need to work at having a long strong future, instead of a future of bickering and hate.

We of course don't see eye to eye on everything but we are going to work though it, we may even remain in the same alliance together to get all of this fixed before I go elsewhere. This shows great strength for Keve, and I admire that. Keve understands that while my means to get to the end were wrong, we do want the same thing: Strength and Peace for UINE.

We are a common sense revolution that will live on.

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UINE has been known as a common sense revolution, and in so doing, myself and Keve have sat down at a table to discuss the future UINE. Instead of bucking horns, and saying that my way is better we both realise that we have done things that the other person doesn't like (my attempting to coup him probably being my big one) and I would like to officially denouce my intentions of being the leader of UINE.

While this will upset some who supported the coup, the simple fact is that UINE doesn't need this kind of instability right now.. and we need to work at having a long strong future, instead of a future of bickering and hate.

We of course don't see eye to eye on everything but we are going to work though it, we may even remain in the same alliance together to get all of this fixed before I go elsewhere. This shows great strength for Keve, and I admire that. Keve understands that while my means to get to the end were wrong, we do want the same thing: Strength and Peace for UINE.

We are a common sense revolution that will live on.

So that pretty much makes this whole topic unnecessary?

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I do love when failed coup attempts spill out into public as it gives me a respite from the doldrums of running my nation. As far as failed coup attempts go this one is pretty par for the. You have a unilateral declaration of regime change spelling out a few greivances with no actual proof to support it, you lack the support of you allies and on the surface the casual OWF follower may be lured into declaring moral support for your cause (which, I do believe, is why you put this out here in the first place, to achieve some sort of international recognition after your coup because you have none currenty).

Upon closer inspection the facade of morality and righteousness you put on display in your initial declaration is torn asunder by the hard nosed investigators of the international community. Leaders familiar with your alliance and the man you are attempting to depose have come forth and exposed your hollow attempts at character assasination. Your allies (although they really arent 'your' allies at this point) have also come out and stolen away whatever little chance for sucess your abortive coup attempts had.

Your clumsily assembled rebuttle to your critics shows exactly what desperate straits you are in. Your charges against your leader grow increasingly contrived and baseless. Going so far as to acuse him of being involved in some grand attempt to embargo the Citadel alliances is really quite silly when you have no actual evidence to prove it (what little 'evidence' you have given is hardly worthy of the title evidence, it is, simply put, smoke, mirrors, and a great deal of panicked conjecture).

I am curious though, how did you plan on actually assuming control of UINE? Were you planning on declaring your coup and expecting your rightful and recognized leader to throw up his hands in despiar and walk away? Obviously you did not marshal the support of your allies or the international community to lend credence to your attempted coup, and given this I highly doubt you have the military strength to seize the government by force?

Did you have an actual strategy for seizing power beyond making a declaration of regime change to the international community and hoping for the best?

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TeamColtra made a mistake and it can happen to anyone, as such UINE will NOT pursue a ZI and he will be allowed to head to the alliance of his wish. The destruction of his pixels neither excites me nor does it serve any practical purpose. The damage to TeamColtra`s reputation has been more than enough.

Thank you all for your concern

EDIT* Forgot the NOT :P

Edited by Keve69
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TeamColtra made a mistake and it can happen to anyone, as such UINE will pursue a ZI and he will be allowed to head to the alliance of his wish. The destruction of his pixels neither excites me nor does it serve any practical purpose. The damage to TeamColtra`s reputation has been more than enough.

Thank you all for your concern

I believe you contradicted yourself? maybe you meant will not pursue zi?

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