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Sometimes Its Just Necessary


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When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

These were the words that were signed to by the founding fathers of America, they put their lives on the line and were willing to stand trial for treason, to stand up for what they believe in. No truer words apply to the UINE today. We, however, will not be separating and forming our own alliance, on the contrary we are separating those who act illegally for the betterment of ones self and putting the safety of the people who entrust themselves to them at risk. We wish not to have bitter feelings but a new era of development.

Currently Keve has black mailed members into staying, attempted extortion on other alliances, has over stepped his bounds written into the charter (including but not limited to: Appointing members into democratically elected positions, and lieing and hiding facts from the triumvirate). Alone these actions may not sound like much, however, they are reoccurring, and dangerous to the welfare of the alliance. The signatories below do not stand to position themselves into power they stand for the betterment of ones alliance.

We are removing the emperor and replacing him with the following government:


CodeXVeronica - Long time member of UINE under different names, has (nearly) single handedly grown our membership to the level it is at today, and has refused payment for this task since her only goal is to better the alliance she loves. CodeXVeronica was black mailed into staying in the UINE against her will, by Keve ensuring that she would be ZIed if she left. She was elected, and is now welcome back to take her rightful position.

Demago - While being only a member for a short time, has proven his loyalty to the democracy of UINE, by both financial and time investments, he will also open up his position to a fair election, he has agreed to this position to ensure the stability of the new UINE.

Elected Position - Currently we are already holding elections for a new triumvir, so we will allow these elections to finish, and the victor will be our third triumvirate.


TeamColtra - I tend to keep a firm hand during this transition period and then look into alternatives to the "Emperor" title since and emperor and a triumvirate seems counter productive. I hold my self to the mercy of UINE and will always act in good faith. There has been discussion of my participation in the alliance, you can rest assured that I will be logged in nearly all hours to make sure that this transition goes smoothly. I will be providing all forms of contact information and will leave myself open, not only to UINE... but to all those who are friends to UINE or wanted to be friends with UINE but have been put off by the lies and deciet of our current government.

Other people we would like to see:

MajorLu, I fully endorse him as our third triumvirate, and hope that he will take on a higher than normal work load the days after this transition. He is a great asset to UINE.

King Ryan, You are a great asset to UINE and I know we can work together to become more organized, and create a better environment.

Pera, you as well know that we needed this and I hope that you stand by my side, and possibly run for Triumvirate as you are highly qualified and I know that you embody what the UINE should be (in my eyes).

This was never supposed to happen like this, and I never wanted to be one to make a post like this, unfortunately it must be done. Shall we be wrong we hold the values of UINE in our hearts, and know that we were acting for the betterment of a great alliance.

TeamColtra of Geeks Paradox

Emperor of the Union of Integrated National Entities

Please if you have any questions comments or concerns you may contact me on #UINE or #UINE-CN or via in-game message.

You are absolutely despicable TeamColtra, you conspire with known enemies of UINE, CodeVeronica, who knowingly stole from UINE formerly known as Jenn, Im sure everyone remembers you're little spat over OWF about her. You show no proof of these accusations, and you do not give the members of UINE any options or warning.

The Ascended Republic of Elite States hereby suspends all treaties, with UINE until Koltra is dealt with, We urge other Allies, of the REAL uine to do the same.

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Hmm, I don't really know what to think of this. Keve may not be the foremost leader on Planet Bob, but he's always seemed to be a good guy with a decent head on his shoulders filled with good intentions.

I'm going to need some convincing, because from my point of view, this just seems like selfish people with selfish intentions making a power grab.

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You are absolutely despicable TeamColtra, you conspire with known enemies of UINE, CodeVeronica, who knowingly stole from UINE formerly known as Jenn, Im sure everyone remembers you're little spat over OWF about her. You show no proof of these accusations, and you do not give the members of UINE any options or warning.

The Ascended Republic of Elite States hereby suspends all treaties, with UINE until Koltra is dealt with, We urge other Allies, of the REAL uine to do the same.

It seems I spoke too soon, however, my presumptions were correct.

Best of luck Keve.

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Yes. especially since this came out of left field.

TC, not too long ago, you wanted out because you did not have the time to bother with CN. Now, all of a sudden, you bother? As for "blackmailing" I do not think Keve needs to blackmail people. He has done a great deal for UINE, including some of the treaties that he has signed on our behalf. We are moving forward. Now, you want to kill us off.

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I have no intentions of bending the truth... I never wanted the power, and honestly stepped down from the Triumvirate the last time because I felt that someone could come in and do a better job. I do not intend on keeping this power, and will make an open invite that if I am not out within 2 months you can attack me or re-coup me.. I simply want to make sure this goes over well.. and then create a stable body. UINE has been manipulating the people around them so they can create a Tech Monopoly unfortunately I just reformatted my hard drive the other day.. so I no longer have the logs, we will be getting those shortly.

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I have no intentions of bending the truth... I never wanted the power, and honestly stepped down from the Triumvirate the last time because I felt that someone could come in and do a better job. I do not intend on keeping this power, and will make an open invite that if I am not out within 2 months you can attack me or re-coup me.. I simply want to make sure this goes over well.. and then create a stable body. UINE has been manipulating the people around them so they can create a Tech Monopoly unfortunately I just reformatted my hard drive the other day.. so I no longer have the logs, we will be getting those shortly.

It's a pretty bold (also stupid) move to make all these accusations of manipulations, blackmail, and whatever else you wanted to say about Keve, when you have neither the evidence nor the adequate reputation to do so.

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I will be providing all forms of contact information and will leave myself open, not only to UINE... but to all those who are friends to UINE or wanted to be friends with UINE but have been put off by the lies and deciet of our current government.

I have never found Keve to be anything except upfront, honest, and driven by good intentions. Lies and deceit would be the last two words I would use as a description.

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TeamColtra if you don't like it here is an idea....

You can just git out! :P

You don't coup a government because you alone don't like the direction they are allegedly going.

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I have no intentions of bending the truth... I never wanted the power, and honestly stepped down from the Triumvirate the last time because I felt that someone could come in and do a better job. I do not intend on keeping this power, and will make an open invite that if I am not out within 2 months you can attack me or re-coup me.. I simply want to make sure this goes over well.. and then create a stable body. UINE has been manipulating the people around them so they can create a Tech Monopoly unfortunately I just reformatted my hard drive the other day.. so I no longer have the logs, we will be getting those shortly.

You have no proof of the accusations which you level against Keve. You have no Visible supporters. Your coup isnt going very far is it.

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