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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom


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When was it ever implied that Archon would try to change any policy belonging to Athens? Were you in their shoes, wouldn't you change your own policy after causing a beautiful mess such as this one? Don't tell me you'd just stubbornly hold on to it to the point where your allies would have to smack you over the head with it. It's called "learning from your mistakes" - if we didn't think Athens could do it, we wouldn't be by their side right now.

In fact, I'm pretty sure they said they wouldn't launch any large-scale raids like this again.

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No, you ran in here assuming I hadn't read any of the statements. I have no interest in holding an argument with you defending something I don't believe. I never said that MK didn't think the mega raid was stupid and could honestly care less whether you do or not. What I did say is that you're protecting them from any potential outside consequences.

Why yes, we do defend our allies.

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You missed a very very important part. Both Londo and Archon have said that they will make what was done right. Thats far different than just telling people you'll make your friend stop. Thats your friend admitting that he was wrong and he wants to fix it.

He is defending them this time, and I'm sure a large part of the reason in this is that Londo and Athens have seen the error of their ways and plan to fix their mistakes. I have no doubt at all that MK would be posting a cancellation notice if Athens tried this again. Do you?

I was not going to post again but since you asked a question I feel compelled. I do not think MK would cancel their treaty with Athens no matter what they did in the future. They would have to cancel the CnG bloc and make themselves isolated for their enemies. I think they are to smart for that.

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The question was laughed off by Archon, but I would like to see it answered. How is Archon going to change the Athenian policy of tech raiding without infringing on their sovereignty. I mean if every time your ally does something wrong you come over and tell them that they must change something, it seems like they are not your ally but your puppet. Not too many alliances would put up with that.

To clarify on this point, a lot earlier today even before Archon got on IRC Londo had already changed the raiding limits in Athens.

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Personally, I believe Athens should be given a chance to make amends:

1) They should have to pay back 300% of damage

2) Athens apologize and admit fault, remorse, and regret

3) Athens surrenders to the Knights

4) Athens disarms all military improvements, nukes, CMs, tanks, planes, boats, and soldiers to 30%

5) Athens is under the protection of the Knights for 6 months

That seems fair. Wouldn't you agree, Archon?

You've done it! You've won the PR war! Congrats man, for a minute there it looked like you were bringing your alliance further and further down with every single whiny and predictable post you made.

Also, I'm just getting in here and not exactly sober but I'm pretty sure the OP makes sense and I like it.

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I was not going to post again but since you asked a question I feel compelled. I do not think MK would cancel their treaty with Athens no matter what they did in the future. They would have to cancel the CnG bloc and make themselves isolated for their enemies. I think they are to smart for that.

I doubt MK would have to withdraw from CnG because of a signatory. Even further, MK wouldn't be isolated. Since you post like you know something, maybe you know of these people called Umbrella, Gremlins, FOK, STA, just to name a few. They're damn well connected outside of CnG.

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I doubt MK would have to withdraw from CnG because of a signatory. Even further, MK wouldn't be isolated. Since you post like you know something, maybe you know of these people called Umbrella, Gremlins, FOK, STA, just to name a few. They're damn well connected outside of CnG.

Another one you probably wouldn't believe from this thread

We're allied to Polar!

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Another one you probably wouldn't believe from this thread

We're allied to Polar!

I left them out because they were actually mentioned on page two as being allied (I think)

And no, you wouldn't pick that up from this thread otherwise.

Edited by Unavailable Contact
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Man, I do not envy MK, and the rest of CnG's position at all. It's a !@#$ty situation for them. I do find it amusing to see that despite Londo's arrogance, Archon is still his daddy (and what a loyal father he is).

[OOC] I don't know what the hell you're smoking, but I'd rather not have a hit. Some of us have to be sane when we show up for work. [/OOC]

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I'm going to repeat that you can use any means necessary to defend yourself for the umpteenth time.

I love the needless posturing.

Please dude, like the OP wasn't needless posturing. I don't think anyone here with two brain cells to rub together didn't already know that if they attacked, MK would unleash the nuclear fury. That part of the thread was not needed.

Anyone attempting to use recent events as a means to bring war to Athens' doorstep will regret it. I assure you.

Quoting this to show unavailable Contact that he can't claim needless posturing when its on the opposite side alone.

The more I think about it, a bunch of NpOers complaining in this thread is simply hilarious, given NpO's position the last time neutral alliances were harassed (albeit to a lesser degree) by one of their allies, that they too chose to support in spite of their actions.

Tech raid, war, whatever the $%&@ this was is not equal to sending harmless messages.

As for the OP, good for you MK. I may not particularly like you that much, nor do I dislike you. But I respect the hell out of you. Your ally did something stupid, and you reacted like anyone should, defend them against needless insults while scolding in private. That is a good ally, I don't care who disagrees. Athens and the rest of the world should be so lucky to have allies like that. I won't lie, I personally wanted war (I swear to christ if anyone thinks that means NSO wanted war, you're an idiot) and I knew full well Athens allies would be there. It would have been a blast, literally and figuratively.

o/ MK for doing their thing. No o/ for Athens, but it is nice to see you owning up to what you did wrong. I truly hope we can all learn something from this.

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I understand MK standing by Athens. Its good to see MK doing what they can to help get them back on track, and make a mends for their actions. What I don’t get is why MK felt a need to make it public that they are standing by Athens and honoring their treaty. Unnecessary posturing is unnecessary.

As for you ODN, poor show, Boooooo, and all that stuff. No need for you to poke your nose in when it’s not needed. If you want to post a DoS for Athens then do it. But this just looks bad.

Anyone attempting to use recent events as a means to bring war to Athens' doorstep will regret it. I assure you.
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I understand MK standing by Athens. Its good to see MK doing what they can to help get them back on track, and make a mends for their actions. What I don’t get is why MK felt a need to make it public that they are standing by Athens and honoring their treaty. Unnecessary posturing is unnecessary.

As for you ODN, poor show, Boooooo, and all that stuff. No need for you to poke your nose in when it’s not needed. If you want to post a DoS for Athens then do it. But this just looks bad.

If you read through the thread you'll see Archon explaining his reasons for posting it.

edit: oh god ODN saying they'll protect their ally in a thread dedicated to protecting their ally. the humanity.

Edited by WarriorConcept
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As for the OP, good for you MK. I may not particularly like you that much, nor do I dislike you. But I respect the hell out of you. Your ally did something stupid, and you reacted like anyone should, defend them against needless insults while scolding in private. That is a good ally, I don't care who disagrees.

That's lucky, cause I disagree. A good ally knows who they sign with, and thus, has no problems supporting what they do. And defends them with nuclear hellfire. Allies aren't there to scold you like you're some delinquent toddler. And I sincerely doubt that's what happened here.

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That's lucky, cause I disagree. A good ally knows who they sign with, and thus, has no problems supporting what they do. And defends them with nuclear hellfire. Allies aren't there to scold you like you're some delinquent toddler. And I sincerely doubt that's what happened here.

I couldn't agree more.

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Please dude, like the OP wasn't needless posturing. I don't think anyone here with two brain cells to rub together didn't already know that if they attacked, MK would unleash the nuclear fury. That part of the thread was not needed.

Apparently a lot of people don't have two brain cells.

Quoting this to show unavailable Contact that he can't claim needless posturing when its on the opposite side alone.

When I said that I was referring to the entire thread. I feel that most of the thread is full of !@#$%^&* statements about every party involved. Then again, the posturing on Athens's side wouldn't be needed without the rest of it.

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That's lucky, cause I disagree. A good ally knows who they sign with, and thus, has no problems supporting what they do. And defends them with nuclear hellfire. Allies aren't there to scold you like you're some delinquent toddler. And I sincerely doubt that's what happened here.

This whole situation is so $%&@ed up i'm agreeing with you.


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That's lucky, cause I disagree. A good ally knows who they sign with, and thus, has no problems supporting what they do. And defends them with nuclear hellfire. Allies aren't there to scold you like you're some delinquent toddler. And I sincerely doubt that's what happened here.

Maybe I should have used a better word. A good ally does know who they sign with, and all people in the Cyberverse are human, therefore make mistakes. This would be a good example. I doubt when MK signed with Athens, they saw that down the road, something like this would happen. I also would like to think that in private channels, they let Athens know how stupid this was since they are showing it publicly too. So yeah scold was a bad word choice, but regardless, an ally will tell you when you $%&@ed up.

Unavailable Contact, thanks for clearing that up. I do agree with you there.

Edited by Wentworth the Brave
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That's lucky, cause I disagree. A good ally knows who they sign with, and thus, has no problems supporting what they do. And defends them with nuclear hellfire. Allies aren't there to scold you like you're some delinquent toddler. And I sincerely doubt that's what happened here.
From what I have seen, MK is a great ally. You can still be great friends, and have your friend do something dumb.

edit - Oh, and I do believe MK said something about not !@#$@#$ Athens or facing MK.

Edited by F15pilotX
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From what I have seen, MK is a great ally. You can still be great friends, and have your friend do something dumb.

edit - Oh, and I do believe MK said something about not !@#$@#$ Athens or facing MK.

Friends still back up a friend when they screw up, havent you heard "Thats what friends are for"?

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I understand MK standing by Athens. Its good to see MK doing what they can to help get them back on track, and make a mends for their actions. What I don’t get is why MK felt a need to make it public that they are standing by Athens and honoring their treaty. Unnecessary posturing is unnecessary.

As for you ODN, poor show, Boooooo, and all that stuff. No need for you to poke your nose in when it’s not needed. If you want to post a DoS for Athens then do it. But this just looks bad.

Heh, speaking of poking your nose where it's not needed. :rolleyes:

You know what I don't understand? Why you and those like you feel the need to come out in public and lie about not understanding the use of public declarations. You guys act as if it is shocking that someone said something important outside of a back room channel. I know you're smarter than this. So why do it? Are you that upset that MK won this battle of diplomacy?

Edited by Ragashingo
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If you read through the thread you'll see Archon explaining his reasons for posting it.

edit: oh god ODN saying they'll protect their ally in a thread dedicated to protecting their ally. the humanity.

I have read the thread from the OP to end and you missed my point WC. Had Archon just came out and said “MK is not happy with Athens and what they have done and we are doing what we can as allies to help defuse this situation.” That would have been great. But to come out and say “You attack Athens for their wrong doing and you will have to go through us” did send the wrong message. Because of that Archon had to explain something that should not have needed explaining.

And OND isn’t saying anything. All they are doing is posturing for CnG. It’s a pathetic attempt at best to try and look good. But let’s be honest here, it's going to take a lot more than Sunstar being all big and bad in this thread to make ODN into an alliance that protects its allies.

edit: spelling

Edited by ironchef
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