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So, uh, Athens...


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i think the crux is the fact that you know as well as anyone that they wont retaliate, because of the epic beatdown theyd face. so you guys seem to be using that position to leverage 'we can do whatever we want to these guys, because there is no way we dont come out on top militarily' against them. i like you guys very much, but you guys are being bullies here, and i have to agree with some points being made that im pretty sure we all just fought together to fight the biggest bully of them all, we dont need to resort to tactics like theirs.

Tech raiding is bullying. None of us deny that fact. Bullying does not translate into murder "just cuz" though.

Yes, they have every right to punch meaninglessly at an alliance of your size. I'm sure if they try really, really hard, and organize really well, they might be able to drop your score by a tenth of a point. They have every right to defend themselves from warantless aggression, how the hell does that translate into your right to destroy them at whim?

I doubt TMF could stand up to CnG. I doubt that the vast majority of alliances, isolated and alone, could stand up to your combined might. They're still a community. They're still an alliance. The fact that they can't effectively protect themselves from an overwhelmingly larger force does nothing to diminish their legitimacy as an alliance and their rights to sovereignty. After all, why did you all deserve to exist after the noCB War?

It does. They offer their members false security. If they were out to protect their members, they would do whatever it takes. Whether that would mean gaining friends or protectors or personal growth, their goal should be to provide a safe community in which to live and grow.

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Being the classiest of the least classy isnt something to be proud of.

No but certain parties who have a grudge against Athens trying to make political hay out of isn't really helping.

Some people have the credibility to be taken seriously for disagreeing with this. You and NPO do not.

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It does. They offer their members false security. If they were out to protect their members, they would do whatever it takes. Whether that would mean gaining friends or protectors or personal growth, their goal should be to provide a safe community in which to live and grow.

The principle goal of an alliance is community, not safety.

So now it becomes your duty to show KoN the light by destroying their nations? That'll teach them to join a real alliance. Good job, guys.

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It does. They offer their members false security. If they were out to protect their members, they would do whatever it takes. Whether that would mean gaining friends or protectors or personal growth, their goal should be to provide a safe community in which to live and grow.

How was Athens an alliance after the noCB war then?

Or NPO recently?

The idea that the only time an "alliance" has sovereignty is when they have military strength, or treaty strength, to defend themselves against the bigger alliances around is the most classic example of "Might makes Right" that there can exist.

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The principle goal of an alliance is community, not safety.

So now it becomes your duty to show KoN the light by destroying their nations? That'll teach them to join a real alliance. Good job, guys.

Okay. If the principle goal of an alliance is community, then i would like to know whether or not KofN's community has been destroyed by this raid. I would put some good hard cash on them not only staying together as a group, but walking away from this with a more active and aware member base.

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This is not that hard to understand. If your alliance is providing you with protection and community, then it is functioning as an alliance. When it fails to do so, it no longer is doing its job now is it?

So you would say that yes, in that case NPO was not an alliance?

Stop dodging a question that has a simple and easy answer based on what you believe.

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Okay. If the principle goal of an alliance is community, then i would like to know whether or not KofN's community has been destroyed by this raid. I would put some good hard cash on them not only staying together as a group, but walking away from this with a more active and aware member base.

So you're really to be thanked for performing this senseless curbstomp. I see now. So, assuming I could muster up forces with the intent of destroying Athens, I'd be entirely justified in doing so. Because, you see, I'd be doing it for their good. If they couldn't defend themselves, I'd just be proving that they don't deserve to exist as an alliance. There's also the added benefit of giving them an activity boost! You should thank the heavens for every curbstomp that comes your way.

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So you're really to be thanked for performing this senseless curbstomp. I see now. So, assuming I could muster up forces with the intent of destroying Athens, I'd be entirely justified in doing so. Because, you see, I'd be doing it for their good. If they couldn't defend themselves, I'd just be proving that they don't deserve to exist as an alliance. There's also the added benefit of giving them an activity boost! You should thank the heavens for every curbstomp that comes your way.

This is essentially correct.

If you could isolate Athens enough politically and gather enough backing to make it a curb stomp, you would be justified in doing so... as long as you just said "SURPRIZE TECH RAIDZ - PM FOR PIECES!" as you did so.

edit: I'm a lousy typist.

Edited by Lord Levistus
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No but certain parties who have a grudge against Athens trying to make political hay out of isn't really helping.

Not liking Athens doesn't make them wrong.

Some people have the credibility to be taken seriously for disagreeing with this. You and NPO do not.

Explain this one to me please, I could use a laugh.

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