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Your Dream Alliance


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OK then, my real dream alliance.

1) an alliance with the tenacity of \m/

2) one with the idealism of TOP

3) one committed to elimination of the "class ceiling" like NPO

4) one committed to respect like the OBR

5) one with a culture as strong as NPO

6) one with the fight of IRON, Valhalla, TORN, MCXA, OG,

7) one with the economics of GGA

8) inventors of white peace

I laughed

Would be an interesting project though, if it's possible to create something like that.

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I like a smaller tight-knit community where all topics of conversation are welcomed. I like an alliance that is internally active and has allies that like you and would go to ZI for you, as I would for them. I also like an alliance that is extremely active during wartime and war plans can be executed efficiently, as well as aid distributed easily.

This sums up my thoughts nicely. OMFG is all of these things.

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I have put everything I've ever wanted in an alliance into 13 and we still haven't taken off the wrapping paper yet.

A fun theme, open-minded direction, inclusive to all manner of activity.. w/o the bureaucratic crap or petty nit-picking of the old world; folks have the opportunity to enjoy themselves as they see fit.

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OK then, my real dream alliance.

1) an alliance with the tenacity of \m/

2) one with the idealism of TOP

3) one committed to elimination of the "class ceiling" like NPO

4) one committed to respect like the OBR

5) one with a culture as strong as NPO

6) one with the fight of IRON, Valhalla, TORN, MCXA, OG,

7) one with the economics of GGA

8) inventors of white peace


NAAC :wub:

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Damn, I thought she was going to go with the oh-so-typical "I didn't leave Pacifica, Pacifica left me."

Yes, they did kick her out, but not because she refused to leave. Anyone who tells you this, or leads you to believe this, is feeding you lies.

She was warned for joking around, they said that they will give her another chance, they did, and THEN they kicked her out, over basically hot-air.

NOT because she refused to leave, she was talking to people about leaving several times, but stayed until they kicked her out.

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My dream alliance would give me lots of free money and tech, let me attack whoever I wanted and defend me if their alliance got slightly annoyed. It would also have to have my closest friends in it. And it would have to be the largest in the game by far. And I want free ice cream and a porsche.

/me dreams...

It would definately have to be on the pink team too

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My dream alliance would give me lots of free money and tech, let me attack whoever I wanted and defend me if their alliance got slightly annoyed. It would also have to have my closest friends in it. And it would have to be the largest in the game by far. And I want free ice cream and a porsche.

/me dreams...

It would definately have to be on the pink team too

Let's call this grand alliance the New Pink Order.

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I got off my arse and *made* my dream alliance. Last I checked, we're doing fairly decent.

Ditto, though our standard of decent might be a bit different.

As annoying and inexperienced as some of the new alliances that are popping up may be, there is something to be said for a political climate that makes starting a new alliance an available option to more than a select few.

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Is the MK you set out to make, the MK that exits today?

Just curious.

Good question. It's a fluid ideal, really. I gave in on a few things, of course, and on others I'm constantly seeking to improve, but on the whole the alliance is what I want. We have a collection of awesome, resilient, and (on the whole :P) intelligent people who are extremely active and fun to be around. While it'll sound funny for me to say, I'm not sure I really wanted an alliance that was exactly what I wanted...because there'd be no fun in that. No challenge. It'd be an alliance of 171 Archon's, and that's a scary thought. A good part of my fun is running a melting pot that seeks to do the best it can to reconcile a myriad of approaches to this game and attempts to give everyone what they're looking for in this game.

Something like that, at least.

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I look for an alliance that believes in supporting the right thing even if its not the popular thing. I also look for an alliance that allows its members to express themselves in the way they want and will back them up even when what they say is contrary to the alliance leadership's thinking.

STA fits both these requirements which is why I'm here.

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My dream alliance has a vey active, mature community. It has a incredible active private IRC channel, where you can discuss CN issues or RL issues, and people will always talk about pretty much anything. It's an alliance that is incredibly helpful. I could have my slots filled with cash in minutes if I wanted. It's a democracy where people are elected due to skill, not their name or popularity.

I've found all this in TOP, the only thing I could ask would be them to be a maroon alliance, but oh well.

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My dream alliance is:

One that has me in it

One where other members of the alliance send me 900 tech and 54 million in financial aid every month for free

One where I can get any trade, on demand

One where I can mock certain alliances I don't like freely without fear of reprisal

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