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Quite Possibly an Endorsement

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That's good stuff! Relevant to my interests....

case made for my previous argument about the candidate that we endorse for purple senator being superior to the candidate that you endorse for purple senator.

reason(s) (i'll edit more in as they present themselves)

1) Stetson is belligerent and doesn't play nice.


PEACE are an oppressive group of war mongers rabble rabble rabble.

I'd like to also take this opportunity to mention that at this rate, coming up with poignant reasons to support our candidate is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Edited by porksaber
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And who is PEACE to decide they speak for a whole sphere?

Nobody decided that. We just do. Well, most of it.

The PEACE alliances and our direct protectorates have 1,454 purple nations. There are 1,970 purple nations. We represent about 73.8% of the sphere directly.

If you want to bring another 1,500 nations to purple who don't want to join PEACE, then sure, we won't represent the sphere then, and we'd be talking differently. But until that time, we do in fact represent the sphere.

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Nobody decided that. We just do. Well, most of it.

The PEACE alliances and our direct protectorates have 1,454 purple nations. There are 1,970 purple nations. We represent about 73.8% of the sphere directly.

If you want to bring another 1,500 nations to purple who don't want to join PEACE, then sure, we won't represent the sphere then, and we'd be talking differently. But until that time, we do in fact represent the sphere.

See, when i was talking about that elitist, unwelcoming, smug aire reminiscent of a petulant little kid screaming "this is my toy and you can't touch it", it was statements like this that I was talking about.

so say "we" make up 25% of the sphere, does that mean it's still "yours"?

where are you getting this? if you have 50.1% of the population of a sphere under your bloc is it "your sphere"? Are we just not significant enough to factor in to this?

I'd like to hear the explanation for this line of thinking.

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Nobody decided that. We just do. Well, most of it.

The PEACE alliances and our direct protectorates have 1,454 purple nations. There are 1,970 purple nations. We represent about 73.8% of the sphere directly.

If you want to bring another 1,500 nations to purple who don't want to join PEACE, then sure, we won't represent the sphere then, and we'd be talking differently. But until that time, we do in fact represent the sphere.

Sounds like two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner to me.

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I've never really gotten why some protectors insist on approving of their protectorates treaties anyway. Who are any of us to tell the little guys who they can and can't buddy up with. It's pretty lame imho.

Personally, I think it can be a good practice in certain circumstances. It's a way for the protector to ensure that they are not dragged into a conflict that is at opposite ends of their own intrests. It is not an imposition of will so much as an agreement between parties that provides an acceptable trade-off of rights and obligations.

In regards to the purple thing:

Sounds like a silly thing to fight over. Senators are at this point more of a symbolic position than one of substantial power.

Leaving the arguments of rights and sovereignty out of it, while the Stickmen may have the ability to message any member on the purple sphere, they also have to understand that by doing so they are interfering with the designs of the alliances of which those members reside and to do so could (and probably should) be considered as hostile intent by the recipients.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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Cool story, bro.

On Topic, This thread is pathetic.

I mean really, which one of the stickmen thought this thread would be a good idea? lol.

Considering that they didn't care how it would end up making them look, and it's ended up making haflinger and invicta look terrible, along with a few other people/alliances, I think they got what they wanted out of it. They themselves may look bad for starting this drama, but they made a number of purple alliances look a LOT worse by not seeing this for what it was, and flying off the handle in their responses.

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Haflinger never looks terrible, he's a sexy OOC: canadian /OOC with a beard. What looks bad about that?

And you yourself are just making invicta look worse and worse. You're playing into what they want, you're acting how they want you to act, and they're laughing about it while you guys froth at the mouths and try to spin this any way that you can.

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Poseidon realizes their 1500 purple nations can't outdo Stickmen's 120 and bawwws at Stickmen. Stickmen bawww back. The End.


And you yourself are just making invicta look worse and worse. You're playing into what they want, you're acting how they want you to act, and they're laughing about it while you guys froth at the mouths and try to spin this any way that you can.

I do what I want.


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And you yourself are just making invicta look worse and worse. You're playing into what they want, you're acting how they want you to act, and they're laughing about it while you guys froth at the mouths and try to spin this any way that you can.

Seems fine to me, compared to all the stuff SLCB has been putting out thus far.

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Seems fine to me, compared to all the stuff SLCB has been putting out thus far.

You mean that relevant and level-headed posts seem horrid compared to off-topic rage posts?

EDIT: Oh wow.

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And you yourself are just making invicta look worse and worse. You're playing into what they want, you're acting how they want you to act, and they're laughing about it while you guys froth at the mouths and try to spin this any way that you can.

This nicely sums up what I would say about this as well.


I do what I want.


Nice way to prove Mr. Jones' point.

You mean that relevant and level-headed posts seem horrid compared to off-topic rage posts?

EDIT: Oh wow.

SLCB has had some off-topic and/or horrid posts in here as well.

Anyways, as much as I hate to say this, PEACE should do something if they don't like having a Stickmen senator. They have the numbers to get all their candidates in senate if the kick their members in the rear.

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Seems fine to me, compared to all the stuff SLCB has been putting out thus far.

None of his posts have showed the lack of respect or utter contempt that haflinger's or scythegfx's posts have to people who are merely trying to point out that the stickmen are doing nothing but getting a rise out of them, and they're falling for it time and time again.

edit: I'm not saying his posts haven't been bad, but they've been directed towards those he wants to get a rise from, namely PEACE nations.

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