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tLC's way of techraiding: teasing and destroying a nation


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Sorry, why should we feel sorry for you? There are no rules on tech raiding, people can kind of do whatever they want. Maybe he just wanted to practice fighting, maybe he just felt like using a spy op. It doesn't matter. When you choose not to be in an alliance, you're opening yourself up to being attacked, that's your choice, don't come !@#$%*ing to the OWF when it doesn't work out for you.

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Seems that he knew what he was getting into when he spied and is inviting the battle. Fire ze missiles!

By the by, good attitude 519 Niagras - perhaps some sort of update as to how this duel goes would be possible at the conclusion?

If you're really that interested then sure thing.

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On the 7th of this month I declared war on Oleg Mykhayliv, a guy I spoke a few times with a long time ago. He didn't have any AA (he was ghosting Alpha Omega before) and didn't have any soldiers. Since I think techraiding is for the sake of stealing and not destroying, as a description I used 'Raiders: Stay off Oleg'. I didn't attack him just for the record because I couldn't steal anything from him. This actually isn't related anyhow to this topic, but I guess thats the way DO A BARREL ROLL. 'found' me

On the 12th I suddenly received a message from a guy who had also declared on Oleg Mykhayliv:

Someone was spying on me and I found out it was DO A BARREL ROLL. of 519 NIGRAS. <SNIP!>

Looking at the War screens I "discovered" that 519 Nigras attacked Oleg Mykhayliv on the 12th - when Oleg had been inactive for 9 days and (I'd guess) was still with no soldiers. 519's War Reason was: "Tech Raid - Peace Sent".

I wonder about 519's "ability" at raiding...

I suggest to Denniswerf to just nuke his attacker as much as possible. It's what he has in his bio, anyway. Denniswerf's nukes should destroy 280+ infra each, why not? While it's true that 519 Nigra's destroy 370+ infra each, why should one that wants to "Go Out With A Big Bang" care at all about that?

Any day without nukes is a day in which you're not damaging your attacker as much as you could... And you may be out of range at the end of the current war. I believe that you can easily crush 1500+ of his infrastructure, probably more.

Especially and above anything else: your nation bio can't be a real deterrent if you don't do what you've been promising in it.

About the international reaction, I don't understand the cries against the fact that Denniswerf started this discussion: more than a request for "sympathy" or "support", the Opening Post looks like a "don't help 519 or you'll be treated harshly as well" kind-of-statement.

(I didn't much understand the words against tLC: it doesn't seem that 519 is acting for other than his own private reasons...)

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Looking at the War screens I "discovered" that 519 Nigras attacked Oleg Mykhayliv on the 12th - when Oleg had been inactive for 9 days and (I'd guess) was still with no soldiers. 519's War Reason was: "Tech Raid - Peace Sent".

I wonder about 519's "ability" at raiding...

I suggest to Denniswerf to just nuke his attacker as much as possible. It's what he has in his bio, anyway. Denniswerf's nukes should destroy 280+ infra each, why not? While it's true that 519 Nigra's destroy 370+ infra each, why should one that wants to "Go Out With A Big Bang" care at all about that?

Any day without nukes is a day in which you're not damaging your attacker as much as you could... And you may be out of range at the end of the current war. I believe that you can easily crush 1500+ of his infrastructure, probably more.

Especially and above anything else: your nation bio can't be a real deterrent if you don't do what you've been promising in it.

About the international reaction, I don't understand the cries against the fact that Denniswerf started this discussion: more than a request for "sympathy" or "support", the Opening Post looks like a "don't help 519 or you'll be treated harshly as well" kind-of-statement.

(I didn't much understand the words against tLC: it doesn't seem that 519 is acting for other than his own private reasons...)

So in less words. You sit on the fence?

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I don't understand the cries against the fact that Denniswerf started this discussion

Because he's trying to make a big deal out of something nobody really cares about? And that's beside the fact that the OP is hypocritical and rather ignorant.

And if stopping people from interfering was his aim, then drawing attention to it on the OWF was probably the last thing he should have done. Otherwise no one other than tLC would've even noticed this.

Edited by Legend of the Skies
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You raid a nation, that's fine, but when it happens to you, it's not? Oh well, I hope to see something interesting to come out of this, good luck...you little hypocrite -_-

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Sounds like you're being tech raided by someone who doesn't play by your rules. Guess what? There are no universal rules for tech raiding. If you don't wanna get attacked, go join an alliance. Otherwise, don't complain to the rest of the world when you get hit.

This is a sad attitude to have. I hope that one day new players can enjoy planet bob without the constant fear of thieves coming to destroy them.

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So in less words. You sit on the fence?

Sitting on the fence has nothing to do with what I wrote, but now that you ask: yes, I sit on the fence. Why do you ask?

Because he's trying to make a big deal out of something nobody really cares about? And that's beside the fact that the OP is hypocritical and rather ignorant.

And if stopping people from interfering was his aim, then drawing attention to it on the OWF was probably the last thing he should have done. Otherwise no one other than tLC would've even noticed this.

I didn't claim that it was intelligent (nor I am now saying that it isn't). I only claimed that it wasn't "looking for support".

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This is a sad attitude to have. I hope that one day new players can enjoy planet bob without the constant fear of thieves coming to destroy them.

So do I. It wasn't always this way, it needn't always be this way. Forcing nations to join alliances that they have no interest in joining is as ludicrous as attacking them without provocation in the first place.

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Since it came to my attention others also have this feeling, I decided to create a new temporary organisation. I will have no charter, no ranks, no forum, etc etc. This organisation will be suitable for people that actually want to stop Cybernations but are just waiting for a good reason. The name of this new organisation will be "Go Out With A Bang"!

This is how the GOWAB organisation works:

0. There is no way out! Joining the organisation will most likely be the end of your Cybernations nation.

1. Go Out With A Bang is NOT an alliance. Members will have to sign up by sending me and raptorix an ingame PM. They will remain a member of their alliance untill the time is there. I will contact you for a way to contact me (MSN and a safe chat medium, where everyone will remain secret)

2. Members of the organisation will be kept secret at all costs. No-one expect Raptorix and me will known your identity. This is to prevent betrayal.

3. When the time arrives, you as a member will receive instructions when to be online. I expect the organisation will be able to strike within the end of this month.

4. A few minutes before the attack you will receive the URL's from the nations to declare on. Every nation will get 3 opponents. You will post a message on your alliance forum (you can either make one yourself, or I will write a general one) and change your ingame AA to "Go Out With A Bang". There the fun will start!

Now the big question is: who will I be attacking?

Well, here is where the fun starts. We will just coordinated randomly attack! Therefor I want you to send me the next ingame message:

What does this mean? It means we will attack specific players and perhaps some people from random alliances. If you have no preferences, keep it empty. I will try to set goals. Attacking 10% of every alliance is more fun then 100% of 1 allianre, right? :P. But, I will try to make sure that you can declare on the player which you want to be attacked (or I will let someone else attack him if he is out of range). Let's make fun!


Raptorix and Dennis

Denniswerf, this seems like an obvious declaration of war or at least a declaration of intent to declare war on all alliances. Personally, I am not a fan of techraids, I have never and will never do it (beside the point here), but it seems to me that anyone on the "Go Out With A Bang" AA is in a state of aggressive war with every nation on the planet (I mean, that's the whole point, right?). How can you possibly complain about someone spying away your nukes when you are a self-ascribed nuclear rogue with the intention to go nuke an arbitrary nation or alliance of your choosing? Why would you want reparations at all if you are Going Out With A BangTM?

I don't see a tech raid issue here at all. I just see a nuclear rogue getting his nukes spied away.

Edited by Penguin
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So do I. It wasn't always this way, it needn't always be this way. Forcing nations to join alliances that they have no interest in joining is as ludicrous as attacking them without provocation in the first place.

There's a !@#$load of alliances out there, there's got to be at least one that'd be for them. You don't just join an alliance for protection, you join it because if you don't you're missing out on more than half of the CN experience. I know I for one spend more time on my alliance boards and IRC than I do on my actual nation and I seriously doubt I'm the only one that does. If CN had no Alliances and thus none of the tension and politics they bring along with them this game would be unbelievably dull. That's what unaligned nations are missing out on. They're doing nothing other than collecting taxes and paying bills everyday. I just can't understand anyone finding that enjoyable. It's not like they're really contributing much to CN anyway if they're just keeping to themselves. Does it really make a difference to anyone in an alliance if they're here or aren't here?

And that's the funny thing about it. The only one that truly benefits from the existence of unaligned nations is the tech raider. And yet it's the non-raider that wants them to have the right to stay unaligned and the tech raider who claims that nations should join an alliance if they want to be safe, and yet if all unaligned nations did that they wouldn't have any targets. An amusing bit of irony there.

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Mr. Go-Out-With-A-Bang crying about someone running spy ops on his nation and getting raided. Ah, the irony of someone who has threatened to go nuke rogue numerous times complaining about an "unfair" tech raid.

have to agree :P

tLC tLC tLC!

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How, for the sake of all that is sane and rational, would nuking the aggressor be considered going "rogue"? What is this pillar that some deem to think of themselves as standing on? If you are tech-raided, nuke the hell out of em; you are doing nothing wrong by defending yourself. If that person goes to get his/her buddies, you go get an alliance; like us.

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