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Blunity Announcement


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How's it goin folks?

So, Planet Bob has been pretty boring lately. Apparently there's some Sith breaking !@#$ in the corner over there but NSO isn't even involved (yet?)... pretty disappointing tbh. Oh well.

In lieu of the lack of things to do, we figured we might as well turn your attention to things that matter; new members of Blunity. Ya, if you're not on blue you probably don't care but shut up and listen anyways. At least then you won't act so surprised when we turn this mofo into an MDAP bloc and you all poop yourselves. jk. Or am I?

Anyways, a big hearty welcome to our newest signatories, some more recent than others but nonetheless all equally important to the stability and prosperity of the best sphere on Planet Bob! (inb4"hey thats black HAW HAW HAW")

First, an old friend of my own home, a long-time ally who you know you can always count on to have your back;

Shattered Star Exiles

Second, an old personal friend of GDA, these guys might be small in number, but they certainly make up for it in experience;

The Democratic Order of Anarchy

Last, but certainly not least, everyone's favourite new alliance,

Murder Inc.

With these additions, we hope to see an increase in Blunity's internal selling capabilities, and fostering friendships between people who otherwise may never have crossed paths (although this isn't necessarily a good thing, as hanging out with the likes of NpO and IAA has been the bane of my existence and I look forward to the day I leave this world. Jerks.)

Signed for Blunity;

Ascended Republic of Elite States


Global Democratic Alliance

Greenland Republic

Imperial Assault Alliance

The Liquor Cabinet

New Polar Order

Nueva Vida

Union of Integrated National Entities

1-Touch Football

United Blue Directorate

Aurora Borealis

Coalition of Erratic Nations

Republic of Aquisgrana

The Conservative Underground

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(although this isn't necessarily a good thing, as hanging out with the likes of NpO and IAA has been the bane of my existence and I look forward to the day I leave this world. Jerks.)

To be honest we have been hanging out with you out of pity, as no one else wants to hang with you Hizzy. :P

Also congrats to the new comers.

Edited by Linden16
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