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A question to the NATO alliance


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Hello. I was raided by one of your members a while ago, MinMin. I kicked his butt, then he called in two of his friends from the Illini alliance to help him out. I reported the two for multi-like behavior, and they were deleted.

Now, MinMin has attacked me again, and has demanded reparations for me getting his Illini friends kicked. In his own words: "you kicked my friend out so naturally I have to avenge them."

I'm curious as to whether the NATO alliance sanctions this kind of behavior. I've read your wiki page, and you guys don't seem particularly evil in any way. :) Is minmin a black sheep? Or do you consider it o.k. for your members to demand reparations for deleting multis? I'm just wondering.

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Hello. I was raided by one of your members a while ago, MinMin. I kicked his butt, then he called in two of his friends from the Illini alliance to help him out. I reported the two for multi-like behavior, and they were deleted.

Now, MinMin has attacked me again, and has demanded reparations for me getting his Illini friends kicked. In his own words: "you kicked my friend out so naturally I have to avenge them."

I'm curious as to whether the NATO alliance sanctions this kind of behavior. I've read your wiki page, and you guys don't seem particularly evil in any way. :) Is minmin a black sheep? Or do you consider it o.k. for your members to demand reparations for deleting multis? I'm just wondering.

IRC is definitely your friend. Much faster results, and it don't get you frowned upon for dragging dirty laundry out to the public. Also, I can almost promise you NATO does not condone this action.

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I can not speak for NATO now, but I was a leader there for some time. I have a feeling not much has changed, and while I was there, we did not condone anyone threatening to ZI while raiding, nor any other stupid reason. They do allow raiding as far as I know still, but they raid at their own risk so I highly doubt they would be happy about this situation.

Try getting a hold of Hakim, Lenny N Karl or Mick Jones, I am sure they will straighten it out.

Good luck.

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Slipp, nations without an alliance frequently get attacked and bullied by alliances. CyberNations is a jungle and unalligned nations are easy prey. NATO is not acting unlike many alliances out there that want your tech. I suggest you suck up to them, get peace, and get yourself into an alliance.

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I am sure that NATO does not condone the behaviour you report here. You also need to get in touch with either of the leadership position persons mentioned by Wentworth in his post. I am sure restitution will be quick in coming.Often the most direct route to conflict resolution is also the easiest and simplest.

Edited by Alfred von Tirpitz
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Slipp, while you could have handled this via private channels I don't find anything reprehensible in your polite request for an explanation on NATO's policies.

This forum is for OCC comment on IC events and you're doing just that, thus thumbs up from me to your thread.

Also, NATO surely doesn't condone demanding reparations for having reported multis. Feel free to quote me on that.

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No, but this whole incident stemmed from a raid.

Good luck sorting this out.


Bama and AlterEgo are both correct.

My concern is if the NATO nation involved tried to extort monies. This is not acceptable and against our rules.

Looking forward from hearing from you (with evidence please...)

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If you dont want to get raided join an alliance or go into peace mode. You will have painted a big target on your nation by doing this.

If you don't want to get beaten up and have your hard earned money stolen, join an alliance. There's only one way to play this game, and you're at fault for enabling our greed.

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