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New Age in IPA's History


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Through IPA's many difficult times in her long life in CN, she has persevered through and through. Even though, I myself have only been in IPA for 5 months, I was able to capture the motivation which had gotten us through the previous wars. IPA has always been proud of their tech mongering nations, and will continue pursuing such a goal.

In terms of recent events it is with my head held high, I have been given the Chief of State position in hopes of being able to motivate others, and to make IPA as strong as she once was, and go beyond it. IPA is moving into a different direction, and we hope to be able to touch base with our allies to ensure that they are still in agreement with that goal. Though it is very similiar, it will be more pronounced that we will be looking for things to better the ties with our allies, as well as our tech partners.

Chief of State

MasterChief aka The Man of Few Words

TL;DR IPA's government is being restructured, and we would love your support :D

Quick Edit: Drop by IPA's irc channel and have some fun, #cnipa

Edited by MasterChief
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