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Final Announcement from the Internet Superheroes

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Ah, at last, at last, oh Admin have mercy, the day of gloating is here at last!

For as much grief the Internet Superheroes gave Zenith, which seemed to be at every opportunity, it's a wonder we didn't snap you in half more than once.

I didn't like a single one of you, expect maybe Sakura. Your antics reminded me of when young children discover they actually get attention for being disruptive and then revel in it.

But, well... good luck.

May you find good homes. For those of you who joined in this bel air thingy, perhaps your exploits will be just as exciting, if hopefully a bit less insulting.

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, may the winds carry the remains of IS to the Four Corners of this Planet known as Bob.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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I don't think we've even done anything to Internet Superheroes so why the embittered poem strictly targeting us? If anything, I'd expect to see this from RAD. I guess the New Sith Order is so powerful that our existence alone has caused this poor alliance to pack their bags and call it a day.

I don't blame them.

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Oh I love these kind of posts.

You're reply is supposed to be funny because you're actually in NSO right?

So... where were your complaints when countless IS members would respond to any criticism of their alliance with exactly those types of replies? I can't remember how many times they'd just laugh off commentary on their alliance with the same boring 'damn those IS folks, they are ruining the game' comments, and yet curiously you were nowhere to be seen.

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well, just needing PC to make that alliance the ultimate in worthless alliances.

Damn right.

I will remind you just this once you are speaking to member of IAA. I suggest a more respectful tone in the future.

I believe they call this one the "Hegemony approach to diplomacy"

Either way, hopefully RAD will be able to keep you fools under control now.

They're doing a good job of it themselves.

Also, lolhaters

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Wait, I must be out of touch with reality. I've never even THOUGHT about the existance of Internet Superheros, they didn't even register on my RADAR, let alone take a place high enough place for me to think of them as "stupid" or "idiotic", they just weren't. Which I suppose is worse (Glad to see you thought of us often though, how sweet). After further thought though, I have to come to a conclusion. Combining the pink sphere with men in tight spandex. What could POSSIBLY go wrong.

I'll show up to the funeral just so I can say two words (Edit: Okay so two words weren't enough).

Evil has TRIUMPHED. Mwah ha ha.

Then I'll raid the sandwiches and steal some cookies.



Edited by Zarfef
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