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WOLF members who are bowing out


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JR, when this round is remembered, I hope it's remembered that you are all hypocrites. You did exactly what you accused WOLF of doing, but WOLF never took it to the level you did.

The "ZI permanently for the entire round if you are a WOLF member" policy, really does take it to far. It's a war game yea, I get it. However most wars end so that people can again have fun playing. WOLF may have tried to control the way the game was played, but we were anti-curbstomp ( go ahead and tell me to shut up and stop whining El, I know you will anyway ) JR is intent on crushing every single member of WOLF just for the way they decided to play, not for 7 days, but for 60.

That being said, I'm bowing out. As soon as I was told that if I rerolled I'd be instantly hit again I knew that the round was over. If "TE get's ruined" as I've often heard people say WOLF would do, I hope it's remembered that it was JR that did it, not WOLF. Congratulations JR is on the same level as MI, I hope that's what you wanted, because it's how you'll be remembered. Not as hero's but as petty tyrants ( again El I know you're going to make some comment about that too, go ahead )

Lone Wolf, bravo on organizing this, but I'm afraid your name will be associated with this destruction of TE. I think that's truly unfair, you've lost control of JR and as a result you'll be unfairly labeled as the master mind that destroyed

As far as it goes, I may take a break from CN anyway, this whole ordeal has left a really sour taste in my mouth. To my TPF brethren I'll still be around and helping out as usual, but I don't require a nation to do that, or maybe I'll must make one and never build it up, just so I can message people in game.

In anycase, you win lone wolf, I surrender, and here I'll give you a song to listen to while you celebrate the true ruining of TE, a war would have been great, what you've brought to TE is basically the TE equivalent of genocide. You should be proud of what you were able to do, I am just sorry you lost control and your "allies" have now decided that anyone in WOLF is fair game for endless 60 day wars. Let me clear something up, Lone Wolf, I don't blame you for this, but I'm afraid you'll reap the majority of the whirlwind that will come as a result of it.

Good luck, I really am afraid you're name will be remembered along side some of the most hated people in TE. I hope people read this, I personally think if it is remembered that way, it's terribly unfair.

Here's that song anyway, one of my fav's. The War is Over - Trust Company

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In first.... :popcorn:

Stop moaning, the odds have swung in the opposite favour, once again...

"Do something about it"

Edit: 3rd...

But where has anyone said it's perma ZI for the whole 60 days?

Edited by Optical
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In first.... :popcorn:

Stop moaning, the odds have swung in the opposite favour, once again...

"Do something about it"

You were not in first, but third. (I was inb4u. :P )

Anyways, it's not that the odds have swung, it's that JR has promised to ZI everyone in WOLF until the end of the round. Even I wouldn't go that far..

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So its temp ZI for less then 60 days?

To be honest I'm not in a position to say, but i'm sure that's not the case...

I think he is over reacting a bit...

Where has anyone said perma ZI?

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and you leaving will help this injustice?

but seriously, i didnt even know were ziing everyone. that seems quite harsh, but it certainly goes with the whole point of a war game XD

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I will not resign so long as this war goes on. However, once I've seen my members through the fighting, I'm going to resign as Emperor of Rome. I have lots of reasons for this, IC and OOC. Let me be clear though: this war has not brought this about. I'll keep fighting until my members get peace, and I'll do my best to drag Judgment down with me.

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Gab, I respect you the most of anyone thus far. When I said we are not here to fight for the entire round, I meant it.

I am embracing my hate now though, it's begun pretty quickly. If people hate me for defending my alliance and for bringing the war WOLF asked for... then so be it. I can accept my fate.

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No one said permanent zi. You are probably on a permanent zi because no one likes you, but I don't see where its stated anywhere.

Also, this was created to destroy WOLF, so in reality, WOLF killed TE, and LW got more players to play.

And we are NOT hypocrites. We did exactly what you asked for, we did something about it. Now stop your crying and gtfo.

Black is not ZI'ing anyone either. We have a lot of respect for SOS Brigade, and me and Arrnea have talked in private about this war. We will have no hard feelings over it, its war.

Edited by rtellez06
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You were not in first, but third. (I was inb4u. :P )

Anyways, it's not that the odds have swung, it's that JR has promised to ZI everyone in WOLF until the end of the round. Even I wouldn't go that far..

Where? When? Link?

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I will not resign so long as this war goes on. However, once I've seen my members through the fighting, I'm going to resign as Emperor of Rome. I have lots of reasons for this, IC and OOC. Let me be clear though: this war has not brought this about. I'll keep fighting until my members get peace, and I'll do my best to drag Judgment down with me.

You were a good leader Tiberius. Even though you banned me from your channel, I respect you. Good luck in the future. Gabryal, it appears no one was offering PZI. Can you tell me who exactly offered it?

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So, now that you are on the losing end, you have decided it is a good time to bow out. This shows us what kind of person you truly are Gabby. Show some backbone and try to fight back, we've never said it is a permanent thing, in fact the consensus is that JR will reign for a temporary period, because we believe in playing the game as a true war game, without hiding behind treaties and hundreds of other nations. So, go ahead and bow out gabby, try and say you are leaving with dignity, try to make yourself feel better about your reasons for leaving. We all know that the only reason you are doing so, is because you can no longer be in charge, and you can no longer back your ego. Have fun with whatever you will do now that you have "bowed out".

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You were a good leader Tiberius. Even though you banned me from your channel, I respect you. Good luck in the future. Gabryal, it appears no one was offering PZI. Can you tell me who exactly offered it?

Haha I tried to unban you, but anyone who's seen my on IRC can attest to my utter lack of skill with technical stuff.

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This is absolutely rediculous. I have not been around enough in TE politics to understand why WOFL was put together but I have seen enough to have seen plenty of your leaders using the line "Do something about it". You put together a Bloc and then told everyone else to do something about it and quite often pointed out how there is enough power in the world not in WOFL to take it down. You literally asked for all of this and now you are whining about it? Stop being so hypocritical, you put together a bloc to try and control TE and furthermore whom gets the prize at the end, your attempt at control broke down because you were far to full of yourselves as was evident by how you flaunted yourselves publically.

Take the beatdown that I guess you are getting (not really following the stats) and learn something from it.

[OOC]My god, this is like the Karma war in fast forward isn't it?[/OOC]

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Gab, I respect you the most of anyone thus far. When I said we are not here to fight for the entire round, I meant it.

I am embracing my hate now though, it's begun pretty quickly. If people hate me for defending my alliance and for bringing the war WOLF asked for... then so be it. I can accept my fate.

I truly hope it doesn't come to that, as far as the rest goes. I could copy/paste some PM's I've gotten, but no one would believe me as they are easy to alter. I suppose I could do screen shots of the PM those are easy to alter though too. So I guess that I'll just have to let people believe me or not.

and rtellez, you don't constitute everyone, you don't like me, and that's fine with me because anyone who can't think clearly I would prefer not to like me.

I'll fight it out, that's not what I was saying above. I'm just saying that once the war is done and I've been ZI'd I won't be rerolling because of the threats of 60 day ZI war without hope of recovery for all of WOLF. Personally I think you've done a good job here Lone Wolf, and I appreciate you brining it like I asked. It only took 2 weeks for you to set this up, that's some skill right there, so I applaud that. I just wish it was for a true war, not for what it has become, a revenge fest. Only person who I've got a message from that was polite is you, every other of my current enemies has responded with nothing but threats of annhilation, and if they read this they know who they are.

In anycase it's a helluva a ride. I just find the idea of a 60 day ZI fest to be distateful. If it's not true that's great, means I won't be tag teamed hit all round and get some breathing room. Which considering the beating I've taken would be nice.

I again post, that Lone Wolf has never personally threatened me, or anyone else that I know of. Either here or in PM. Let him go down in history for that, in a previous post I've said that this is only going to increase the hatred already existing in the game, a 60 day ZI fest will only make that worse, personally I hope most people can get over it. It seems unlikely though.

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Wow, y'all sure were talking tough when there wasn't any competition.. and now you're bowing out and RE's leader is jumping ship before it sinks! Interesting. But anyhow, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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Wow, y'all sure were talking tough when there wasn't any competition.. and now you're bowing out and RE's leader is jumping ship before it sinks! Interesting. But anyhow, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Excuse me, what? Did you miss the part where I said "I'm staying until the war is over"? Or the part where I said "I'm going to drag you down with us"? Learn to read before you post. I've been leading my alliance for a year now. Did it ever occur to you that I may be a bit tired? That maybe I'd like a break?

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