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Announcing the Muse Accords


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The Muse Accords

Preamble - The Imperial Assault Alliance (designated IAA in this treaty) and the Knights of Cydonia (designated KoC) hereby agree to this protectorate in a spirit of good faith and friendship to one another with firm belief in KoC's vibrant future that lies ahead of them.

Article I - Members of both IAA and KoC agree to not be jerks to each other, and to share all of the Legos in the toybox.

Article II - Neither IAA nor KoC will spy and/or commit any other act of war towards the other.

Article III- The IAA will protect KoC from any act of unprovoked aggression including but not limited to rogue attacks and/or alliance attacks. The KoC is encouraged, but not required, to assist IAA in any military actions as well.

Article IV- The IAA will make sure KoC grows up to be big and strong through any economic assistance within a reasonable limit.

Article V- Both alliances agree to a fair exchange of all information regarding a threat to either group.

Article VI- The IAA and KoC both reserve the right to cancel this treaty at any time with a 48 hour notice. The IAA reserves the right to cancel the protectorate immediately if the KoC does something completely idiotic, but pledges to not abuse this right in a harmful manner to KoC.

Signed for IAA,

His Majesty, the Emperor: Chimaera

Grand Vizier: Stagger Lee

Imperial Regent: Scipio Africanus

Grand Admiral: MercyFallout

ISB Director: Darth Nihilus

Imperial Exchequer: James Wilson

Signed for KoC,

Emperor - David Edwards

The Empire is pleased to present the newest addition to our family, joining Imperium Romanum as Imperial protectorates, and we have a firm belief that our new Cydonian friends will continue to grow and excel as they retool and revamp their alliance for the future.

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Isn't KoC that small alliance that jumped into the No-CB war with the lyrics "You and I must fight to survive" and fought for the winning side about halfway through?

Don't think I'll ever forget I how much I hated that misuse, but I like the IAA so this will be okay.

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Isn't KoC that small alliance that jumped into the No-CB war with the lyrics "You and I must fight to survive" and fought for the winning side about halfway through?

Don't think I'll ever forget I how much I hated that misuse, but I like the IAA so this will be okay.

I don't really recall that particular situation, but at the same time, it doesn't matter to us. The past will remain in the past as we look forward to helping KoC come into their own as an alliance.

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