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IS Public Service Announcement

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The only thing I am confused about is why Extraduty did not take this offer and become part of something that matters. IS is insignificant and no one cares about them.

Bad decision, Extraduty. At least in CAN, you could have had a catchy acronym. "Grab a can o' CAN!"

You know I considered it. As my friend in NADC said.

Shame ExtraDuty has to be in an alliance with you, he's a good guy.
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I think most of us have been offered things like this. Unfortunately for Kingem, he asked an IS member which is why it resulted in a thread. Kingem, seriously dude, you should join an established alliance for a few months and see how it operates. Unlike some jerks, I know you mean well but you're leaving yourself wide open for these. Just learn from it and take it in stride.

Also, extraduty should take that spot. Expand IS's sheer win.

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I couldn't agree more.
I really hope that IS disbands, they really don't contribute to the global community at all.
It's about time these IS blokes learned their lesson. I'm sick and tired of these kiddies kicking other people's sand castles.

This method of dodging criticism is neither original nor funny. But I suppose actual substance in debates is way too boring and stuffy for you zany and outrageous teens.

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