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High Level Bloc Statistics


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That greatly reduces my excitement that citadel might declare war on someone and all nations in the war eventually move out of range of each other due to the nation strength limits. That would of been good.

All of the other blocs on that list put together have about 300 nations to Citadel's 200 in the top 5%.

So all we have to do is unite everyone against Citadel in order to defeat them! :v:

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All of the other blocs on that list put together have about 300 nations to Citadel's 200 in the top 5%.

So all we have to do is unite everyone against Citadel in order to defeat them! :v:

brb, rebuilding warchest, increasing paranoia. Also hi Delta. :D Srsly, that'd be fun. I'd be down for it.

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For anyone who wants to play the home game, here are the counts for every alliance with a Top 5% nation yesterday.

5% of the game is about 1,397 nations. In the 19,213 nations of the alliances with >20 members I recorded yesterday, 1,299 of the top 5% nations are accounted for (93.0%). OBR must have had <20 members, because they aren't recorded (they have 10-11 Top 5% members).

| Number | Alliance									   |
|	122 | The Order Of The Paradox					   | 
|	 52 | Green Protection Agency						| 
|	 51 | Sparta										 | 
|	 48 | The Grämlins				 				  | 
|	 42 | World Task Force							   | 
|	 41 | Mostly Harmless Alliance					   | 
|	 35 | New Polar Order								| 
|	 30 | The Sweet Oblivion							 | 
|	 27 | Orange Defense Network						 | 
|	 27 | FOK											| 
|	 25 | Mushroom Kingdom							   | 
|	 21 | The Democratic Order						   | 
|	 21 | Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations			  | 
|	 20 | We Are Perth Army							  | 
|	 20 | The Order Of Light							 | 
|	 19 | Umbrella									   | 
|	 18 | Vanguard									   | 
|	 18 | Fark										   | 
|	 18 | Viridian Entente							   | 
|	 16 | Ubercon										| 
|	 15 | Monos Archein								  | 
|	 14 | Poison Clan									| 
|	 14 | New Sith Order								 | 
|	 13 | Nueva Vida									 | 
|	 13 | United Purple Nations						  | 
|	 13 | Invicta										| 
|	 12 | The House Of Lords							 | 
|	 12 | The Foreign Division						   | 
|	 12 | Argent										 | 
|	 12 | NATO										   | 
|	 11 | Nordreich									  | 
|	 11 | North Atlantic Defense Coalition			   | 
|	 11 | RnR											| 
|	 11 | Siberian Tiger Alliance						| 
|	 11 | New Pacific Order							  | 
|	 10 | Old Guard									  | 
|	 10 | Alpha Omega									| 
|	 10 | The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons				  | 
|	 10 | MOLON LABE									 | 
|	  9 | The Templar Knights							| 
|	  9 | Genesis										| 
|	  9 | M*A*S*H										| 
|	  8 | The Resistance								 | 
|	  8 | The Legion									 | 
|	  8 | The Order Of Righteous Nations				 | 
|	  8 | Confederation Of Organized Nations			 | 
|	  8 | Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics		   | 
|	  8 | The Circle Of Icarus						   | 
|	  8 | The Brigade									| 
|	  8 | R.O.C.K.									   | 
|	  7 | Olympus										| 
|	  7 | The Dark Templar							   | 
|	  7 | The Immortals								  | 
|	  7 | Kronos										 | 
|	  7 | 1 Touch Football							   | 
|	  7 | LOSS										   | 
|	  7 | Random Insanity Alliance					   | 
|	  7 | Federation Of Buccaneers					   | 
|	  7 | Athens										 | 
|	  6 | Imperial Assault Alliance					  | 
|	  6 | Ragnarok									   | 
|	  6 | MFO											| 
|	  6 | Global Order Of Darkness					   | 
|	  6 | Multicolored Cross-X Alliance				  | 
|	  6 | Blackwater									 | 
|	  6 | Bushido										| 
|	  6 | Greenland Republic							 | 
|	  6 | THE IMPERIUM OF MAN							| 
|	  6 | Silence										| 
|	  6 | Zenith										 | 
|	  6 | The German Empire							  | 
|	  5 | Independent Republic Of Orange Nations		 | 
|	  5 | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization		| 
|	  5 | United Commonwealth Of Nations				 | 
|	  5 | Nusantara Elite Warriors					   | 
|	  5 | Asgaard										| 
|	  5 | Iunctus										| 
|	  5 | Christian Coalition Of Countries			   | 
|	  5 | OMFG										   | 
|	  4 | The Aquatic Brotherhood						| 
|	  4 | FCC											| 
|	  4 | Knights Of Ni!								 | 
|	  4 | AGW Overlords								  | 
|	  4 | Open Source Alliance						   | 
|	  4 | IFOK										   | 
|	  4 | The International							  | 
|	  4 | The Family									 | 
|	  4 | Valhalla									   | 
|	  4 | Grand Global Alliance						  | 
|	  4 | Green Old Party								| 
|	  3 | Pirates Of The Parrot Order					| 
|	  3 | Nations United For Freedom					 | 
|	  3 | Veritas Aequitas							   | 
|	  3 | Wolfpack									   | 
|	  3 | Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism | 
|	  3 | Alliance Of International Defence			  | 
|	  3 | Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes			 | 
|	  3 | The Liquor Cabinet							 | 
|	  3 | Nemesis										| 
|	  3 | Global United Nations						  | 
|	  3 | United Sovereign Nations					   | 
|	  3 | NOVA										   | 
|	  2 | Guru Order									 | 
|	  2 | Global Democratic Alliance					 | 
|	  2 | Libertarian Socialist Federation			   | 
|	  2 | Aurora Borealis								| 
|	  2 | SBA											| 
|	  2 | Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism	  | 
|	  2 | Deck Of International Card Experts			 | 
|	  2 | Knights Of Cydonia							 | 
|	  2 | Coalition Of Royal Allied Powers			   | 
|	  2 | FOA											| 
|	  2 | HYDRA										  | 
|	  2 | Orion										  | 
|	  2 | Federation Of Armed Nations					| 
|	  2 | Soldiers Of Liberty							| 
|	  2 | The Brain									  | 
|	  2 | SSSW18										 | 
|	  2 | Rubber Ducky Division						  | 
|	  1 | Phoenix Rising								 | 
|	  1 | The United Front							   | 
|	  1 | The Forsaken Ones							  | 
|	  1 | SNAFU										  | 
|	  1 | Republic Of Allied Defenses					| 
|	  1 | The Black Hand								 | 
|	  1 | Internet Superheroes						   | 
|	  1 | Coalition Of Independent Nations			   | 
|	  1 | The Centurion Brotherhood					  | 
|	  1 | Ordo Verde									 | 
|	  1 | New World Order								| 
|	  1 | Finnish Cooperation Organization			   | 
|	  1 | Pandemic									   | 
|	  1 | Grey Council								   | 
|	  1 | Menotah										| 
|	  1 | LXXQTJMN									   | 
|	  1 | Ascended Republic Of Elite States			  | 
|	  1 | 57th Overlanders							   | 
|	  1 | Carpe Diem									 | 
|	  1 | Union Of Integrated National Entities		  | 
|	  1 | Itova										  | 
|	  1 | Democratic Open Community					  | 
|	  1 | The Imperial Order							 | 
142 rows in set (20.16 sec)

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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For anyone who wants to play the home game, here are the counts for every alliance with a Top 5% nation yesterday.

5% of the game is about 1,397 nations. In the 19,213 nations of the alliances with >20 members I recorded yesterday, 1,299 of the top 5% nations are accounted for (93.0%). OBR must have had <20 members, because they aren't recorded (they have 10-11 Top 5% members).

| Number | Alliance									   |
|	122 | The Order Of The Paradox					   | 
|	 52 | Green Protection Agency						| 
|	 51 | Sparta										 | 
|	 48 | The Grämlins				 				  | 
|	 42 | World Task Force							   | 
|	 41 | Mostly Harmless Alliance					   | 
|	 35 | New Polar Order								| 
|	 30 | The Sweet Oblivion							 | 
|	 27 | Orange Defense Network						 | 
|	 27 | FOK											| 
|	 25 | Mushroom Kingdom							   | 
|	 21 | The Democratic Order						   | 
|	 21 | Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations			  | 
|	 20 | We Are Perth Army							  | 
|	 20 | The Order Of Light							 | 
|	 19 | Umbrella									   | 
|	 18 | Vanguard									   | 
|	 18 | Fark										   | 
|	 18 | Viridian Entente							   | 
|	 16 | Ubercon										| 
|	 15 | Monos Archein								  | 
|	 14 | Poison Clan									| 
|	 14 | New Sith Order								 | 
|	 13 | Nueva Vida									 | 
|	 13 | United Purple Nations						  | 
|	 13 | Invicta										| 
|	 12 | The House Of Lords							 | 
|	 12 | The Foreign Division						   | 
|	 12 | Argent										 | 
|	 12 | NATO										   | 
|	 11 | Nordreich									  | 
|	 11 | North Atlantic Defense Coalition			   | 
|	 11 | RnR											| 
|	 11 | Siberian Tiger Alliance						| 
|	 11 | New Pacific Order							  | 
|	 10 | Old Guard									  | 
|	 10 | Alpha Omega									| 
|	 10 | The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons				  | 
|	 10 | MOLON LABE									 | 
|	  9 | The Templar Knights							| 
|	  9 | Genesis										| 
|	  9 | M*A*S*H										| 
|	  8 | The Resistance								 | 
|	  8 | The Legion									 | 
|	  8 | The Order Of Righteous Nations				 | 
|	  8 | Confederation Of Organized Nations			 | 
|	  8 | Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics		   | 
|	  8 | The Circle Of Icarus						   | 
|	  8 | The Brigade									| 
|	  8 | R.O.C.K.									   | 
|	  7 | Olympus										| 
|	  7 | The Dark Templar							   | 
|	  7 | The Immortals								  | 
|	  7 | Kronos										 | 
|	  7 | 1 Touch Football							   | 
|	  7 | LOSS										   | 
|	  7 | Random Insanity Alliance					   | 
|	  7 | Federation Of Buccaneers					   | 
|	  7 | Athens										 | 
|	  6 | Imperial Assault Alliance					  | 
|	  6 | Ragnarok									   | 
|	  6 | MFO											| 
|	  6 | Global Order Of Darkness					   | 
|	  6 | Multicolored Cross-X Alliance				  | 
|	  6 | Blackwater									 | 
|	  6 | Bushido										| 
|	  6 | Greenland Republic							 | 
|	  6 | THE IMPERIUM OF MAN							| 
|	  6 | Silence										| 
|	  6 | Zenith										 | 
|	  6 | The German Empire							  | 
|	  5 | Independent Republic Of Orange Nations		 | 
|	  5 | Global Alliance And Treaty Organization		| 
|	  5 | United Commonwealth Of Nations				 | 
|	  5 | Nusantara Elite Warriors					   | 
|	  5 | Asgaard										| 
|	  5 | Iunctus										| 
|	  5 | Christian Coalition Of Countries			   | 
|	  5 | OMFG										   | 
|	  4 | The Aquatic Brotherhood						| 
|	  4 | FCC											| 
|	  4 | Knights Of Ni!								 | 
|	  4 | AGW Overlords								  | 
|	  4 | Open Source Alliance						   | 
|	  4 | IFOK										   | 
|	  4 | The International							  | 
|	  4 | The Family									 | 
|	  4 | Valhalla									   | 
|	  4 | Grand Global Alliance						  | 
|	  4 | Green Old Party								| 
|	  3 | Pirates Of The Parrot Order					| 
|	  3 | Nations United For Freedom					 | 
|	  3 | Veritas Aequitas							   | 
|	  3 | Wolfpack									   | 
|	  3 | Goon Order Of Oppression Negligence And Sadism | 
|	  3 | Alliance Of International Defence			  | 
|	  3 | Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes			 | 
|	  3 | The Liquor Cabinet							 | 
|	  3 | Nemesis										| 
|	  3 | Global United Nations						  | 
|	  3 | United Sovereign Nations					   | 
|	  3 | NOVA										   | 
|	  2 | Guru Order									 | 
|	  2 | Global Democratic Alliance					 | 
|	  2 | Libertarian Socialist Federation			   | 
|	  2 | Aurora Borealis								| 
|	  2 | SBA											| 
|	  2 | Nations Empowered Against Totalitarianism	  | 
|	  2 | Deck Of International Card Experts			 | 
|	  2 | Knights Of Cydonia							 | 
|	  2 | Coalition Of Royal Allied Powers			   | 
|	  2 | FOA											| 
|	  2 | HYDRA										  | 
|	  2 | Orion										  | 
|	  2 | Federation Of Armed Nations					| 
|	  2 | Soldiers Of Liberty							| 
|	  2 | The Brain									  | 
|	  2 | SSSW18										 | 
|	  2 | Rubber Ducky Division						  | 
|	  1 | Phoenix Rising								 | 
|	  1 | The United Front							   | 
|	  1 | The Forsaken Ones							  | 
|	  1 | SNAFU										  | 
|	  1 | Republic Of Allied Defenses					| 
|	  1 | The Black Hand								 | 
|	  1 | Internet Superheroes						   | 
|	  1 | Coalition Of Independent Nations			   | 
|	  1 | The Centurion Brotherhood					  | 
|	  1 | Ordo Verde									 | 
|	  1 | New World Order								| 
|	  1 | Finnish Cooperation Organization			   | 
|	  1 | Pandemic									   | 
|	  1 | Grey Council								   | 
|	  1 | Menotah										| 
|	  1 | LXXQTJMN									   | 
|	  1 | Ascended Republic Of Elite States			  | 
|	  1 | 57th Overlanders							   | 
|	  1 | Carpe Diem									 | 
|	  1 | Union Of Integrated National Entities		  | 
|	  1 | Itova										  | 
|	  1 | Democratic Open Community					  | 
|	  1 | The Imperial Order							 | 
142 rows in set (20.16 sec)

For some interesting perspective on this, the top 10 alliances in nations in the top 5%, from Drai's CN top 10 thread, from February 16th of this year:

Alliances with the most nations in the top 5% of NS - ~59,500

1. Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 106

2. The Order of the Paradox: 97

3. New Pacific Order: 90

4. Grämlins: 72

5. Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 50

6. Sparta: 40

7. The Phoenix Federation: 39

8. Valhalla: 33

9. Mostly Harmless Alliance: 32

10. Orange Defense Network: 29

10. FARK: 29

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I'd be interested to see the top 5% stat collected again after those who are currently under surrender terms are out. IRON gets out in a few days, so our nations that are just under the mark may pass it while remilitarizing. NPO is on here though, and I wonder what kind of presence they'll have in however many months when they finish surrender terms.

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For some interesting perspective on this, the top 10 alliances in nations in the top 5%, from Drai's CN top 10 thread, from February 16th of this year:

I did a data run on 2009-02-15, and got the following (Top 5% was 59,385NS):

| Number | Alliance							   |
|	106 | Independent Republic Of Orange Nations | 
|	 96 | The Order Of The Paradox			   | 
|	 91 | New Pacific Order					  | 
|	 74 | The Grämlins						   | 
|	 54 | Multicolored Cross-X Alliance		  | 
|	 40 | Sparta								 | 
|	 39 | The Phoenix Federation				 | 
|	 32 | Valhalla							   | 
|	 31 | Mostly Harmless Alliance			   | 
|	 30 | Orange Defense Network				 | 
|	 29 | Fark								   | 
|	 28 | The Order Of Light					 | 
|	 26 | Viridian Entente					   | 
|	 25 | Green Protection Agency				| 
|	 24 | FOK									| 
|	 24 | Ragnarok							   | 
|	 24 | Poison Clan							| 
|	 23 | Umbrella							   | 
|	 22 | Echelon								| 
|	 19 | World Task Force					   | 
|	 18 | United Purple Nations				  | 
|	 17 | Greenland Republic					 | 
|	 17 | Old Guard							  | 
|	 16 | NATO								   | 
|	 16 | Vanguard							   | 
|	 14 | LoSS								   | 
|	 13 | Invicta								| 
|	 12 | RnR									| 
|	 11 | Global Democratic Alliance			 | 
|	 11 | Fellowship Of Elite Allied Republics   | 
|	 11 | Blackwater							 | 
|	 11 | Nueva Vida							 | 
|	 11 | The Templar Knights					| 
|	 11 | Grand Global Alliance				  | 
|	 11 | Alpha Omega							| 
|	 11 | Zenith								 | 
|	 11 | The Dark Evolution					 | 
|	 10 | The Democratic Order				   | 
|	 10 | The Dark Templar					   | 
|	 10 | The Foreign Division				   | 
|	 10 | Molon Labe							 | 
|	 10 | The Order Of Righteous Nations		 | 
|	 10 | Mushroom Kingdom					   | 
|	  9 | New Polar Order						| 
|	  9 | North Atlantic Defense Coalition	   | 
|	  9 | R.o.c.k.							   | 
|	  9 | Monos Archein						  | 
|	  8 | The Legion							 | 
|	  8 | The International					  | 
|	  8 | UberCon								| 
|	  8 | Commonwealth Of Sovereign Nations	  | 
|	  7 | Olympus								| 
|	  7 | OTF Alliance						   | 
|	  7 | Random Insanity Alliance			   | 
|	  7 | Majestic Order Of Orange Nations	   | 
|	  7 | Nusantara Elite Warriors			   | 
|	  7 | Global Order Of Darkness			   | 
|	  6 | The Brigade							| 
|	  6 | Argent								 | 
|	  6 | We Are Perth Army					  | 
|	  6 | The House Of Lords					 | 
|	  6 | M*A*S*H								| 
|	  5 | The Centurion Brotherhood			  | 
|	  5 | Confederation Of Organized Nations	 | 
|	  5 | Carpe Diem							 | 
|	  5 | Rubber Ducky Division				  | 
|	  5 | SSSW18								 | 
|	  5 | Genesis								| 
|	  5 | Bushido								| 
|	  5 | Christian Coalition Of Countries	   | 
|	  5 | The Grand Lodge Of Freemasons		  | 
|	  4 | Wolfpack							   | 
|	  4 | The German Empire					  | 
|	  4 | FCC									| 
|	  4 | United Commonwealth Of Nations		 | 
|	  4 | Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States | 
|	  4 | Knights Of Cydonia					 | 
|	  4 | The Ravyns							 | 
|	  3 | Scotland Forever					   | 
|	  3 | The Immortals						  | 
|	  3 | IFOK								   | 
|	  3 | The Aquatic Brotherhood				| 
|	  3 | Knights Of Ni!						 | 
|	  3 | Veritas Aequitas					   | 
|	  3 | OMFG								   | 
|	  3 | AGW Overlords						  | 
|	  3 | FoA									| 
|	  2 | Finnish Cooperation Organization	   | 
|	  2 | Aurora Borealis						| 
|	  2 | Global United Nations				  | 
|	  2 | Republic Of Allied Defenses			| 
|	  2 | League Of Extraordinary Nations		| 
|	  2 | Orion								  | 
|	  2 | /A\/A\								 | 
|	  2 | Athens								 | 
|	  2 | United Sovereign Nations			   | 
|	  2 | Alliance Of International Defence	  | 
|	  2 | NOVA								   | 
|	  2 | 1 Touch Football					   | 
|	  2 | DOOM								   | 
|	  2 | The Sasori Initiative				  | 
|	  2 | Siberian Tiger Alliance				| 
|	  2 | California							 | 
|	  2 | Iunctus								| 
|	  1 | Aquitaine							  | 
|	  1 | IRAN								   | 
|	  1 | Atlantic Empire						| 
|	  1 | FnKa								   | 
|	  1 | Soldier								| 
|	  1 | Seaworthy Liberian Cardboard Boxes	 | 
|	  1 | Tempest								| 
|	  1 | Ascended Republic Of Elite States	  | 
|	  1 | Armed Coalition Of Valor			   | 
|	  1 | Deck Of International Card Experts	 | 
|	  1 | Global Republic Of Armed Nations	   | 
|	  1 | Cronus								 | 
|	  1 | Coalition Of Independent Nations	   | 
|	  1 | UMC									| 
|	  1 | =Western Empire=					   | 
|	  1 | TDSM8								  | 
|	  1 | Nebula-x							   | 
|	  1 | Enigma								 | 
|	  1 | Aquatic Coalition Front				| 
|	  1 | United Foundation					  | 
|	  1 | Green Old Party						| 
|	  1 | United Blue Directorate				| 
126 rows in set (1 min 23.63 sec)

Edit: I've been gathering this data for a while, but haven't really done anything with it. I guess I could spawn a new thread for stats with a nation-level fidelity.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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They are so mean!!! :P

But seriously...this isn't exactly a dog-bites-man situation here. Also those top nations are also in alliances that have been around quite a while.

Edited by Crushtania
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  • 3 weeks later...

Did you include TT along with SF? Not that it would add all that much to their stats (a few nations and Wonders here and there), but for all intents and purposes we would be certain to fight together in a large-scale conflict. We're all MDoAP'd with all of them so we're effectively in the same bloc.

Edited by Legend of the Skies
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But seriously...this isn't exactly a dog-bites-man situation here. Also those top nations are also in alliances that have been around quite a while.

Not only that, but GPA and NpO are the only alliances in the top 10 that have lost a war since I joined (the day after the UJW ended).

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For anyone who wants to play the home game, here are the counts for every alliance with a Top 5% nation yesterday.

5% of the game is about 1,397 nations. In the 19,213 nations of the alliances with >20 members I recorded yesterday, 1,299 of the top 5% nations are accounted for (93.0%). OBR must have had <20 members, because they aren't recorded (they have 10-11 Top 5% members).

I was curious how easy it would be for you to track the percentage of 5% nations located in alliances with an average NS on the order of say half the 5% tidemark or higher (and members > 20 or some other constraint leaving a large enough sample group) over time. Or not necessarily half but some fraction that's of sizable order and is likely to give interesting data.

I'm curious to see how the concentration on large nations changes, notably any pre-war clumping or post-war declumping effects. I imagine you understand what I'm getting at.

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