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The Screaming Criminals Pact

Mutual Defense Pact



As Tulak went to work, LOUD sneaked in to steal his booze, from the other side of the house TBH was sneaking in to do the same. They met eachother half-way and ran screaming out of house in shock! After resolving the misunderstanding and getting the booze they both desired they decided to make the Screaming Criminals Pact

Article I: Peace

a) The undersigned agree not to raid each other's houses, hack each others computer networks, or make too much noise outside each other's houses after dawn when they are sleeping or dealing with hangovers from the night before.

B ) The undersigned will not provide any form of assistance, including but not limited to military aid or financial aid, to any other alliance engaged in a conflict with the other signatory.

Article II: Aggression

a) In the event that another agreement forces either party to engage in conflict, the undersigned agree that they will not engage in open conflict but shall remain neutral.

B ) The undersigned may request assistance from the other party of this agreement, by financial or military means.

Article III: Intelligence

a) The undersigned agree to share information obtained on an enemy of the other unless forced to maintain neutrality by other articles in this treaty.

Article IV: Defense

a) In the event that either signatory comes under attack, it is compulsory that the fellow signatory will come to the assistance of the attacked party.

Article V: Cancellation

a) Termination of this treaty may be requested by the undersigned without mutual consent.

B ) If termination is requested, there shall be a seven (7) day grace period, in which the undersigned must remain in peace, and all foreign aid agreements between the undersigned must be cancelled. If however, one of the undersigned is attacked by a member of the other during this grace period, the defending alliance has the right to request reparations. In such a case, the grace period shall restart when the aid is received, for a maximum of two (2) times.

c) If either party to this document cease to exist due to disbandment, this treaty will be nullified immediately.

Article VI. Treaty Violation

a) Should this treaty be violated by an act of war towards each other, it is the duty of the offending alliance to deal with the attacking member or members, and said members are required to declare peace with the defending nation.

Article VII: Ratification

a) We, of League of United Defense and of The Black Hand agree to abide by the above terms of this treaty.

On behalf of League of United Defense:

The Ascendancy of LOUD;

/s/ The Chosen One, Prime Minister

/s/ Alcoholic, Minister of Foreign Affairs

/s/ Dr Don, Minister of Internal Affairs

/s/ Curtis16, Minister of War

On behalf of The Black Hand

The Governing Body of The Black Hand

/s/ SlapahoTribe, Don of The Black Hand

/s/ Timeline, Don of The Black Hand

/s/ AzAce, Underboss of The Black Hand

/s/ Kiida, Capo of Foreign Affairs

Edited by Timeline
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