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Statement of Friendship


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And why should we be friendly to those that hate us and wish us death? It'd be stupid to try and be nice to people that would spit in your face.
Because its called politics and diplomacy, its called doing something about the position you are in rather than sitting sulking about how everyone hates you.
This is a thread based on friendship and being friendly, and yet it got people in a rage. How is that supposed to be a good example of what we'd receive if we bothered to be friendly to everyone.

At first certainly there will be hostility, but perseverance can garner surprising results if you have the fortitude. But you need to learn to cope with hate, hell it was not so long ago that Pacificans were more than willing to dump on their enemies threads....and those of us who had to put up with that swallowed what was thrown at us and got on with what we had to do.

I'm sorry, but I just don't trust most on Planet Bob to react decently to any kindness, so why should I leave myself open to such.

heh well maybe it will come as no surprise then that many do not trust the Order, can you really blame any of us?? or is it most of Planet Bob that has the problem?? :ehm:

...once again despite my dislike of Pacifica i wish both yourselves and Invicta all the best, i know only too well what its like to fly a maligned and trolled AA having been successively a ICP/CPCN, GATO and ODN member.

Edited by Cataduanes
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We will be announcing tomorrow that the sky is blue and water is wet. We appreciate your patience as you wait for the obvious to be re-stated.

o/ Purple Colony

Good luck with that. You may have just buried yourself and Invicta.

I see we have GGA 2.0 on our hands fellas. Better start buying FACs. Somebody wants WAE title.

No kidding.

I think you won't find many friends after this...

(P.S. I haz moar screens for amusement if wanted, you can query me.)

(P.S.S. the screens are from UPN's public forums, but I don't think many outside that have seen them)

(P.S.S.S. I wanted to use those for some time now)

Cool screen bro. Holy crap a government leader wasn't clear on instructions. Must be a first.

Your alliance is announcing to the world that it will continue to involve itself with the New Pacific Order, that's why. Invicta has a developing reputation as the "NPO Purple Colony" and until decisions are made to oppose the Order, they will continued to be viewed as such.

However I did commend Invicta in this thread for maintaining this stance, despite my dislike for both Invicta and NPO. Invicta is in pole position to be the #1 NPO ally when their terms end.

And they should care what you or any other detractor thinks why? We can flip that around as well. IS developed a reputation of being an alliance with no respect for others besides the allies you have already. Should your allies drop you now? No, that would be foolish.

Hail Invicta and NPO for reaffirming a friendship. Because in this day, we apparently should be seeing alliances that have made bad choices completely left out to dry and ostracized. That's all I am getting out of the naysayers here.

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I thought I'd just like to comment on the !@#$@#$ hypocrisy of the Karma people in this announcement, the sorts of people who commended sticking up for your friends, especially when inconvenient. How can you go from supporting people like STA and Nueva Vida for backing Polar in the War of the Coalition, or perhaps IAA for fighting to the death for their allies against NPO, to jeering and mocking Invicta for having the sheer balls required to make this sort of announcement? I didn't really have an opinion on Invicta before, they were never on my radar, but I respect them enormously for this. There is such a thing as gracious victory, why don't we set the Pacificans an example, and demonstrate to them exactly what they did wrong?

Might I ask you what we fought for, brothers?

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Oh yeah, because everyone in good terms with Pacifica are obviously just thralls in their slave hierarchy. I really don't feel comfortable with defending Pacifica, but some of the Karma trolls here are going pretty absurd beyond any reasoning. At least they know how to be friends when inconvenient.

NPO is showin its true colors already. :)

Also, wtf

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Some of you clearly missed Inspector Zenigata's post earlier in the thread. Accusing other users of being trolls, trolling, flaming, etc is discussion of moderation issues, and should not be done here. Some of you have already collected warnings for ignoring the previous mod warning, and further breaches of the rule will result in more warns in future too.

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I thought I'd just like to comment on the !@#$@#$ hypocrisy of the Karma people in this announcement, the sorts of people who commended sticking up for your friends, especially when inconvenient. How can you go from supporting people like STA and Nueva Vida for backing Polar in the War of the Coalition, or perhaps IAA for fighting to the death for their allies against NPO, to jeering and mocking Invicta for having the sheer balls required to make this sort of announcement? I didn't really have an opinion on Invicta before, they were never on my radar, but I respect them enormously for this. There is such a thing as gracious victory, why don't we set the Pacificans an example, and demonstrate to them exactly what they did wrong?

Might I ask you what we fought for, brothers?

There's a huge difference though and I thought it was pretty obvious: STA, NV, Polar or IAA, to use your own examples, left the field with their allies or died there. Invicta left early and are now shouting at the top of their lungs "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH NPO".

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There's a huge difference though and I thought it was pretty obvious: STA, NV, Polar or IAA, to use your own examples, left the field with their allies or died there. Invicta left early and are now shouting at the top of their lungs "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH NPO".

STA etc stood by their friends when inconvenient, and fought in the War of the Coalition. Invicta may not have fought, but they are certainly standing by NPO when inconvenient, and that is admirable.

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STA etc stood by their friends when inconvenient, and fought in the War of the Coalition. Invicta may not have fought, but they are certainly standing by NPO when inconvenient, and that is admirable.

They did fight, and longer than most IIRC.


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I don't think the community wants NPO to act humble, prostrate themselves, or cower under anyones skirts; but rather just to act normal.

Wow, what a load of crap. Your condescending demeanor does not match your power. The Viridian Entente is simply not in a position to tell any alliance in this world how they should behave in public.

I celebrate diversity. I like my Pacificans hailing and strutting. I like my Viridians independent. I like MK... well, let's just leave it there, shall we ;)


I was just referring to your technology hungry alliance's intention to buy technology from us. Following your own school of thought, we might be less predisposed to cooperate when the biggest talking head in said alliance snipes us publicly. Just a thought.

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But you need to learn to cope with hate, hell it was not so long ago that Pacificans were more than willing to dump on their enemies threads....and those of us who had to put up with that swallowed what was thrown at us and got on with what we had to do.


Show some recent examples. Pacificans have been mostly just not posting completely on these forums for the past year.

There's a huge difference though and I thought it was pretty obvious: STA, NV, Polar or IAA, to use your own examples, left the field with their allies or died there. Invicta left early and are now shouting at the top of their lungs "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH NPO".

For the last time: We made an offer that we expected would be thrown back in our faces. It wasn't. In discussions with NPO, who incidentally spent the whole war encouraging their allies to get out as quickly as they could once it became clear that the war was not winnable, we decided that going with the offer was worth more to them than keeping us in the war.

STA, IAA and the others never got that choice. IAA never got an offer from NPO saying "If you leave the war with no other terms, we'll grant a white peace to GATO individually while leaving the others to fight GATO." If they had, who's to say they wouldn't have taken it?

That was the choice we had. The fact that we had that choice reflects well on Orion IMO; it shows that they were not waging war to destroy their enemies but rather to support their friends.

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For the last time: We made an offer that we expected would be thrown back in our faces. It wasn't. In discussions with NPO, who incidentally spent the whole war encouraging their allies to get out as quickly as they could once it became clear that the war was not winnable, we decided that going with the offer was worth more to them than keeping us in the war.

STA, IAA and the others never got that choice. IAA never got an offer from NPO saying "If you leave the war with no other terms, we'll grant a white peace to GATO individually while leaving the others to fight GATO." If they had, who's to say they wouldn't have taken it?

That was the choice we had. The fact that we had that choice reflects well on Orion IMO; it shows that they were not waging war to destroy their enemies but rather to support their friends.

I'm not blaming you in the least for leaving when you did. In fact, I was pushing for easy terms for "peripheric" (no offense but Invicta weren't the main targets) alliances. All I'm saying is that I don't really the point in announcing your love for NPO. You have your reasons, it's all fine and dandy, I'm just not convinced.

Also, if I recall correctly, both IAA and STA announced early on that they'd leave only when their ally did. Same way TPF did this time around, except not every week. :P

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For the last time: We made an offer that we expected would be thrown back in our faces. It wasn't. In discussions with NPO, who incidentally spent the whole war encouraging their allies to get out as quickly as they could once it became clear that the war was not winnable, we decided that going with the offer was worth more to them than keeping us in the war.

I get a kick out of this. "We wanted to fight longer, really! We just accidentally got peace..."

See, this thread would be a lot more convincing if it was NPO and TPF. I think that's probably the issue most have.

Edited by Elyat
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They did fight, and longer than most IIRC.

No, we were out fairly early. Only TORN, UF, IRAN, TFD, GRAN & VA were out before us.

I'm not blaming you in the least for leaving when you did. In fact, I was pushing for easy terms for "peripheric" (no offense but Invicta weren't the main targets) alliances. All I'm saying is that I don't really the point in announcing your love for NPO. You have your reasons, it's all fine and dandy, I'm just not convinced.

Actually, I don't see why we'd take offense for not being the main targets. The fact that people don't hate us enough to dream daily of our destruction is to my mind a good thing. :)

I can see why you might be unconvinced. However, you're not operating with the full picture. That's OK, not many people outside of NPO and Invicta are.

Also, if I recall correctly, both IAA and STA announced early on that they'd leave only when their ally did. Same way TPF did this time around, except not every week. :P

STA did, IAA didn't. IAA's announcements from that war: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=21175 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=24037

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I don't think the community wants NPO to act humble, prostrate themselves, or cower under anyones skirts; but rather just to act normal.

If normal means spewing the level of hate and venom that I have witnessed here in this thread about friendship.. I would rather the NPO not act "normal".

Although I will point out that there have been some incredibly fine things said in our's and NPO's defence and I would like to thank those people.

Invicta is an alliance of peace and friendship. Freindships like the one we have with the NPO (and many other alliances) and we simply wanted to let people know that even though due to surrender terms we may not have a treaty we are closer than somepiece of paper.

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Yes, poor torn,....

Just to say, your view how we treated torn is not the only one, but there has been enough controversy around that.

I point this out to show you how although you strongly believe in your world view of events, there are people that don't. If you decide to just blatantly laugh at their faces for that to try to insult them or provoke them, then,...thats a bit weak you know....

I find it hard to believe that you have never laughed at someone to insult them, but whatever you say. But yes, I did make that post to try and draw someone into a debate. And it worked. It was kind of like this: I was too lazy to read a post that would end in "lapdogs till death yo" so I wasn't really in the mood to make a full response. The small post's purpose was to either draw someone in or me leave. Someone decided to bite on it, and I knew he would read my response, hence the second post.

Reading comprehension much? Notice that I never said I wouldn't respond, just that I wouldn't make a thought out response.

Read above. All I wanted was a reply to know that someone was watching ;)

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There's a huge difference though and I thought it was pretty obvious: STA, NV, Polar or IAA, to use your own examples, left the field with their allies or died there. Invicta left early and are now shouting at the top of their lungs "WE ARE FRIENDS WITH NPO".

Perhaps Invicta will give us a show of their friendship and move some nations to the NPO AA to help with payments? Now That would be a showing of friendship that no one could deny.

I get a kick out of this. "We wanted to fight longer, really! We just accidentally got peace..."

See, this thread would be a lot more convincing if it was NPO and TPF. I think that's probably the issue most have.

Perhaps that is why Invicta felt the need to do this. Due to the conditions of all that happened they wanted it clear they were still friends even though they did not stick it out like TPF and were able to get out of the war with little after cost. That might appear to some that they were looking to distance themselves from NPO.

So while it might be more convincing to see TPF make this, that would be because they don't have to make a thread like this due to their situation. So to me that seems a strange issue for people to have. What is the point in stating the obvious?

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