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New population proposal for CNRP


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Translating CN population to CNRP population is weird, CN population is based on infrastructure. While in rl population is most of the times based on a mix of infrastructure and land. I therefore propose to ditch the old formula (CN Citizens x 100) and propose a new formula that tries to mimic real life conditions much more.

((Infra+land) x 50)x 50)

I tried this formula on 5 different CNRP countries, and got much more realistic numbers.

They can be found here. Under the old formula even very big nations like Viniland could only hold max 14 million citizens, now it can hold max 60 million. This also is much closer to what he does RP atm, and much closer to what you would expect from such a powerhouse. I've seen people use bat !@#$ numbers for their population just because the current system is a bit flawed.

Anyway, I welcome all commentary and critique!

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I RP by common sense in this issue. I really wouldn't care if somewhere like the Dragon Empire RPed a population of well over a billion, but it doesn't effect RP in any way so why make rules about it.

I have always RPed my population independent of any voluntary multipliers and will continue to do so.

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I use however many citizens I want, really. If I have 14 million citizens in New Zealand in real life (or whatever, I don't remember) then I'll RP that. The only formulas I follow are the soldier x 10 one because it's too much of a hassle to convince people to do something otherwise.

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See Above. I base mine off of Real-World stats.

A mix of real world stats plus RP history is best, IMO. Anything above real world needs to be really carefully RPed, and anything less than real world is fine.

The stupidest example I can think of is LVN claiming 100 million on all his pacific islands, which is not only rediculous because the RL population is less than ten million and probably a fraction of that but because there is no way to provide food or drinking water or habitation to so many people. Which is why you need to carefully RP if you want to use more than real life (and explain how it actually would work, which seeing that LVN was an idiot, he never did)

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Like I just said on IRC Sitethief, this is another good option for people to consider if they want to use multipliers.

Personally, I've decided on a fixed number for my nation and am going to stick with that to preserve continuity.

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What everyone else said.

Population is by now calculated by using common sense by most people. It doesn't really affect anything, after all.

Like Lynneth said, I RP my population by using common sense. I think about what the maximum my territory could possibly support and RP just below that, which I've worked out to be ~40 million.

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I RP around 35 million citizens (which is what the areas I control in RL roughly have). Don't think we need a formula for this, common sense is all that we need.

And the citizens x 100 formula thingy should probably be only used for GDP calculations.

Rarely does anyone RP GDP anyways...or much for economics for that matter.

I'll RP whatever number makes sense really for citizens.

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What everyone else said.

Population is by now calculated by using common sense by most people. It doesn't really affect anything, after all.

Yeah...it's a little hard to RP according to those stats anyway, with all the immigrants I got from your last nation... :P

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I prefer to use a number closer to the real world population of the area I control, but I think this is a good modifier for people who control less populated areas.

Me too. For instance, I RP a population of about 84 million, equivalent to the population of the RL New England states, Maritimes Provinces, and southern US states in RL.

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I use a larger number than both my in-game population and the actual population of my land. I do this to make my GDP seem more reasonable, as having a GDP of roughly 2 trillion in the Czech Republic would amount to a per capita GDP (going by RL population) of over 260,000, which is ridiculous for obvious reasons.

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See Above. I base mine off of Real-World stats.

I agree with tahoe on this one, its pretty much reasonability. Larger territory generally means larger population. When I had a lot of land I was rping with a x1k multiplier like LVN, however now I am just using an arbitrary ~12 million. Imo do whatever you want; it has no real effect on the game, so it isn't that big a deal.

Rarely does anyone RP GDP anyways...or much for economics for that matter.

I do... :v:

Also for my GDP formula I use my IG citizen count; otherwise the calculations would just be ridiculous. (not for per capita)

Edited by iamthey
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