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Anyone want to turn the tide?


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Well, think about it this way: He did post it in the OOC area instead of something like World Affairs. I know most folks don't really RP per say, but folks to, I dunno, post a bit more freely in terms of sarcasm and the like. It's tough to put into words really but I've always thought of it as putting on a suit and going to a kinda fancy event (in the IC areas,) vs hanging out in a bar with people you know (the OOC areas.)

Anyway, yeah I'm pretty sure the OP was a parody of a few recent "OMG TOO MANY NEW ALLIANCES," thing.

This is a tad off topic, but tbh, most of the stuff in this forum isn't really "OOC". I tend to treat these types of threads as IC. I wish people would post more stuff in WP and keep only the true OOC discussions here though.

Back on topic, Random, I don't see what's wrong with small alliances telling this guy to put his money where his mouth is. I agree that it's highly unlikely that this guy will actually do anything, but of course small alliances aren't going to be happy with a suggestion that they all ought to be rolled.


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See, this is hilarious, because IS is an example of yet another unnecessary alliance that already falls the cliche of many others. There's nothing special about your gov setup, about your membership, that other alliances don't have. You're another PC/RAD. So please begin by attacking your own unnecessary alliance or consolidating yourselves and other like alliances.

Looks like SOMEONE is jealous of how groovy the IS alliance is. SOMEONE BESIDES ME THIS TIME.

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Just because gov setup, etc. is the same as other alliances doesn't make IS unneccessary. They have a particular breed of insanity that, if not quite original, is certainly entertaining.

I<3IS ^_^

insanity has been around for as long as people have been, not original, just a pain in the $@!.

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Guys, OOC forum? I'm saying, if you all moan, do something. I don't moan. Ever see me in DoE threads? No. That's cuz i like trying to rip-off buy tech from these small alliances.

Also, all these replies make me feel important. Wait, just say the first quote below!

Well, think about it this way: He did post it in the OOC area instead of something like World Affairs. I know most folks don't really RP per say, but folks to, I dunno, post a bit more freely in terms of sarcasm and the like. It's tough to put into words really but I've always thought of it as putting on a suit and going to a kinda fancy event (in the IC areas,) vs hanging out in a bar with people you know (the OOC areas.)

Anyway, yeah I'm pretty sure the OP was a parody of a few recent "OMG TOO MANY NEW ALLIANCES," thing.

Still enjoying watching everyone take this so seriously and get all huffy/puffy over it, as if the OP were actually planning to go through with this or something. Funny!

I know, aren't they cute!

Back on topic, Random, I don't see what's wrong with small alliances telling this guy to put his money where his mouth is. I agree that it's highly unlikely that this guy will actually do anything, but of course small alliances aren't going to be happy with a suggestion that they all ought to be rolled.


Who knows, maybe in one and a half years when I have a bunch of military wonders and a big 3 bil warchest and a secret Uranium trade, I'll do it! ONE MAN CRUSADE FOR BAWWWS! However, I'd leave NpO, they don't deserve slander from ignorant people thinking this game is a srs bznss!

Most of these micro-alliances have their protectorate treaty in their DoE threads. Most alliances protecting micro-alliances have other treaties, and I'm guessing they wouldn't mind activating them to help against this kind of unprovoked uneeded agression. Good luck with that though.

Mebbe I'll figure something out, Sileath and RV have!

Better idea. New alliances take down the old ones? Amirite?

But seriously, this is basically like saying Statement: " look the birthrate has gone up! It's getting a little crowded" Solution: "Kill the new generation"

Maybe I'll just be like Communist China and let only 4 alliances be born monthly!

You really just said that? ...like in public?


You bought a Pentagon when it wasn't necessary!

Have all alliances under 10 members have one giant war amongst themselves. The winner absorbs all the loser alliances and becomes relevant.

Thet'll be my surrender term: join my alliance for a week.

Edited by shahman
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Guys, OOC forum? I'm saying, if you all moan, do something. I don't moan. Ever see me in DoE threads? No. That's cuz i like trying to rip-off buy tech from these small alliances.

Also, all these replies make me feel important.

I know, aren't they cute! Who knows, maybe in one and a half years when I have a bunch of military wonders and a big 3 bil warchest and a secret Uranium trade, I'll do it! ONE MAN CRUSADE FOR BAWWWS!

More quote replies to come!

Let me just say from experience that if you make a post without obvious sarcasm, expect people to take it seriously. It just doesn't work well in text.


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wow Shahman. This is amusing to say the least.

Polaris misses Doch, pop in every now and then!

Well I hope to never see your face in a micro-AA.

Therein lies the irony, I'm going to start a micro-AA to carry this goal out!

I'm thinking this course of action is about as unwise as Shahman's OP.

I've seen this carried out in other sim games. Kinda. Never stayed around to see how it ended!

Nothing in the OP also indicated he has any means to accomplishing this.

See a few quotes up. Or the second one in total.

Don't blame Polar. Point your finger elsewhere.

Polar doesn't deserve blame. It's only me that's stirring the post-Heg pot!

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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

EDIT: this is an OOC forum, this does not reflect on what I want Polaris to do in any way or form!

Come attack RAD. I'll gladly toss a few nukes your way. :)

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I am sorry but MA has already proved and set the precedent that an individual nation acting or saying anything contrary to the policies of said alliance government is not to be held responsible for what they say and should anyone attempt to try and do such, that is holding them responsible for their words and idle threats, then they shall be met with the full fury of said alliance.

Don't blame Polar. Point your finger elsewhere.

Kait already clarified what's going on for you, as did multiple other high gov members. Our official stance is this: he has not PZId anyone yet, he hasn't even attacked anyone. MA does not condone PZI, and if he tries to go through with his talk of PZIing a nation then we'll reassess the situation. But you running around telling everyone "HEY MA SUPPORTS PZI" is simply false. Nobody has been PZId, nobody is going to be PZId, so stop trying to drag MA's name through the mud and turn opinions of those who aren't informed about what's going on.

Edit: I second the man above me. RAD is a "small" alliance. Please, attack them!

Edited by Penkala
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Kait already clarified what's going on for you, as did multiple other high gov members. Our official stance is this: he has not PZId anyone yet, he hasn't even attacked anyone. MA does not condone PZI, and if he tries to go through with his talk of PZIing a nation then we'll reassess the situation. But you running around telling everyone "HEY MA SUPPORTS PZI" is simply false. Nobody has been PZId, nobody is going to be PZId, so stop trying to drag MA's name through the mud and turn opinions of those who aren't informed about what's going on.

Edit: I second the man above me. RAD is a "small" alliance. Please, attack them!

Dude. Having this post come from you is freakin' hilarious.

Also yes, attack RAD please. :)

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All of you asking for an attack, if you're still as small as you are (under25 members) in a year or so, i suppose i could add you to my hit list. Just saying ;-).

RAD, if you want, also in a year or so, we could arrange a 3 on 1, with me being the 1.

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All of you asking for an attack, if you're still as small as you are (under25 members) in a year or so, i suppose i could add you to my hit list. Just saying ;-).

RAD, if you want, also in a year or so, we could arrange a 3 on 1, with me being the 1.

I would have expected you to leave this thread and lick your wounds in safety, but it seems you are either too blind or simply too stupid to do so. Continue throwing logs onto the fire, shahman.

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I'd like to see you try... nothing bands people together like the threat of genocide against all small alliances. You'd have 100 x 20 member alliances working together in a week... a common cause that would unify a defensive mass well beyond what you could imagine.

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Oh wai... :(

PS: I still like the idea of all the micro alliances banding together to form one massive huge mirco alliance. Their DoE would be the DoE that finally breaks the camel's back and all the 'proper' alliances would be forced to DoW on it. After a brief skirmish that saw more "BRING IT" in-game PMs sent than nukes, the Proper Bloc's terms to Big Huge Micro Bloc would be "post a disbandment notice for every mirco alliance that's ever folded to cleanse the OWF of your ebil and to give Penguin more accurate stats".

However like other world wars before it, the Proper v Big Huge Micro War would spark a new rash of micro alliances forming. The DoEs would doom CN forever under the sheer weight of paperwork and un-verifiable assumptions of newly formed alliance mortality rates...

EDIT: I forgot to mention that the Big Huge Micro Bloc would be a German themed alliance...on the Red Sphere, with a flag that is a totally photoshopped shiny non-flagy flash animation with lots of lens flare.

Edited by Grumpdogg
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We've had many new (an unnecessary) alliances popping up during the summer. What to do with them? Well,I've had this idea bouncing around my head for a short while. I have now decided I want to show my idea to the general CN community.

DoW these mini alliances, and cause disbandment.

EDIT: this is an OOC forum, this does not reflect on what I want Polaris to do in any way or form!

And next, let's take care of those pesky unaligned!

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This has deeply disappointed me. The Federation of Rhine is a brand new alliance. I have done a ton of work to even make our existence possible. Our members have also done a ton of work on forums, foreign relations, and much more. If the world of CN has come to the fact that it is time to elminate small alliances because they are prefect targets then I guess it may be time for something to happen. Small alliances work a lot just to stay active and around. If you feel the need to elminate them then another world war will come upon us by treaties and what not. No one wants another massive war again. At least until we all rebuild. :P

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Let me just say from experience that if you make a post without obvious sarcasm, expect people to take it seriously. It just doesn't work well in text.


No, it tends to take a while for people to pick up spotting it unless it's totally obvious. Even then quite a few people will whiff on it. That said, we really ought to stop coddling people like that. Folks will never learn to pick up on subtleties that make good humor good if they don't see it and get laughed at a few times for taking it seriously.

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See, this is hilarious, because IS is an example of yet another unnecessary alliance that already falls the cliche of many others. There's nothing special about your gov setup, about your membership, that other alliances don't have. You're another PC/RAD. So please begin by attacking your own unnecessary alliance or consolidating yourselves and other like alliances.

Aw, is someone mad because they got kicked out of RAD? Does it make you feel better to try to bash us every chance you get? here, let me stroke your ego for you. Penkala you are such a great person. I cant believe you ever wanted to join RAD in the first place. You seemed like you cared about the alliance so much and wanted to help out so much. Man, those guys are dumb for believing the front you put on. Good job with that. You showed them. They are such losers man, and those Poison Clan guys. Jeez, what jerks. i cant believe they are mad at you for raiding their protectorate and then being a &#33;@#&#036;% about it.

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All alliances are new at some point or another. I mean, I wish there were less alliances too, but you can't just go around destroying alliances because they are new lol.

And why can't we?

I can not believe that he just said that.

I do not support this idea or anything like it.

I personally see most micro alliances as a potentially valuable sources of tech sellers and a thing to be encouraged rather than destroyed.

I see most micro alliances as a potential source of slave labor, to give me free or extremely cheap tech.

Stupid topic is stupid. Of course though if it has IS's support it must be win though.

Oh and bring it.

This thread has earned the Internet Superheros Seal of approval.


See, this is hilarious, because IS is an example of yet another unnecessary alliance that already falls the cliche of many others. There's nothing special about your gov setup, about your membership, that other alliances don't have. You're another PC/RAD. So please begin by attacking your own unnecessary alliance or consolidating yourselves and other like alliances.

No u

Just because gov setup, etc. is the same as other alliances doesn't make IS unneccessary. They have a particular breed of insanity that, if not quite original, is certainly entertaining.

I<3IS ^_^


I'd like to see you try... nothing bands people together like the threat of genocide against all small alliances. You'd have 100 x 20 member alliances working together in a week... a common cause that would unify a defensive mass well beyond what you could imagine.

Typically, genocides make other small alliances run in fear that they will be next. Stick to your idea that people will come to help you without a treaty. Its unfortunate, but they won't.

Edited by 890765
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I noticed something interesting when I was reading 890765's post. A lot of folk have been decrying the OP's intent as being opressive of the freedom of people to start their own alliances if they so wish.

Freedom goes both ways, though. If he wants to attack, then he has every bit of a right to do so as a micro-alliance has to its DoE.

The main thing is whether you're willing to own up to the consequences.

Is a new Micro-alliance prepared for the consequence of leadership - including providing safe haven for their members? Most new alliances will have protectors to help insure against this.

Is the loose cannon who wants to declare war on micro-alliances ready for counter-declarations and other reactions to his attack? If he's fully aware of the consequences and still chooses to move forward, that's his own lookout.

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