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Amazon Nation and Monos Archein presents...

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Greetings all!

I'm very excited to present to you this latest masterpiece. While I value all of our friends, and I am equally protective of them all, I was very flattered to have been approached by MA to work on this. Not many larger alliances pay much mind to a modest group like mine, but sometimes, a rare gem recognizes that good things can come in small packages. ;)

Not to mention I'd always been an admirer of KaitlinK from a distance.

((Who doesn't love that avatar? Tell me?))

Also, I've been stalkin..er.. following some of their current membership with treaties for a while now, the good folks who traveled all the way from the Apocalypse, through Aeon, and finally to settle in Monos Archein. I love these guys. :D

So enough of my gushing, on with the show! :awesome:


Girls (with swords) just wanna have fun


A Mutual Defense Pact between Monos Archein and Amazon Nation

Secret Admirers

The Amazon Nation has long admired Kait..er.. Monos Archein from a distance.* Because Amazons aren't exactly the most subtle People, Monos Archein was bound to take notice eventually. In recognition of the "come hither" glances of the Amazons and to strengthen the bonds (of friendship) between Monos Archein and the Amazon Nation, the ladies (and one guy) of these two sovereign Signatories** enter into the following agreement:

Article I: Not So Secret Admirers

Monos Archein and the Amazon Nation typically don't consider a little aggression to be a bad thing, in certain circumstances. However, for the purposes of this agreement, neither shall engage in any aggressive action or declaration, or in any form of disrespect against each other.

Article II: Those flirty little "Thinking of You" cards

Monos Archein and the Amazon Nation, classy ladies (and one guy)** that they are, agree to share any gossip they may find useful or necessary willingly, promptly, and on a regular cycle.

Article III: PDA

Monos Archein and the Amazon Nation are quite comfortable in their growing relationship with each other, and are not afraid to show it. An attempt to flirt with one is considered an attempt to flirt with the other. While this may lead to interesting "parties" in certain circumstances, an actual attack against one Signatory will provide good cause for the other to offer prompt diplomatic, economic and martial assistance.

Article IV: All good things...

Like all strong relationships, sometimes it takes work, and a little therapy. So that one does not jump to any hasty conclusions if one happens to catch a whiff of a different perfume on the other (the Amazon Queen is highly allergic to strong floral scents, anyway), neither Signatory will toss the other into the "dog house" or give the "cold shoulder" within 72 hours of any threat of aggression suffered by either party.

Article V: Breaking up is hard to do

If it should become necessary for these Signatories to return each other's clothes (and other property) and move out of the hut, Article III will continue to remain in effect for 72 hours after the first box of clothes is moved out onto the lawn according to the PDD (Public Display of Drama) clause inherently hidden within agreements of this nature.

*Disclaimer #1: The Queen of the Amazon Nation would like to clarify that she is truly only smitten with one Amazon, her Consort. Any lap-sitting done between anyone not named Amarynth of Caspysia and Randalla is strictly "diplomatic."

**Disclaimer #2: Both Monos Archein and the Amazon nation further clarify that there really is more than "one guy" between them. Well, not really *between* them, but you get the idea.

Signed this date for Monos Archein:

KaitlinK, Most Troublesome Archein

Mamaduck, Ringmaster of MA

Mila Amo, Mila Amo, Chancellor of Cuteness

Jewelangel, Rarely Angelic MoFA

Signed this date for Amazon Nation:

Randalla, of The HiElands: Queen

Amarynth, of Caspysia: Queen's Consort, Council of Matriarchs

Larethiel, of Havalas: Council of Matriarchs

Elbryan, of Nebuchadnezzar: Master of Finance

Kerdor, of Morte Vallta: Master of War

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