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Athens rides to WAR

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Care to enlighten me? Athens has been defending the CB ever since it came to light and was pushing wry strongly for war with Menotah, even going so far as to demand that TOOL cancel on them or face war. But then TOOL did something they didn't expect: They called the bluff. And so did TOOL's allies. Only then did Athens see sense. What gives?

I'm certainly glad that the coer heads prevailed. But don't use this as an opportunity to harp on how merciful you are. Anyone with the slightest bit of sense is merciful at gunpoint.


Firstly, as several others have pointed out to you, TOOL suspended the protectorate. And no, it wasn't from some agreement with Athens. As of last night, Athens was still planning on declaring on Menotah. However, TOOL had already started the vote to suspend the protectorate.

Secondly, no, because virtually nobody else in CnG was supportive of going to war over this.

Tl;Dr: No, you're 100% incorrect.

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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Nope. TOOL was under the impression that we were attacking up until this was posted.

Then my guess would be that some new evidence came to light, causing them to reverse the decision. I apologize for not considering that possibility initially.

Whatever happened, war was averted. I think it's kind of pointless to make an announcement harping about how merciful you are, but to each his own.


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A judicious return to calmer waters. Let's hope this sort of self restraint is a hallmark of the future, instead of such actions as concocting a dubious CB just to roll a small alliance, of which we've seen so much of in the past.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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You good sir, are a master of verbose, witty dialouge, and a great communicator, what unfathomable comprehension for the English language you have.

Good luck in your merciful massacre, your charitable crusade, yourdiplomatic destruction of your enemies.

May Splash Woman salute you.

i think he gets the comprehension from me as he has to go trough all the stuff i say multiple times in order to understand what the !@#$ I'm talking about like most people have to do with me that it has made him stronger in this area LOL

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Outside of saying Bama isn't as off-base as people might think, I shall bite my tongue and just be glad we have peace.

You are aware that tool suspended their protectorate so nothing would have happened right?

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Then my guess would be that some new evidence came to light, causing them to reverse the decision. I apologize for not considering that possibility initially.

Whatever happened, war was averted. I think it's kind of pointless to make an announcement harping about how merciful you are, but to each his own.


Well it was kind of necessary given that everyone and their mother thought there was a war coming, no announcement would have led to more tensions from people who heard an attack was forthcoming and never came.

Putting it in the open like this clears the air and diffuses the situation completely.

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My gosh, that OP makes absolutely no sense at all.

First "We ride to war", then "We have decided to show mercy", then "death to our enemies - we ride to war".

Ffs, make up your minds. :psyduck:


That aside though, glad Menotah gets peace.

thats Athens for you yet we are doing all them things simultaniously :) ponder that

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Ok, that makes no sense whatsoever :wacko:

If you read the thread wherein multiple times it's made clear that everyone, even TOOL, were expecting war to happen, you'll note that this is a tongue in cheek reference to that and a playful way to clear the air.

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Whatever happened, war was averted. I think it's kind of pointless to make an announcement harping about how merciful you are, but to each his own.

I think that if mercy was the norm, it would be pointless to point out each time it occurred. That said, it's still a rather new concept (on a large scale), and so we need to promote and advertise it when it happens if we want it to stick.

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Well it was kind of necessary given that everyone and their mother thought there was a war coming, no announcement would have led to more tensions from people who heard an attack was forthcoming and never came.

Putting it in the open like this clears the air and diffuses the situation completely.

i agree with this sir. If Athens didn't say anything, i think the tension would get worse and eventually explode in someone's face whether is be athens or menotah's or someone else's.

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Then my guess would be that some new evidence came to light, causing them to reverse the decision. I apologize for not considering that possibility initially.

Whatever happened, war was averted. I think it's kind of pointless to make an announcement harping about how merciful you are, but to each his own.


Or maybe we actually talked to them and decided that they had learned their lesson and war wasn't needed. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should.

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TheNeverender is the puppet master of Athens. He says no war, and Londo happily obeys.

Proof that RV was not praised in a Sileath post. /r/ing Sileath's destruction.

If you read the thread wherein multiple times it's made clear that everyone, even TOOL, were expecting war to happen, you'll note that this is a tongue in cheek reference to that and a playful way to clear the air.

To be fair it didnt make much sense to me either :psyduck:

Edited by Seerow
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TheNeverender is the puppet master of Athens. He says no war, and Londo happily obeys.

Yeah, it's not like allies ever consult with each other about foreign affairs decisions like war. Nor was it Archon's advice alone that caused me to rethink it. Menotah itself had a good deal to do with that. :psyduck:

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mhawk can't save you now

Know, O Planet Bob, that Athens has been wronged by the alliance Menotah by way of mass recruitment. We had prepared a declaration of war as redress to this offense, but it seems that Fortuna does not will our phalanxes to form or our ships to sail on this fair night.

Menotah has learned fully of our plans due to the incidents surrounding this. Menotah government has begged not to be attacked, has offered themselves up for ZI, and has said all sorts of interesting things. I feel as if attacking them now would be counterproductive, as I feel they have learned their lesson well, and I see certain other factors within Menotah which shall go unnamed.

TOOL has suspended their protectorate with Menotah. I hope this serves as a wake up call to Menotah, and a sufficient indication to the world to see that Menotah has done wrong. We choose on this night to show mercy when we could rain fire, because we are better than those we fight, and this is our proof: we will not be taking further action against Menotah. They and those whom they have recruited from us are free to make their way in the world. Go in peace, and do not mistake this show of mercy for weakness or lack of resolve.



Londo Mollari, Archon eponymos

Max Beck, Archon eponymos

I was surprised by your apparent reaction in the other thread, as this is more in line with what I have come to expect from Athens: total class.

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Well it was kind of necessary given that everyone and their mother thought there was a war coming, no announcement would have led to more tensions from people who heard an attack was forthcoming and never came.

Putting it in the open like this clears the air and diffuses the situation completely.

Some people will not rest until the evil they seek is visible, even if only in their mind.

"Rawr!! Athens is just like the Hegemony!! EEEeeeeeviiilll!!"

No war happens, diplomatic resolution reached

"Gah, you were just scared of getting rolled!! You are still Evil!!"

TOOL had suspended protectorate so no issue of being rolled.

"Shut up, why the need for an announcement telling everyone you are merciful!!"

I can't imagine why an announcement was needed after this entire issue was handles provately...oh wait.

/me yawns and waits for the next "zomg teh new hegemony" thread.

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