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Athens rides to WAR

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TheNeverender is the puppet master of Athens. He says no war, and Londo happily obeys.

oh wtf don't criticize our alliance like that. we all know we did it for a different reason then what they wanted to puppet us for, /ooc I'm beginning to not like you day by day for all this crap you put on the forums its not construstive /ooc

anyways yeah were riding there asses by not going to war you see

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Some people will not rest until the evil they seek is visible, even if only in their mind.

"Rawr!! Athens is just like the Hegemony!! EEEeeeeeviiilll!!"

No war happens, diplomatic resolution reached

"Gah, you were just scared of getting rolled!! You are still Evil!!"

TOOL had suspended protectorate so no issue of being rolled.

"Shut up, why the need for an announcement telling everyone you are merciful!!"

I can't imagine why an announcement was needed after this entire issue was handles provately...oh wait.

/me yawns and waits for the next "zomg teh new hegemony" thread.

That's the exact response I'd expect from someone trying to defend the new hegemony :P

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TheNeverender is the puppet master of Athens. He says no war, and Londo happily obeys.

You should know as a former member of Athens that all C&G strings are pulled by Stumpy.

Archon had nothing to do with this war not going through and has stated publicly and privately that he has our back no matter what and we will always have MK's back as well. You probably wouldn't understand a simple concept like that since you're too busy changing alliances and lying about things I've said and haven't said.

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Good to see someone filling in for Haflinger on his day off. :P

Halfinger at least knows half of something half of the time.

This guy seems to be just making it up as he goes and tries to sound convincing to the public.

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You are aware that tool suspended their protectorate so nothing would have happened right?

Since my friend diomede is the Minister of Foreign Affairs for an MDoAP partner of TOOL and he lacks the ability to read and (OOC: type) I think it's safe to say that he had absolutely no idea that the protectorate was suspended.

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I am also fully aware of the circumstances surrounding said cancellation. Like I said, I will bite my tongue.

This was not going to war regardless of any outside circumstances. Nobody else in CnG was supportive of going to war over this issue, at any point in time.

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TheNeverender is the puppet master of Athens. He says no war, and Londo happily obeys.

Well duh.

Yeah, it's not like allies ever consult with each other about foreign affairs decisions like war. Nor was it Archon's advice alone that caused me to rethink it. Menotah itself had a good deal to do with that. :psyduck:

That and rsox. Can't forget to credit the ol softy

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This was not going to war regardless of any outside circumstances. Nobody else in CnG was supportive of going to war over this issue, at any point in time.

Late Edit: I am glad we are in agreement.

Good to see someone filling in for Haflinger on his day off. :P

You're funny, but I'm not biting.

Edited by Diomede
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Well pointless announcement or not (I for one actually think Athens did something right for once), at least it is very clear that Bama has no clue. Which then provides a point for this thread after all, making everyone happy.

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Since my friend diomede is the Minister of Foreign Affairs for an MDoAP partner of TOOL and he lacks the ability to read and (OOC: type) I think it's safe to say that he had absolutely no idea that the protectorate was suspended.

I never said he didn't i simply asked if he did as his post seemed out of line with knowing that TOOL suspended and yes i do know what Argent's stance was in this affair and i am sorry you took what i said as an insult.

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We all know you'd roll them if not for the fact that YOU would get rolled in turn. Nevertheless, congratulations to all parties on achieving peace.


Bama, I didnt know you switch jobs from respected diplomat to what ever it is you do now. :P

Edited by mkoricic
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Bama, I didnt know you switch jobs from respected diplomat to forums troll. :P

Where have you been the last few months?

So if theirs peace why did you put you declare war and why did you make TOOL drop there treaty?

TOOL suspended the treaty of their own accord. Athens forced them to do nothing. And they didn't declare war, that's the purpose of this thread.

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TOOL suspended the treaty of their own accord. Athens forced them to do nothing. And they didn't declare war, that's the purpose of this thread.

ah ok just confused me that they put they declare war and Athens rides to war lol congrats on getting this peacefully resolved.

Are...are you serious?

yes Athens rides to WAR, Declaration on Menotah that usually means your going to fight but but see row cleared it up for me :)

Edited by Sylar
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