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Borghese has said that the territory of the Vatican i.e. Rome is his, so while you may RP as the entity of the Catholic Church. It is up to Borghese if he wants to let you RP in Rome the city itself. As to the RP being done, Gnost has already gone about setting up his state with no prior RP as far as I am concerned went around the OOC gifting rules. In addition to that, there is a deliberate OOC change to keep your views of Borghese's RP intact, but perhaps not Benedict's if RPed by the person that created the character. That is an OOC point, but Gnost was given control of the Vatican by Borghese in an OOC exchange. If RPing is that dear to you, you may have Benedict change to the Church of Jerusalem, because the OOC by you and the OOC from Borghese will just cause constant fighting. I therefore propose this, because you will not ever get into Rome. Gnost gives the Papacy to you, but you should RP a different Pope that will reflect your believes, cause the collapse of Texas that will be run by Gnost, but subject to interfere from foreign nations if they so choose. The RP must be extensive and should not be recognized if you do it in some three lines.

I'm not againt someone roleplaying the pope, i am against someone roleplaying missile defenses in the Vatican and stuff like that. If you RP the pope you have to remember you control a few square miles. Theorically Benedict XVII° is still there..

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That way you could optimally only disable those parts of the infrastructure that are partly computer controlled. Like air traffic, traffic lights......

...and the power grid, if it happens to be connected to the internet like some RL countries...

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How are you going to RP destroying his infra?

Hijack all essential systems connected to the internet, such as water, gas, electricity, traffic, health care, military, you name it. Then overload those systems' computers viruses, hijack the computers' BIOS and OS, viruses play an endless loophole of the

, and render the computers useless. Any attempts to remove the viruses, bypass the rickrolls, or reboot will result in the BIOS deleting or corrupting itself or the power supply device going lolrage and fry the computer with an electrical power overload. Edited by HHAYD
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...why would you connect your water and gas to the internet? Or even traffic?

That's what Intranet is for.

Anyone who has real military connected to the internet is stupid. At most you could deface their public relations website. You'd need a hardline connection to their internal network to shut things down.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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...why would you connect your water and gas to the internet? Or even traffic?

That's what Intranet is for.

Anyone who has real military connected to the internet is stupid. At most you could deface their public relations website. You'd need a hardline connection to their internal network to shut things down.

Don't ask me, ask Australia: the only thing that stopped a virus from going through their business-end computers and into the control computers was the control computers ran Linux. If you were intentionally trying, all the virus would've needed to do is implant a second linux-compatible virus and viola, grid down.

Also, http://www.securecomputing.net.au/Tools/Pr...spx?CIID=150901.

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Don't ask me, ask Australia: the only thing that stopped a virus from going through their business-end computers and into the control computers was the control computers ran Linux. If you were intentionally trying, all the virus would've needed to do is implant a second linux-compatible virus and viola, grid down.

Also, http://www.securecomputing.net.au/Tools/Pr...spx?CIID=150901.

That's Australia. <__<

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That's Australia. <__<

At least I can mess up the nation's telephone/internet system for good with DoS if I can't hit other systems. Most hospitals are likely to use the internet to transfer data between hospitals instead of relying on mail service or patients to carry the medical info. A complete DoS to their computers and it's chaos time.

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At least I can mess up the nation's telephone/internet system for good with DoS if I can't hit other systems. Most hospitals are likely to use the internet to transfer data between hospitals instead of relying on mail service or patients to carry the medical info. A complete DoS to their computers and it's chaos time.

I'll concede that, but complete shutdown of a nation...eh, not really. Unless they've specifically RPed that their systems all use the internet it doesn't make sense to assume such.

Edited by BaronUberstein
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He's trying to get the molakian leaders out.

But just for the record, I recognize spy rolls as FINDING things, if he wants to actually extract something from my country or kill somebody, he needs to RP it.

For example, lynneth's spy rolls FOUND Molakia's nukes. But it was his RP actions that destroyed them.

I don't care how good tech you have, or if your spy rolls succeeds, you need to RP and find a way yourself to get past an armored checkpoint without that guard somehow raising the alarm. You need to find a way past what I've RP'd as my defenses. I won't recognize just saying "well the spy roll succeeded so anything I do, I still win."

Edited by BaronUberstein
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GMs, I need a doubt cleared. What is the total megatonnage of nuclear weapons permitted without WRC and what is permitted with a WRC?
*The amount of nukes (warheads) you have is equal to your in game level of warheads. Everyone with standard nukes has fission bombs(max 500kt) Weapons research complexes give you hydrogen bombs (keep them within reason not tens of megaton warheads), and neutron weapons. This decision was reached by consulting with the GMs and at their urging.
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"*You cannot arm your citizens and have them fight a war. It does not matter if you give them full time military training and automatic weapon, the maximum number of armed people you can field in a war is determined by your soldier count."

That last post Junio where you have black shirted protesters attack my columns is, in my interpretation of the CNRP rules, a violation of the rule I have quoted above. I would like to ask for a GM decision on this as I feel Junio is using his population to get past IG and RP force limits.

This needs to be addressed.

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