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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Dear NPO,

You deserved these reps. Please admit your crimes and stop whining for we paid the reps as fast as we could even if it took several months.


Dear Sande. We'd be happy to. Please change the 90% clause to something logistically possible, and we'll get this moving. We'll even through in an extra billion for the trouble.


Edited by muffasamini
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So... you're claiming that NPO isn't telling people to get to Peace if possible, and that their banks aren't under standing orders to remain in Peace Mode.

Since you're claiming to base your arguments off of orders and all.

Hmm. Never thought I'd see people arguing utter incompetence as a basis for leniency... Interesting idea.

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It is not my job to prove someone else's allegations, it is in fact their job, thus 'the burden of proof'.

Since these alleged misdeeds are being used to justify destroying our alliance, you're damn right he has to prove them.

Do you want me to start quoting numerous logs of various TDSM8 government members complaining about NPO bank officials not getting back to them for weeks in the C&G gov channel? Airme and I were both there and know what we are talking about.

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The argument wasn't over whether it's punishment; the argument was over whether NPO is able to order it.

I'm sure that VE is not ordering its members to cycle in and out of peace mode. Somehow I don't think that they're using waves.

The mere fact that they don't have 90% of their alliance in war mode shows that just being involved in an alliance war at this time of year makes that level of war mode participation unlikely.

VE also has no particular reason to be very interested in keeping its nations in war mode right now so long as it has enough there to fulfill its needs. Even if NPO couldn't get 90% in war mode, they have the option of removing those members from their ranks. Also, allow me to express my skepticism that NPO would have difficulty communicating with those nations if white peace were suddenly to be declared and their funds were needed for rebuilding.

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As stated, you can't check that because of the 10 day feature unless you have some kinda illegal program that checks these types of things. Where oh where could I get something like that?

AirMe made a claim, which he cannot back up with any evidence at all.

I asked for him to provide evidence of his claim, something he has failed to do. In such circumstances, this is called 'hearsay', and cannot be used as actual evidence.

For the record, if our organizational system possesses such functionality, I do not have access to it.

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AirMe made a claim, which he cannot back up with any evidence at all.

I asked for him to provide evidence of his claim, something he has failed to do. In such circumstances, this is called 'hearsay', and cannot be used as actual evidence.

For the record, if our organizational system possesses such functionality, I do not have access to it.

Actually hes trying to give you evidence but you keep ignoring him. :wacko:

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I have been reading this thread with no small amount of amusement for the last day. I will point out what should be obvious but what many do not seem to get here.

NPO started this war, and in a most dishonorable way. They thought they would kick booty and do what they do and it backfired. FAIL for them.

They have been offered peace, albeit with stringent terms. They balked, offering more money if their big nations could escape. Why do you think that is? So they could do all they could to be nice losers and simply pay the reps? NO. They did it because anyone who takes the time to even look at the numbers knows that they can pay that back and be a threatening powerhouse with grudges to settle in months. Even with the reps to be paid, that is possible due to the number of nations they have. And if they were given their counteroffer they would have several extremely large nations capable of fueling their turbo-comeback.

Guess what? I for one (and I know I am not alone) am not interested in their comeback. I am interested in them paying dearly for dragging most of Bob into a war that primarily hinges on them being bullies, unable to deal honorably with others, and holding legendary grudges. Their recidivism in terms of acting beyond the moral pale on Planet Bob has earned them harsh but just punishment. They can accept the deal and move forward past this episode or they can allow their elite to sit in ivory towers while the rest of their nations, good nations that have fought honorably in my experience, take the fall for them. How many others will experience ZI or eat nukes so they can save their big boys? And why is it appropriate for them to do it when no one else in this war has? I refuse to be moved by their argument that somehow it is just for their big nations to stay clean and safe when I have large nations in my alliance that have lost a great deal of their NS and Infra since they were dragged into war by the NPO.

I say let them be honorable. Let them come face us. Let them experience the repercussions of what they have done and the horrors of war. It is what we have endured to bring justice to their doorstep and we expect no less than that they take a slice of what we have all endured before we move forward. That is certainly fair. Harsh. YES. But fair.

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For a nation with a full set of economic improvements, wonders, and a huge warchest, two weeks of war doesn't keep them from being a bank, it just brings them from the upper ranks into the middle ranks. As I said earlier, you have enough of those to send the money reps AND start on rebuilding and/or fund tech senders.

What about 3-5 weeks of war or more? The two weeks isn't what's going to happen because they are not going to get to 90% immediately. They may never get there.

I don't see how we can base any of these calculations off of 2 weeks of war. For a large portion, probably the majority, it will be far longer than that.

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TDSM8 was well known for lying and breaking deals.

Having read your Wiki, nope, you weren't. But since there are large parts missing in it's history, I don't understand your vile hatred against the NPO.

Only because we said no to your request on being a red team alliance?

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Do you want me to start quoting numerous logs of various TDSM8 government members complaining about NPO bank officials not getting back to them for weeks in the C&G gov channel? Airme and I were both there and know what we are talking about.

If that's your definition of proof for your first sentence's claim, I am afraid I will have to quibble at your second sentence's claim.

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So... you're claiming that NPO isn't telling people to get to Peace if possible, and that their banks aren't under standing orders to remain in Peace Mode.

They've stated in this thread that their nations are on orders to cycle in and out of peace mode to recover from nuclear anarchy, and that quite a few of them have failed to comply with those orders, but that they don't want to expel their members just for failing to comply with those orders.

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What about 3-5 weeks of war or more? The two weeks isn't what's going to happen because they are not going to get to 90% immediately. They may never get there.

I don't see how we can base any of these calculations off of 2 weeks of war. For a large portion, probably the majority, it will be far longer than that.

Neither would 3 weeks. It shouldn't be that unreasonable to get to 90% in a few days when you're talking about large nations (not noobs) and they don't have to count ghosts and those who refuse to obey.

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The argument wasn't over whether it's punishment; the argument was over whether NPO is able to order it.

I'm sure that VE is not ordering its members to cycle in and out of peace mode. Somehow I don't think that they're using waves.

The mere fact that they don't have 90% of their alliance in war mode shows that just being involved in an alliance war at this time of year makes that level of war mode participation unlikely.

They are winning. They don't need waves or their entire alliance in war mode.

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You'd have to ask someone in Karma, I'm not in the position to make those judgments. :P

TDSM8 members always have and always will have more credibility to you. Now go think before you speak on events and the aftermath of such events from before you joined.

So the hearsay argument fails, so naturally let's resort to 'appeal to authority'.

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I've gone on for far too long already: to conclude let us drop the partisan behaviour, and talk frankly about the terms. Both sides.

Cripple (Senator, Greenland Republic)

To put it frankly...Terms suck, make new ones.

These terms serve more to perpetuate the cycle of greed, fascism and triviality. Your movement of the people, by and for the people got you... nothing! So just hide behind some lost sense of righteousness, freedom and revenge. These terms are the future! The future of this great world which you, Karma, so arrogantly saved this world for.

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Having read your Wiki, nope, you weren't. But since there are large parts missing in it's history, I don't understand your vile hatred against the NPO.

Only because we said no to your request on being a red team alliance?

Yeah, I need to update that thing sorry. Ill see what I can do this coming week. Also, lol. That red team gag was hilarious. Bilrow banned Orkules from #NSA for that !@#$. :lol1:

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Could someone please summarize the last 99 pages for me?

NPO says it rejects our terms, radio silence is broken so the NPO masses can contribute to the PR spin.

Everyone else gives their 2 cents and now the total opinions of this thread is reaching near the amount of the reps.

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