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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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After reading the last few posts by NPO, I can see the propaganda presses are still open, and thus I am very disappointed in NPO, not only for rejecting the terms and choosing to keep fighting a war they will never win, and by once again trying to manipulate the public mind about what Karma is.

Does Karma issue party masks to hide your faces.

Stop lying to yourself and say you want us dead.

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Or what you did to Polar.

We canceled a treaty with them. We did not attack a single Polar nation during that war and saying by not being at their side we are just as guilty of pulling the trigger is not logical. As for the reps themselves, I have no idea what went down, and unless you were there, the point is moot for this discussion.

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oh hey nice sig. Brothers till the end eh? Well sorry to say but that "end" is right around the corner. Id say another week or 2 till NPO reaches its end. You guys dont have the coordination, strength, willingness, and closeness of FAN to stick it out. You will come back begging for peace. Just wait.....

Its ok I like where whats left of my tech is.

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So it was ok for them to BAAWWW about how the NPO is evil, but as

soon as we do its a PR stunt. Please stop contradicting yourself.

And people ask me why I avoid this place.

It's interesting to see Pacificans doing all they can to take thing out of context in their tireless but ultimately rather transparent effort to put their spin on things.

For reference, I said one wonders why it worked for Vox but not NPO.

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And what are "realistic" terms? Saying they're sorry and getting a pat on the back?

Their counteroffer seemed a bit more reasonable. I'm not involved on either side of the war, but it's painful to watch at this point.

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We canceled a treaty with them. We did not attack a single Polar nation during that war and saying by not being at their side we are just as guilty of pulling the trigger is not logical. As for the reps themselves, I have no idea what went down, and unless you were there, the point is moot for this discussion.

Don't even start with that.

Dilber planned the isolation and destruction of the NpO for months. How do I know this? He told me.

I'm not involved on either side of the war, but it's painful to watch at this point.

If by 'painful' you mean 'hilarious', then I agree.

Edited by kingzog
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oh hey nice sig. Brothers till the end eh? Well sorry to say but that "end" is right around the corner. Id say another week or 2 till NPO reaches its end. You guys dont have the coordination, strength, willingness, and closeness of FAN to stick it out. You will come back begging for peace. Just wait.....

This is coming from the guy who left our little brotherhood before seeing what it truly meant to be a Pacifican. Also you have no idea about our resolve, we have survived 3 yrs, we will survive 3 more, you can not kill us so give up that point already.

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Their counteroffer seemed a bit more reasonable. I'm not involved on either side of the war, but it's painful to watch at this point.

I can definitely agree with the second part.

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We canceled a treaty with them. We did not attack a single Polar nation during that war and saying by not being at their side we are just as guilty of pulling the trigger is not logical. As for the reps themselves, I have no idea what went down, and unless you were there, the point is moot for this discussion.

You canceled a treaty that was written to NEVER BE CANCELED. If you are not at wrong for destroying Polaris, then you are at wrong for abandoning them when the going got rough.

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After reading the last few posts by NPO, I can see the propaganda presses are still open, and thus I am very disappointed in NPO, not only for rejecting the terms and choosing to keep fighting a war they will never win, and by once again trying to manipulate the public mind about what Karma is.

Karma, ha! So the forces that eventually take you guys down will be called Karma as well for what your coalition have in mind for us?

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It's interesting to see Pacificans doing all they can to take thing out of context in their tireless but ultimately rather transparent effort to put their spin on things.

For reference, I said one wonders why it worked for Vox but not NPO.

Isn't this what Karma is doing in this thread?

Maybe you should post something that's longer then four words.

Because stating opinions is crying.

o/ Karma and its new era

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This is coming from the guy who left our little brotherhood before seeing what it truly meant to be a Pacifican. Also you have no idea about our resolve, we have survived 3 yrs, we will survive 3 more, you can not kill us so give up that point already.

ooohhh dont you dare go there, dont YOU DARE! I was a proud loyal member until your "fearless" leader kicked me out because of a BS reason. I never left on my own accord, you guys got rid of me. I had done thing wrong except support Ivan and Anthony when it was unpopular. You dont know what it means to be a Pacifican. Also the past is past.

Edited by King Death II
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oh hey nice sig. Brothers till the end eh? Well sorry to say but that "end" is right around the corner. Id say another week or 2 till NPO reaches its end. You guys dont have the coordination, strength, willingness, and closeness of FAN to stick it out. You will come back begging for peace. Just wait.....

uh ok. We've gone a month already without giving up, what's another two weeks or two months or two years? Offer realistic terms and we will accept, if not, this war continues.

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You canceled a treaty that was written to NEVER BE CANCELED. If you are not at wrong for destroying Polaris, then you are at wrong for abandoning them when the going got rough.

With that logic that means no treaty can ever be canceled if it is ambiguous with regards to cancellation. Simple fact is differences occurred, we dropped the treaty after Moo did give them warning before the cancellation occurred. As for the political situation that grew out of it is another story and you can go ask the alliances who rolled Polar for is.

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ooohhh dont you dare go there, dont YOU DARE! I was a proud loyal member until your "fearless" leader kicked me out because of a BS reason. I never left on my own accord, you guys got rid of me. I had done thing wrong except support Ivan and Anthony when it was unpopular. You dont know what it means to be a Pacifican. Also the past is past.

I supported Ivan at one point, nothing happened to me.

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I have no real beef with the NPO one way or another ....... but IMO it would be foolish of KARMA to back down at all ........ if NPO comes out of this with their top nations intact there will be repercussions in the future.



Edited by Charles the Great
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[*] All NPO nations must maintain a full military force at all time. This includes all military improvements and a full force of military units. If a nation don't have enough improvement slots to maintain all military improvements, they must be built in this order: Guerilla camps, Shipyard, Drydock, Satellite, Missile Defence, Barracks, Naval academy, Naval construction yard.

[*] No NPO nations can own factories.

[*] No NPO nations can have full trade slots at any time

These are all hard if not impossible to enforce. Alliance statistics (and this includes the alliance improvement list) update every 12 hours; collecting and even temping with military improvements and soldiers decommissioned takes less than a minute. Same goes with factories and buying infrastructure.

As for the terms actually presented, well, tough luck Pacifica. I have no sympathy.

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There is more to war then just being a meat shileld and taking a beating. You don't expect them to want to fight back?

OOC: Try getting anything 90% active in any RL group, almost never happens.

If they aren't active over the next 20 days they are deleted.

I just checked the calendar. 20 days will pass a lot sooner than the transition to winter.

Simplicity. Visit the edit page or contnue being dismantled till winter. When, judging by all the whining about logistical nightmares, "particularly this time of year" it will be easier to visit the edit page and click.

Hey I agree with you. I prefer you to take the second option which apparently is your preference. I'm with you all the way.

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We canceled a treaty with them.

Hell freezing over is not something you should dismiss this lightly :P

We did not attack a single Polar nation during that war and saying by not being at their side we are just as guilty of pulling the trigger is not logical. As for the reps themselves, I have no idea what went down, and unless you were there, the point is moot for this discussion.

No, you didn't attack them and I never said you did. I'm not talking about the reps either, though by sitting victors' side at the negotiation tables you clearly were just as guilty. Still, this is not exactly relevant to this thread so I'll shut up now [ooc]time to sleep[/ooc].

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With that logic that means no treaty can ever be canceled if it is ambiguous with regards to cancellation. Simple fact is differences occurred, we dropped the treaty after Moo did give them warning before the cancellation occurred. As for the political situation that grew out of it is another story and you can go ask the alliances who rolled Polar for is.

You obviously dont know your treaty then.

Article 1

This pact will be in effect immediately and unto perpetuity. If any signatory alliance takes part in coordinated military action against another signatory alliance, that alliance will be subject to immediate expulsion by vote of the remaining signatory parties and subject to full scale military retribution.

perpetuity - Time without end; eternity.

It was specifically written in there to NEVER end, NEVER be canceled.

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