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Ultimatum to Sparta

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I would suggest that the way this was handled was due to nothing more than force of habit.

I would consider a senator who doesn't think just as dangerous, if not more so, as one who acts maliciously or in a knowingly rogue fashion. But that's not really the main point of the sanctioning argument in this thread, so I'll leave it at that.

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Magicalbricks had enough votes to remain a senator for the rest of the term when he switched to MHA even if he switched off voting.

That's not the point. Unless he intends to try and trick Blue team members into continuing to vote for him, he shouldn't really have votes still turned on.

You are aware that some people will continue to vote for him not realizing he's no longer NV's senator, I'm sure.

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At the end of the day, it's not MHA's place to meddle. Magicalbricks is in a unique position, as a hitchhiker AND a blue team senator. Acting as an ally of Sparta and in the interests of the blue team, he sanctioned RV. To say he's a rogue senator is nowhere near the truth. He's just a senator looking out for allies.

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At the end of the day, it's not MHA's place to meddle. Magicalbricks is in a unique position, as a hitchhiker AND a blue team senator. Acting as an ally of Sparta and in the interests of the blue team, he sanctioned RV. To say he's a rogue senator is nowhere near the truth. He's just a senator looking out for allies.

His allies. Not the allies of the rest of the blue team. A conflict between his roles emerged due to this incident, but it does not change the fact he acted rashly and without consideration. Common courtesy should have dictated that he consult with the rest of the blue team, to probe their feelings on this. He did not due that. He is at fault.

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It's good to see that the old standards remain the same. I remember something once being said about the responsibility to wield power correctly and I think we have all seen what happens when you wield power with no regard to the consequences. Best of luck in the future and whatnot.

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That's not the point. Unless he intends to try and trick Blue team members into continuing to vote for him, he shouldn't really have votes still turned on.

You are aware that some people will continue to vote for him not realizing he's no longer NV's senator, I'm sure.

For all practical purposes, the only way for Magicalbricks to remove himself from the Top 3 slot in the Blue team senate would have been to switch colors. I suppose it could not have hurt him to turn off senate voting, but that wouldn't change the fact that he'd remain a senator on the Blue team up until the reset. I doubt he left the option "on" to trick people. A simpler solution to consider for the future would be to defer sanction decisions to the government that elected you or to refer people to one of the other two senators.

Edited by Penguin
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That's not true. Magicalbricks had enough votes to remain a senator for the rest of the term when he switched to MHA even if he switched off voting. I doubt it had anything to do with him refusing to give up power and everything to do with him adjusting to not leading a Blue team alliance. When he was Emperor at NV and a senator, he could essentially follow through with sanction requests on his own authority. I would suggest that the way this was handled was due to nothing more than force of habit.

IIRC turning off voting eligibility automatically resets your votes to 0. I could be wrong but I believe that is the case.

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For all practical purposes, the only way for Magicalbricks to remove himself from the Top 3 slot in the Blue team senate would have been to switch colors. I suppose it could not have hurt him to turn off senate voting, but that wouldn't change the fact that he'd remain a senator on the Blue team up until the reset. I doubt he left the option "on" to trick people. A simpler solution to consider for the future would be to defer sanction decisions to the government that elected you or to refer people to one of the other two senators.

Then he could have switched to another team. He'd lose the happiness bonus of his trades, but he could then return to blue with no senate votes and then resend his trades. I fail to see why he was unable to do this.

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IIRC turning off voting eligibility automatically resets your votes to 0. I could be wrong but I believe that is the case.

No, it doesn't, and I have very recent experience that confirms this to not be the case. You keep your votes, you just don't get any more.

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wow, thread exploded since last i checked.

I think that sanctioning RV was the only option Sparta was left with.

After all, if RV cannot accept the reps from the surrender terms he has offered Sparta, then how can he hold Sparta too them.

RV: Pay up sparta

Sparta: We would, but you can't accept aid


The reps could still be paid to another member, or even to someone with dual membership, so they really have no excuse for not accepting the gracious surrender terms offered.

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At the end of the day, it's not MHA's place to meddle. Magicalbricks is in a unique position, as a hitchhiker AND a blue team senator. Acting as an ally of Sparta and in the interests of the blue team, he sanctioned RV. To say he's a rogue senator is nowhere near the truth. He's just a senator looking out for allies.

That dog doesn't hunt. He was acting for MHA on behalf of their ally Sparta not the interests of blue, which is who he should be representing, not MHA or Sparta.

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At the end of the day, it's not MHA's place to meddle. Magicalbricks is in a unique position, as a hitchhiker AND a blue team senator. Acting as an ally of Sparta and in the interests of the blue team, he sanctioned RV. To say he's a rogue senator is nowhere near the truth. He's just a senator looking out for allies.

Sorum, you're talking out of both sides of your mouth here. Either it's not MHA's place to meddle or it is acting as an ally of Sparta. You can't have it both ways. Also your claim this was done in the interests of the blue team is quite laughable.

Edited by Electron Sponge
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