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An Announcement from LA

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Yet again.. I dont like typing a lot. So here are our updates

A couple of weeks ago Lux Aeterna came to you with the intent to move to the purple team.** We lied. We're in the process of working our nations into the Blue Trading Sphere. Lux Aeterna is a Blue Team Alliance.

Also, we have had an issue with our stats dropping, well thats because people decided it was time to go their own way. I am here to wish them the best of luck and let you know, even though we have dropped in stats here lately we are here to stay! and with the support of our friends in UBD, Invicta and many more will reach back up to our 500k NS marker soon enough.

Also with the recent incidents we have decided to stabilize our government we would rid of the Triumvir style and adopt the Empire style of government so here is our new Structure..

Emperor - Rooivaulk

Chamberlain - Jazzy95

Minister of Defense - History500

Minister of Internal Affairs - FoXXRoam

Minister of Foreign Affairs - FoXXRoam (Interim)

Minister of Finance - banned member (Interim)


We're a Blue Team Alliance

New Government Structure

New Flag

New Forum Link: http://theluxaeterna.co.cc/index/

Visit us in #LA!


EDIT: We didnt lie, we had all intention on moving to purple until the majority who wanted purple jumped ship, and then what was left of our government see's that our first mistake was changing around the alliance trying to make everyone happy... Well we are now back we're we started before our disloyals joined and are trying to get back on our feet!

EDIT: Rooivaulk is the new Emperor of Lux Aeterna.. sorry forgot that!

Edited by Odin
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a better reason other than WE LIED is needed on the color issue , becouse as I recall Purple was voted in by the alliance .

But I will wish you guys the best as we part ways. This alliance has a great chance at making it work I hope your new Government structure is the answer. Also who holds what position?


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We have no issues with purple, we just had trouble getting trades set up and many members didn't want to switch. We may make the change later down the road, but for now, we're blue, or trying to be.

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