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Best Fighters in CN


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Most of these responses sound more like what you would expect from a popularity poll.

In this era, that's all it really can be. Every nook and cranny of the war system has basically been discovered and polished for some time, and now, 90% of the alliance war guides out there say pretty much the same thing.

So in the end it really comes down to who has gotten mention of their skills, not those who fight well all the time but are never discovered.

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Most of these responses sound more like what you would expect from a popularity poll.

What do you expect? It's silly to say who the best individual fighter is. Best military alliance is the question that is much better.

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While I agree that it takes some degree of skill to be "good" at war, and a lot of preparation (along with building your nation by infra:tech ratio's that you see adequate), it seems much easier to judge the best alliance at war. Military prep, general ability of all members, avg. NS, and a little bit more intelligenceis required for this.

In terms of a single nation, if I had to say, it'd probably be Franzjosef. :awesome:

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This is easy. Doitzel. Without him NPO would still exist today. He took down NPO and fundamentally changed CN.

As for physical damage, I'd say DaleGribble from FAN for surviving so long and launching so many nukes, even if he fought a little dirty and deceiving, I'm pretty sure he went further in a single war than anyone else including Diskord. But I don't think anyone has survived as long as I have without going into peace mode, nor launch as many nukes in a 60-day period and having all of them hit with precision against even large nations over 10k infra.

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Simple knowing what to do when a war pops off. Being able to sacrifice everything to strip down your nation for war. Knowing how to do neccessary actions to give yourself an advantage in both air and ground. Being dominant and using the game's war mechanics to your advantage.

Yeah maybe a lot of it is dictated by luck but you need a fair degree of skill to be able to pull off wins in battles now. I know it's hard to fathom a simple question being taken as just that, a simple question but I don't think we should take every single thing philosophically either.

There is a lot of taking what I would call "the basics" that's been excessively parsed here to make it look more complicated. Yes, many people don't do a lot of the things you've described. But that's not a lack of skill; it's ignorance.

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There is a lot of taking what I would call "the basics" that's been excessively parsed here to make it look more complicated. Yes, many people don't do a lot of the things you've described. But that's not a lack of skill; it's ignorance.

Not quite. Think about it as a poker game, a lot is predicated on luck but playing your angles correctly determines whether you are a good poker player or not.

(Not condoning gambling I don't gamble myself as it's against my morals but it is an example)

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Not quite. Think about it as a poker game, a lot is predicated on luck but playing your angles correctly determines whether you are a good poker player or not.

You haven't drawn any comparisons between poker and Cybernations.

The analogy fails.

I can't think of any adequate comparisons between the two games that wouldn't be either so superficial as to be meaningless or require huge stretches of logic.

Perhaps you could clarify what you mean.

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You haven't drawn any comparisons between poker and Cybernations.

The analogy fails.

I can't think of any adequate comparisons between the two games that wouldn't be either so superficial as to be meaningless or require huge stretches of logic.

Perhaps you could clarify what you mean.

Well, in poker you have to be able to trick your opponent and keep the advantage while looking as innocent as possible. Shielding your moves and intentions you know when to fight or to back down. Similarily in CN you should know who to attack and when to attack. Exploiting holes in your enemy's game is no different than finding the weaknesses in your opponent and taking advantage of it. Although in the end the cards you get are based soley on luck how you play those cards are ultimately the keys to success.

Hope that makes more sense.

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