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I hate GGA drama

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George, lets face it, the ink wasn't even dry on your pull out of Q before you took to your anti-NPO pundit roll with gusto. As long as you have a fig leaf as cover for your rhetoric it's clear you are going to continue to deny all other evidence, no matter how weighty. So don't get mad when someone calls you on it.

Kind of like your cancellation and the anti-GGA rhetoric we see here? Pot, kettle, black.

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George, lets face it, the ink wasn't even dry on your pull out of Q before you took to your anti-NPO pundit roll with gusto. As long as you have a fig leaf as cover for your rhetoric it's clear you are going to continue to deny all other evidence, no matter how weighty. So don't get mad when someone calls you on it.

What evidence GLU? My anti-NPO roll began with their declaration on OV in hopes to isolate some of our friends and eliminate them while they thought they had some sort of chance to do so.

And if you're talking about my vague "toilet seat" comment, it was a joke in reference to Bob_Sanders' trolling of us in our cancellation with them and that his love for us ended when we left the Continuum.

Edited by George the Great
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Seeing as how NPO is not willing to consider the pre-terms given to them, which are necessary to achieve any actual terms, hence "pre-terms, any further nations joining, or re-joining, the fray and taking attackers from their front to another would be welcomed. Especially since that increases the chances of their own nations being able to slip into peace mode.

Add desperation into the mix and you get one spicy meat-a-ball!

That might make sense if Karama was close to filling all it's targets, however the very terms you mentioned prove that is not the case and that you all would be happy to have more nations to declare on.

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I'm curious about something. I personally do not think NPO is to be blamed all that much in this. Moo might have acted rashly and a bit foolishly but does that make him guilty of that some are attempting to heap upon him and thus NPO? No, I do not believe that makes him guilty. Does that make me and thus STA pro NPO? Does that mean I have yet to sever my old ties to NPO?

That's exactly what I've been saying all along. Holding an opinion on the matter doesn't thrust you into either side. The way both people above have been trying to do. Let's stop assuming intentions here and realize people have their own damn opinions. Seriously, free thinking still exists.

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From what I saw the preterms were a punishment. If they needed to be met before peace, why would you include an increased rep amount for failure to provide more targets?

I would think the increase in reps was meant to help make it more convincing to NPO that they should follow the preterms.

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That might make sense if Karama was close to filling all it's targets, however the very terms you mentioned prove that is not the case and that you all would be happy to have more nations to declare on.

You missed the point that GGA is full of low NS nations now, much like NPO. NPO's peace moders are in the higher NS ranges for the most part and the higher NS members of NPO-front Karma alliances are twittling their thumbs now, generally. We still have slots open on hitting the NPO little guys and GGA re-entering would definitely make that much worse.

Edited by George the Great
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George, lets face it, the ink wasn't even dry on your pull out of Q before you took to your anti-NPO pundit roll with gusto. As long as you have a fig leaf as cover for your rhetoric it's clear you are going to continue to deny all other evidence, no matter how weighty. So don't get mad when someone calls you on it.

Yea pretty much this.

Though if I'm being thorough I'd say it was increasingly clear months ago that significant chunks of Sparta leadership were preparing to leave Q months ago and were just waiting for a safe or the most effective opportunity to do so while still trying to pretend things were okay. We should have been paying more attention, and I will continue to see it as one of my mistakes to not have gotten them removed months ago. It's clear that you have no real integrity, and will continue to simply follow whatever side seems to offer you the cushiest position. For a year, that was Continuum, then when Continuum failed it was the enemies of the Continuum.

Also, the hell are "pre-terms?" That just sounds stupid.

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You missed the point that GGA is full of low NS nations now, much like NPO. NPO's peace moders are in the higher NS ranges for the most part and the higher NS members of NPO-front Karma alliances are twittling their thumbs now, generally. We still have slots open on hitting the NPO little guys and GGA re-entering would definitely make that much worse.

Fear the GGA.

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Jones, enough. We know you want GGA to disband. You've said so almost a dozen times in the last day. We get it.

Also, ooc much in the first half of your post? :)

The wu tang clan are gods in my nation. They come from the island of shaolin, there's nothing OOC about it. In fact, they are the only gods permitted in my nation, so I will defend them as ever I can.

Edited by astronaut jones
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Yea pretty much this.

Though if I'm being thorough I'd say it was increasingly clear months ago that significant chunks of Sparta leadership were preparing to leave Q months ago and were just waiting for a safe or the most effective opportunity to do so while still trying to pretend things were okay. We should have been paying more attention, and I will continue to see it as one of my mistakes to not have gotten them removed months ago. It's clear that you have no real integrity, and will continue to simply follow whatever side seems to offer you the cushiest position. For a year, that was Continuum, then when Continuum failed it was the enemies of the Continuum.

Also, the hell are "pre-terms?" That just sounds stupid.

Coming out of the woodwork I see? You, of all people, should know how irrelevant you sound when you start throwing around insults.

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You missed the point that GGA is full of low NS nations now, much like NPO. NPO's peace moders are in the higher NS ranges for the most part and the higher NS members of NPO-front Karma alliances are twittling their thumbs now, generally. We still have slots open on hitting the NPO little guys and GGA re-entering would definitely make that much worse.

See that is funny I seem to find a whole lot of active sub-20k NS Sparta nations without a single current war.










I would go on, but I think you get the point...

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I swear to GOD with all the he said, she said, "OH NO SHE DIDN'T" drama crap you lot do amongst yourselves, I'm tempted to ship you a giant box of Midol.

GGA fails, but they deserve better then this.

Edited by Midkn1ght
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I swear to GOD with all the he said, she said, "OH NO SHE DIDN'T" drama crap you lot do amongst yourselves, I'm tempted to ship you a giant box of Midol.

GGA fails, but they deserve better then this.


They put themselves through it.

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All right, seriously this thread is full of bias.

At the beginning of the Athens-GGA thread, my position was pro-Athens, anti-GGA, pro-TPF, neutral to NPO (equal parts love and hate)

However, somewhere along the way, due to my IC admiration of Sherlock Holmes, I pieced together the evidence and viewed it with a neutral point of view. For anyone who does this (or just read my proof posts, I linked to them above) you will see:

Ironchef -> mhawk -> Moo -> GGA =/= possible in the time constraints

Moo -> GGA -> Ironchef to mhawk -> Moo -> GGA is the only possible scenario

I know you all love/hate so-and-so and this-and-that, but just take it from the evidence that Moo started this mess.

Your time theory has been shown to be less than iron clad multiple times in this thread for the simple act that you do not at all account for the fact that people can carry on more than 1 conversation at the same time.

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Your time theory has been shown to be less than iron clad multiple times in this thread for the simple act that you do not at all account for the fact that people can carry on more than 1 conversation at the same time.

Someone disagrees with me without insulting me :wub:

Here we go, another explanation (the time elapsing thing was too complicated for some people)

Moo's story:

Ironchef to mhawk: Government leaving means we're $%&@ed

mhawk to Moo: Government changing means they're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA: Get your government back, they can't leave, you're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA a few minutes after that: You changed your government, so you're $%&@ed

Ironchef's story (the correct one)

Moo to GGA: Government leaving means you're $%&@ed

Ironchef to mhawk: Government changing means we're $%&@ed

mhawk to Moo: Government changing means they're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA a few minutes after that: Government changing means you're $%&@ed

For the first version to be correct, you have to assume miscommunications existed between Ironchef and mhawk, mhawk and Moo, Moo and GGA, then Moo magically corrected himself.

For the second version to be correct, Ironchef misspoke to mhawk.

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Did you honestly read his post? He said we have slots open for lower NS nations. You literally just reinforced his point.

Not really, I believe he was pointing out that if there is such a problem with lower level NPO nations not being engaged, what are all the low level Sparta nations doing?

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Someone disagrees with me without insulting me :wub:

Here we go, another explanation (the time elapsing thing was too complicated for some people)

Moo's story:

Ironchef to mhawk: Government leaving means we're $%&@ed

mhawk to Moo: Government changing means they're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA: Get your government back, they can't leave, you're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA a few minutes after that: You changed your government, so you're $%&@ed

Ironchef's story (the correct one)

Moo to GGA: Government leaving means you're $%&@ed

Ironchef to mhawk: Government changing means we're $%&@ed

mhawk to Moo: Government changing means they're $%&@ed

Moo to GGA a few minutes after that: Government changing means you're $%&@ed

For the first version to be correct, you have to assume miscommunications existed between Ironchef and mhawk, mhawk and Moo, Moo and GGA, then Moo magically corrected himself.

For the second version to be correct, Ironchef misspoke to mhawk.

It seems they all agree on one thing:

GGA is $%&@ed.

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Then how would his last point make any sense?

I can't speak for the man himself, but I would say he meant we still have slots open because most NPO nations in the lower range are engaged and a GGA war would change that situation.

Not really, I believe he was pointing out that if there is such a problem with lower level NPO nations not being engaged, what are all the low level Sparta nations doing?

Look at the NPO lower range. Unless you get to the sub 2-3k range, the vast majority are indeed engaged or have been in the last few days. Anyways, see my above response to him.

EDIT: Good to see you Dahl, haven't seen you in a while lol

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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You know what, after reading the other thread that this all started in, Im starting to question things a little more. I really just dont know anymore. Either way I think this looks bad on all parties involved. Wow, what a cluster!@#$, lol. Id like to apologize to Moo and Mhawk in my quick judgement, although I hadnt really made up my mind, I was leaning in one direction. While some of the things I said still stand, more specifically being that both Moo and Ironchef both had reasons to be the ones lying, I really dont think any of us can say for sure unless one of them comes out and says it. I guess in the end it is going to come down to who people trust more.

(OOC - Isnt this much more fun then the "no XXX member above such and such a rank is allowed to post" BS that we have seen in the past?/OOC)

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