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GOONS vs. GOoNS, an SA showdown

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In the middle of the largest war in CN ever, where the old ruling powers were overthrown out of outrage for ridiculous terms and harsh treatments, a reformation of an alliance known to be part of previous terms and treatments (until they found them selves on the receiving end), is posting an announcement containing ridiculous terms.

Does nobody learn from the past? I mean I always figured the cycle would repeat eventually but I kind of expected the war over it to end first before we got around to forgetting the lessons that came from it.

If you knew anything about the GOONS from the Moon, then you'd know that this isn't anything unusual for them. Indeed they are pretty much being themselves.

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Does this actually mean that MO has now won the challenge and now gets to determine the fate of the original nation in question?

[OOC] I am glad you brought this picture to my attention. This is Bob from our accounting department. After seeing this all I can say is that I will have no choice but to terminate his employment on Tuesday.... :awesome: [/OOC]

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It is amusing how worked up some people get regarding the challenge terms. They're actually fairly smart. The GOONS are trying to display their roots back to their home forum, thus setting themselves up as the legit SA alliance and the future landing pad for people who GOONrush into the game. Hence the terms have the SA content to them.

On the same note, if the GOONS want to be the one and only destination for a GOONrush they need to be the only game in town. So they can't offer the GoONs (or anyone SA named / themed alliance) easy terms. Rather they need to make sure all competition dies, thus one offers impossible terms. They could have simply said something like 'tech raid' or 'pay us 100 billion if you want to live' thus creating impossible terms and getting to go stomp out the GoONs [or get the GoONs to merge into them or whatever goal the GOONS leadership has in mind].

As it stands the terms are impossible [hooray removal of competition] and show cultural references that make the GOONS the legit holders of SA culture.

One can debate the morality of the terms or the crossing of TOS lines and/or IC/OOC lines, but they are smart terms from one end.

Beside it could be worse, the first GOONS loved fruit basket related terms and had this odd urge to see a member of Fark nude, but we won't get into that.

Edit: Or I could have looked at the thread written the the member called GOONS a few threads down and realize they're just poking the chew toy here. I think they should actually encourage this guy to hang around. If anyone is dumb enough to join his alliance he's done us all a favor by screening out a dumb one for us.

Edited by CRex of Gulo Gulo
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It seems some people no longer have a humorous bone in their body. I find this challenge to be tactful and completely relevant to my interests. Please, continue.

I agree. Let them have their fun.

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I like the cut of your jib, Negligence & Sadism

What's a jib?

Like the backseat of a Volkswagen?

You sir have excellent taste in movies.

On topic:

Before considering the official implications of the return of the Goon Order of Neutral Shoving, (associate/former members of which are responsible for the hacking of the Orange Unity forums as recently as 11 days ago), I must say that I am intrigued by the ultimatum offered here. I await the response of "GOONS-Classic" to the terms offered by "New GOONS".

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What's a jib?


That sail at the front of the boat, being hoisted by the young lady in the white cap, is a jibsail. It is mounted upon a jib. Its proper deployment can make a significant difference to the handling of a vessel. Liking the cut of someone's jib is therefore a nautical metaphor meaning, more or less, appreciating the way someone looks and/or acts. In filmmaking, a jib is an extendable arm upon which a camera can be mounted, used often in crowd scenes and the like, to give an angle from above the action.

But that's not important right now. Has GOONS of GOoNS complied with the challenge from GOONS?

Edit: typo - curse these flippers!

Edited by Pingu
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I hope you know there's been 3 or 4 people in GOONShoving since at least May 1st.

Actually, there's only 1 nation that has seniority beyond May 1st, and they're hiding out forever in peace mode. We have no qualms with them. Another nation is just a random rogue already involved in several wars, and the third is the shining example of intelligence that has been gracing the forums. WOG squad is fully equipped to handle the entire alliance.

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