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Presenting Universalis (Again)

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Welcome back, guys.

Legion attacking 10% of Universalis was ONE of our guys screwing up his orders and hitting ONE of their nations by accident.

I would much rather NOT have to re-fight the Legion-Universalis war again.

If you guys can keep your nukes in the launch tubes welcome back.

If you can't, well, look up the wiki and see how this ended last time.

Yes, The Legion had orders to attack Universalis, with target lists already drawn up. The 'accident' you mention was a senior member jumping the gun. So watch where you're aiming those thinly-veiled threats. Vanguard would gladly lose 38k total strength to remove 400k from The Legion again.

Edited by Revanche
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Legion attacking 10% of Universalis was ONE of our guys screwing up his orders and hitting ONE of their nations by accident.

I would much rather NOT have to re-fight the Legion-Universalis war again.

If you guys can keep your nukes in the launch tubes welcome back.

If you can't, well, look up the wiki and see how this ended last time.

Welcome back, hope this works out better the second time around.

You received reps from us because we were so fed up with talking to Legion gov't, that it was easier to just pay the reps than to deal with the frustration and aggravation of talking with you guys longer. There were also other external factors that I'm pretty sure you're not aware of, which helped bring that conflict to a close.

Switching notes, it's great to see Lem and co. back in CN. I look forward to joint ventures in the future.

Also, I'll agree with others here, Volvo is a lame name. Such a boring car company. Regardless, congrats on your reformation.

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I believe some alliance must be afraid of the big bad Lem. ;)

Welcome back you crazy Swede you! :)

Wishing someone luck on their new venture = fear?

Ya know, it is possible that my alliance, that I help lead, wants to start out with a clean slate with these guys. Not that you would know about this internal stuff.

Sorry for the derail Lem. He comes in and bugs us anywhere we pop up, even in someone else's thread.

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Legion attacking 10% of Universalis was ONE of our guys screwing up his orders and hitting ONE of their nations by accident.

I sorta meant that as good natured humor that referenced the past, but was hopeful for the present. As the guy that was leading the other half of ORRPLE at the time, your explanation is unnecessary.

Let the past be the past, folks.

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I believe hell just froze.

Nah, that was last Thursday, keep of with the news!

I believe some alliance must be afraid of the big bad Lem. ;)

Welcome back you crazy Swede you! :)

I'm not a member of Genesis (Although I have a man crush on them, except for Templar, he smells), but knowing them, they aren't afraid of much. ;)

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if I remember correctly, both legion and mash never signed a peace treaty with you. So im assuming yall still at war eh?

Crawl back into your hole now please :)

Legion recognized their disbandment during our war, so that's a no for Legion. I hardly think MASH cares, since they were only dragged in by Legion; no inherent conflict between Uni and MASH. If either party has any issues with this reformation, they're free to contact Uni, SLCB, and Vanguard.

Edited by Rafael Nadal
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Wishing someone luck on their new venture = fear?

Ya know, it is possible that my alliance, that I help lead, wants to start out with a clean slate with these guys. Not that you would know about this internal stuff.

Sorry for the derail Lem. He comes in and bugs us anywhere we pop up, even in someone else's thread.

Did I not help establish the "Intelligence Agency" thing with Jimi Hendrix? But it's good you're going about a clean slate, too bad you couldn't do that with me when I visited your channel. Heh. :P

Good luck Lem, I hope you decide to expand Universalis instead of just making it reserved for friends. You're a good leader. o7

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