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Announcement from the GGA

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So, since you seem to have kept such a close eye on this situation, could you please explain exactly how such legal acrobatics took place? Without touching on the personal issues, of course.

I think we should all just wait until the situation is explained to GGA by whoever is telling them what to do so that they can in turn explain (or make a humorous attempt at doing so that will spawn 50+ pages of shock and laughter,) the situation to the rest of us.

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As you may know i'm a Templar in the GGA, an elected official who keeps a close eye on both the members and government issues.

The Charter was followed to the letter. The reason for the censure (and following removal of two triumvir) was not pretty, but a sad necessity. As an alliance we do not like to throw dirt to anyone on the face of planet bob (and beyond.. if there is such a thing as the rumored RL).

I follow Shane in his request to both friends and foes (possible new friends) to give us some credit and time to organize and adapt to the new situation.

With regards,


Proud member and Templar of the GGA.

I would REALLY love to hear your justification for that.

In the event that a council member is deemed by his/her peers (a two thirds vote of the council) to be unfit or unworthy of his/her post and/or membership in the alliance, a special court will convene to decide if s/he shall remain. This court shall consist of three Elder Statesmen and the remaining council members. A simple majority will decide the fate of the member in question.

It's quite impossible to get a 2/3rds vote from the council if two of those three council members are being voted on for removal. Furthermore, my understanding is that the vote took place in a span of two hours, and only a few Elder Statesmen who were eligible to vote actually did. Ironchef said she contacted Beareroftruth and Emperor Lester II about the removal vote, but they did not respond (I'm still wondering about this since neither of them are inactive in CN, and [OOC]we've always in the past been very attentive to contacting people out of game for votes like these to avoid situations like this[/OOC]. I know the vote was 3/3 in favor of expulsion, which is strange considering there are more than three Elder Statesmen/remanining Triumvir members. That would be Shane/Degenerate/Ironchef? What about Sognatore, Lester, and BearerofTruth's vote?

Edit: Damnit Hizzy for taking one of my points for why this wasn't legal :P

Edited by DerekJones
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Perhaps GGA should just hang it up and start elections. They haven't had two respectable leaders in my opinion since Kevin & Bilrow. I said people I respect not people I like. I am NOT a fan of Bilrow, but he was good at what he did.

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Perhaps GGA should just hang it up and start elections. They haven't had two respectable leaders in my opinion since Kevin & Bilrow. I said people I respect not people I like. I am NOT a fan of Bilrow, but he was good at what he did.

We have elections for Templar, just no elections for Triumvir.

The reason for this being is that the most popular person in an alliance is not necessarily the most suited to lead an alliance.

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One argument neither of you explored is a person voting against themselves. It's quite possible.

The opening paragraph of the OP is worded all wrong for that. Specifically, the bit about being "removed from their duties," and not wanting to "lamb baste them in public." In fact it's worded fairly specifically that neither particularly wanted to give up the role.

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We have elections for Templar, just no elections for Triumvir.

The reason for this being is that the most popular person in an alliance is not necessarily the most suited to lead an alliance.

As opposed to whatever selection criteria you use now that's worked so well...

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Leaving Scotch out of that equation would be needed yes, as quite clearly he did not quietly take a fall. But the root of this argument is that two people have been removed. I'd also say the opening posts(And the quoted portions) do not discount the possibility of somebody taking a fall. Actually, them doing some wrong and or embarrassing could potentially make the option I stated a more desirable choice of action. Some people go out with a bang, well some people do not. I've seen it happen before.

Mind you I'm just !@#$%^&*ting here. I really don't know exactly what happened and can't really comment on it.

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One argument neither of you explored is a person voting against themselves. It's quite possible.

As it was explained to me by a GGA official, the person being voted on does not actually get to vote, so nobody voted for or against themselves.

Incidentally, neither of the 2 people who got kicked out got any say in the proceedings, neither for their own vote, nor for the vote against the other de-throned triumvir.

If someone would care to photoshop an "Illegal Coup" stamp (like those "Approved/Rejected" ones), we could slap it all over this thread and move on with our lives.

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I would REALLY love to hear your justification for that.

It's quite impossible to get a 2/3rds vote from the council if two of those three council members are being voted on for removal. Furthermore, my understanding is that the vote took place in a span of two hours, and only a few Elder Statesmen who were eligible to vote actually did. Ironchef said she contacted Beareroftruth and Emperor Lester II about the removal vote, but they did not respond (I'm still wondering about this since neither of them are inactive in CN, and [OOC]we've always in the past been very attentive to contacting people out of game for votes like these to avoid situations like this[/OOC]. I know the vote was 3/3 in favor of expulsion, which is strange considering there are more than three Elder Statesmen/remanining Triumvir members. That would be Shane/Degenerate/Ironchef? What about Sognatore, Lester, and BearerofTruth's vote?

Edit: Damnit Hizzy for taking one of my points for why this wasn't legal :P

Not to mention the very short voting window.

I'm gonna go with a charter violation.

This = accurate.

Edited by Ephriam Grey
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If your removal was illegitimate, then why not simply refuse to be removed? From what I can tell as an outsider, the removal was illegal, therefore null and void. As such, those two are still triumvirs, and need to jump right on the removal of degenerate. Replace him with Shaneprice instead.

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We have elections for Templar, just no elections for Triumvir.

The reason for this being is that the most popular person in an alliance is not necessarily the most suited to lead an alliance.

Can you refresh us as to how degenerate's replacement is being selected?

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If your removal was illegitimate, then why not simply refuse to be removed? From what I can tell as an outsider, the removal was illegal, therefore null and void. As such, those two are still triumvirs, and need to jump right on the removal of degenerate. Replace him with Shaneprice instead.

Hard to do when the forums are owned by someone who supports Degenerate

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Well, regardless of the methods, you put an eloquent female into power. Interesting strategy - I look forward to seeing how it is employed.

Interesting choice of words there Archon, I'm not sure that it should be taken as a compliment or as chauvinism. I would be careful though, DeScepter is infamous for absolutely decimating some poor soul who suggested she was a pimply faced 15 year old. :P

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Interesting choice of words there Archon, I'm not sure that it should be taken as a compliment or as chauvinism. I would be careful though, DeScepter is infamous for absolutely decimating some poor soul who suggested she was a pimply faced 15 year old. :P

Neither. It's skepticism, with a touch of dry humor thrown in. Think on it some more and you might find what I was getting at.

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We've had the whole Triumvirate filled with females before.

That's spectacular. it has nothing to do with my observation, given that you haven't been ground to dust before.

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