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Announcement from the GGA

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Is it a change for a better future?

I personally believe it is. I've been talking to all 3 of the current tri's, and I have full confidence that there will be a better future with these people in the lead. Shane and Des are great people. They know what has to happen, and are open for changes. Degenerate, despite what you might think, is a good man, who listens to the members. Ofcourse, some things are going to take some time, but I think that would be understandable.

Edited by chaosplayer4
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I just want to briefly address a few things in this thread-

This is obviously not an easy time for the GGA. We have a ton of issues to deal with internally and externally. Hopefully, this change in government is a step forward in addressing and dealing with those issues.

Those of you who are generous enough to give us a benefit of a doubt:

You are awesome. The GGA is looking to make positive changes in the Alliance, and any external support is greatly appreciated. Even if you are not directly "supporting" us, simply giving us the chance to succeed or fail in our future is more than we can ask for.

To those of you who are being highly skeptical and/or negative:

I don't blame you. The GGA has done more than enough to justify it's rather unsavory reputation. You have every right to feel the way you do. All I can say is that I hope we prove you wrong, and I can only hope that you don't actively work against us in changing the GGA for the better.

Regarding GGA Foreign Policy:

As it stands, we have no plans to move away from any of our current allies. Obviously, this may change in the future, but those of you looking to see us make a sudden and drastic shift are going to be disappointed. What I can say, is that the GGA is always open to making new friends and allies. The fewer enemies, the better. As I said, don't expect anything sudden or drastic. But what I personally want to see is the GGA making more of an effort to simply get around Planet Bob, and talking to more people. Building stronger relationships with current and potential allies, as well as diminishing some of the blind hatred that stands between us and others.

About scotchwithrocks and KungFuHamster:

I know these guys. They are good people. We don't want to put the GGA or either of them on trial in the public eye by airing anyone's dirty laundry. Obviously they are not going to be happy (who would?), but the point of this announcement was not to trash them. Keep in mind that they have not been removed from the GGA, and are free to remain as Elders. We hope that they do so, but the decision is entirely up to them.

Regarding degen's horrible spelling and grammar:

I accept full blame for the "lamb baste" debacle. I told him not to lambaste SWR or KFH, and obviously something was lost in translation. I keep sending the man "Hooked On Phonics" but it keeps coming back "

". Sneaky Canadien... But I will do my best to keep him on his leash and hidden away in the GGA's basement so he does not assault your eyes with his posts. You know, that, or I could get him a working spellcheck :)

My apologies for the long post. I know I didn't answer everything, but I do hope I clarified some things for people.

Also, sup FF? (And imatt15) ;)

Edited by DeScepter
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GGA youve been through hell, But with your government and Degenerate. I think you guys can make it back from your "PR Nightmare". With Shaneprince back in their, You guys are on the right path.

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Regarding degen's horrible spelling and grammar:

I accept full blame for the "lamb baste" debacle. I told him not to lambaste SWR or KFH, and obviously something was lost in translation. I keep sending the man "Hooked On Phonics" but it keeps coming back "

". Sneaky Canadien... But I will do my best to keep him on his leash and hidden away in the GGA's basement so he does not assault your eyes with his posts. You know, that, or I could get him a working spellcheck :)

i toad a so, i toterly toad a so. (bonus points if you get the reference. I'm looking in your direction Crushtania)

Edited by Degenerate108
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Hmm, mixed feelings about this. Although we fought on different sides, we in iFOK, have quite some sympathy for KungFuHamster. A very friendly and wise person, who -even in difficult times- did not run away or hide for questions. Too bad he is no longer a Triumvir.

I can't say I know the other (former-) Triumvirs very well, but; good luck. You will need it.

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I don't see how getting rid of the best of GGA's triumvirs (from what I've ascertained from my limited dealings with GGA) is any indication that they want to change. This looks to me like more of the same.

I'll admit that I know next to nothing about KungFuHamster but he seems to well liked outside GGA. However the fact that shaneprice was let back in has to count for something.

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For all those trying to troll us to death once again: give us a damn break. Change does not come with a day. It'll take some time. Nonetheless, here you see the GGA making a big change (if you'd know what's up, you'd be damn pleased to see this), and trying to get back up...and all you can think of is: 'Z0MG, GGA ANNOUNCEMENT, LET'S TROLL!' I really doubt if you're actually thinking any further than that. To those who have remained respectful: Thank you :)

With respect to you and other members of the GGA, and deference to the spirit of KingZog's patient optimism, I'll simply echo what Xiphosis said:

"You fired people but kept Degenerate...?"

Also, you're welcome. :v:

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I guess everyone didn't get the memo that UJA and VE are now GGA's new overlords. You see, we brainwashed Shaneprice once he was in our alliance to really let that freedom flow through him. Looks like our work is paying off and GGA might actually return to the earth and not have their heads stuck on the red sphere.

Best of luck to GGA and their new Manchurian Candidate Triumvir, ShanePrice.

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With respect to you and other members of the GGA, and deference to the spirit of KingZog's patient optimism, I'll simply echo what Xiphosis said:

"You fired people but kept Degenerate...?"

Also, you're welcome. :v:

As said by degen in the OP, I can't go into details :ph34r:

All I can say, is that there are reasons why degen is still a Tri. He is not as bad as you may think. I hope, that in time, things will change, and people will respect degenerate more. we'll see :unsure:

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As said by degen in the OP, I can't go into details :ph34r:

All I can say, is that there are reasons why degen is still a Tri. He is not as bad as you may think. I hope, that in time, things will change, and people will respect degenerate more. we'll see :unsure:

Well, best wishes then. My guttural radar sounded off immediately screeching *warning*/*danger Will Robinson*, etc. that this looked like a big show, especially with Shane coming back. But I'll shush now and wish you well anew. :)

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Regarding GGA Foreign Policy:

As it stands, we have no plans to move away from any of our current allies. Obviously, this may change in the future, but those of you looking to see us make a sudden and drastic shift are going to be disappointed. What I can say, is that the GGA is always open to making new friends and allies. The fewer enemies, the better. As I said, don't expect anything sudden or drastic. But what I personally want to see is the GGA making more of an effort to simply get around Planet Bob, and talking to more people. Building stronger relationships with current and potential allies, as well as diminishing some of the blind hatred that stands between us and others.

Thanks for the answer.

I take that as you saying there has been no foreign policy change in the GGA and I must then assume that either Shaneprice's policy has changed or that having a different point of view to the current GGA foreign policy is no longer a capital offense for a GGA member.

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Well, GGA needs to be commended for righting their ship. For those calling for them to disband should really stop and think if we really need another Alliance disbanding.

They're not an alliance, they're an imperial village. The point is moot.

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I'll admit that I know next to nothing about KungFuHamster but he seems to well liked outside GGA. However the fact that shaneprice was let back in has to count for something.

I guess that depends on whether it's GGA that's changed, or if it's shaneprice. Since GGA already said they have no plans to change their foreign policy, it seems it's the latter.

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Not that I matter a lick in the grand scheme of things, but I'm willing to see if things start to be different with you guys. I met some decent people during our recent festivities, and for their sake I hope good can come out of this.

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I believe that the question about how this was legally achieved (one Triumvir kicking two) was not yet answered. Degenerate has been at the centre of all that has been ridiculous with the GGA over the last two months so I would say the wrong triumvirs have been kicked. The return of Shaneprice – kicked and ZI'd if not for VE – not only to the alliance but to government is just bizarre and shows that the GGA heirarchy are volatile, indecisive and rash. It doesn't reflect that well on Shane either that he wanted to go through that again.

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The return of Shaneprice – kicked and ZI'd if not for VE – not only to the alliance but to government is just bizarre and shows that the GGA heirarchy are volatile, indecisive and rash.

My thoughts exactly.

In fact, most of the GGA drama over the past few months seems to be due to their volatility, indecisiveness and rashness. I'd have thought GGA needed some stability in government rather than another knee-jerk clearout of leadership. Is there system to this madness that I'm missing? How can an alliance function with such a high turnover of leadership? And it is not just the turnover, it is how the changes occur.

I don't know how your members know what the hell is going on from one day to the next.

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