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Funny war PM's


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I don’t know about the rest of you but this has been a fun war for me. All the people I have fought and am fighting have been a blast to be at war with. If you have any funny in game PM’s post them here so we can all have a good laugh. :popcorn:

To: ironchef From: August Heimmsmeyer Date: 4/30/2009 8:01:59 AM

Subject: Well...

Message: Good job fighting this war, you did well.

As for the multiple nukes you dropped on me, they're over here in my front yard. Whenever you want to pick them up is cool, but the neighbors are starting to complain cuz they really are eyesores....

Thanks! :D

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I sent this one so I dont know if it counts:

(the guy has <1k infra nad prevented people with loads more tech nuking because he always hit the nuke button first.)

To: lcdt94 From: BILL N TED Date: 5/3/2009 7:00:05 PM

Subject: Notification of Award

Message: For your nuclear attacks upon Valhallan nations we wish to honor you with the "Thanks for Nuking Us" Award.

If it wasnt for your great efforts Valhallan's would surely have suffered more losses than need be with larger nations nuking our boys and thus taking more damage.

From the bottom of our Valhallan tech raiding hearts we salute you. We look forward to future encounters when your MK Application gets turned down :)


Bill N Ted, Valhallan Government Adviser, Minister of Fake Award Nominations.

Mine are epic, if I do say so myself.

Ill agree... Epic :D

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From some NPO cannon-fodder I hit when the war broke out:

To: He Who Has No Name From: Hello Date: 4/27/2009 9:50:07 PM

Subject: war?

Message: so can u explain more why u declared war do u mean retrobution for the guy who attacked me Union of Goons and i didn't accept his peace offer or what?

Seems Pacifica fails at keeping their members up to speed with current events. Fails savagely.

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To: Azaghul From: HalfEmpty Date: 4/30/2009 1:39:49 PM

Subject: Czarts Lookee!

Message: Gentlepeople thanks to your untiring efforts (and some poor tactics on my part) we have passed a milestone.


492,681 Attacking + 584,535 Defending = 1,077,216 Casualties

I couldn't have done it without you guys.



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I'm new at chatting with the enemy, so I started simple with my message to LordHed after he declared on me: 'Ow.' I remember his reply was funny, and we traded messages as we traded $1m raiding parties.

We had some nice chats afterwards. Nothing wildly witty, but nice to break the ice. Which I seem to not have anymore, just all this glowing green stuff.

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To: JayOvfEnnay From: clownhunter1105 Date: 5/2/2009 2:32:50 PM

Subject: RE: Escorted Bombing Attack Report

Message: im in bill lock, i lose. snd peace or ill get mcxa 2 crush u

Does anyone find it odd that there's a guy named clownhunter in MCXA? o.o

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From some NPO cannon-fodder I hit when the war broke out:

Seems Pacifica fails at keeping their members up to speed with current events. Fails savagely.

I'd imagine a lot of individual NPO members were clueless because of the way the NPO military is set up... it's better suited for offensive wars rather than defensive ones.

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To: Preston From: Shamshir Date: 4/26/2009 7:44:00 AM

Subject: Vogon Poetry Attack

Message: You have been read Vogon poetry by Shamshir. You lost 0 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 0 soldiers and destroyed 0 tanks. Their forces razed 0 miles of your land, stole 0 tech, and destroyed 0 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from your and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a defeat. Your citizens will experience many days of depression. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

An excerpt of the poem is here:

See, see the nice sky

Marvel at its big pink depths.

Tell me, NPO do you

Wonder why the lizard ignores you?

Why its foobly stare

makes you feel sticky.

I can tell you, it is

Worried by your garglegloof facial growth

That looks like

A custard.

What's more, it knows

Your voochit potting shed

Smells of Grämlin.

Everything under the big nice sky

Asks why, why do you even bother?

You only charm vomits.

MHA psyops, you'll have to have read the HHGTTG to get it :P

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MHA psyops, you'll have to have read the HHGTTG to get it :P

If posting Vogon poetry isn't against the forum rules already I am going to lobby for that rule to be adopted. What you have done here is just despicable, exposing all these unsuspecting minds to this horror.

I lol'ed

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To: Franz Ferdinand From: leprechaun74 Date: 5/4/2009 12:48:20 PM

Subject: Nuclear Attack Thwarted

Message: You have thwarted a nuclear attack by leprechaun74 with your Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) systems. You lost 0 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 0.000 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 0.000 infrastructure, and 0 of your aircraft and navy force.

To: leprechaun74 From: Franz Ferdinand Date: 5/4/2009 1:21:27 PM

Subject: RE: Nuclear Attack Thwarted

Message: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoKvR2Y1t8Q

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