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Funny war PM's


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Well, I finally got one.

To: Lucas Perry From: Epiphanus Date: 5/6/2009 7:53:52 PM

Subject: Proposition

Message: I'm going to be gone starting this sunday to a conference. I'm proposing that we peace out our wars on saturday after we have both had a chance to get in the attacks we want to. I understand you might be hesitant to do this, but I probably won't have internet. If you deny the proposition, I'll have a friend watch my nation who knows how to play (I'll do this legally) and our war can continue. However, it would be beneficial to both of us for us to peace out on saturday. Please let me know what you think asap.



I lol'd.

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To: Bob Sanders From: De Caelo Missus Date: 5/7/2009 7:49:16 AM

Subject: Spy Operation Attack

Message: A spy operation has been launched against your nation by De Caelo Missus. In the attack the enemy spies targeted your underpants and managed to change your gender to female.

You will suffer many days of sporadic emotional outbursts and your warchest will be severely drained due to a burning desire to purchase shoes and chocolate.

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Received Message

To: LORD FRED From: Trace Date: 5/7/2009 8:06:33 PM

Subject: Why hello thar

Message: Come out and play? :D

Sent Message

To: Trace From: LORD FRED Date: 5/8/2009 9:24:31 AM

Subject: RE: Why hello thar

Message: I'd really like to, but my mom says I don't get along well with others so I'm stuck in the house for a while.

If you are in dire need of a playmate I could probably set you up with someone :)


Maybe he'll get a chuckle out of that at least

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OOO, got another one :

To: LORD FRED From: lebubu Date: 5/8/2009 11:49:06 AM

Subject: Want Peace?

Message: Hello, you've probably noticed your alliance isn't doing very well this war and your nation has taken a lot of damage. You don't have to put up with this if you don't want to, though. Just follow the individual surrender terms outlined in this link and you can go in peace: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=55545

To: lebubu From: LORD FRED Date: 5/8/2009 2:15:06 PM

Subject: RE: Want Peace?

Message: Thanks for your concern of my well being.

And I really could use a good holiday. But before I place a deposit for said holiday would it be possible to have a brochure of your POW Resort forwarded IE: all inclusive? events? and menu?

Thanks in advance


This is getting fun :)

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I once sent this to one of the guys I was at war with. Sad enough he seemed more concerned about his infra, cos he didn't sent anything back.

Rattle Report

You have been attacked by Jules and Vincent. You lost 3123 of whatever wás in that f$cking briefcase and 345 Big Kahuna Burgers. Their forces gave away 3400 foot massages, stole 1 motorcycle from Zed and went 234 times Medievel on your $@!.

Their forces looted 1 'Bad Mother$%&@er' wallet from you and you gained one certain Bibleverse from your enemies equipment. In the end the concentration was broken when the guy on the couch was shot. Any more saying the word 'what?' will automatically result in bringing out the gymp.


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This one was really simple. A nation, Nerdsville, in my former alliance was attacked randomly (i'm still trying to figure out how a nation of 1,120 days has only a small handful of improvements and no real nation strength, but I digress)

Anyway the attacker simply said in his attack message "Can nerds fight??"

It caught me funny :D

Edited by Maestro
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I once sent this to one of the guys I was at war with. Sad enough he seemed more concerned about his infra, cos he didn't sent anything back.

Rattle Report


Maybe he never saw pulp fiction ... after reading that he was just staring at his monitor with a WTF look on his face.

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My opponent did a successful gather information spy attack.

The setup:

To: OverCaffeinated From: cable77 Date: 5/21/2009 8:17:39 AM

Subject: RE: Spy Operation Attack

Message: Oh no, you know all my sekrits!

/me panics and hides the donuts.

The payoff:

To: cable77 From: OverCaffeinated Date: 5/21/2009 8:23:49 AM

Subject: RE: Spy Operation Attack

Message: Have some respect. Many Bothans died to bring me this information.

Well played.

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ok, i don't know if this is funny, or sad...I was once in the UPN, and when the UPN went to war, i was involved. When three nations attacked me, and this isn't including the fourth, I asked for some help. This message was then sent to both my enemies, AND me

Dear Dragonfeld,

I am writing to let you know that Mr. Brendon is no longer in our alliance or under our protection, despite what he might claim. He never was, and never will be. We do not like apes. The emperor, as the story goes, has no clothes.

I wish you all the best in your attacks. The cavalry most definitely is not coming to his rescue, so fire away. Please also kill the #)@#$!@ scum bag. We at the United Purple Nations despise creatures of sub-human standards. We would prefer though, that you anihilate him quickly.

Best wishes,


as soon as bullets start flying, I got booted for no reason...and called some nasty stuff...

is it funny :lol1: ...or sad?:(

i still think its strange. I sure enough, got ZI'd by not just the enemy...but my own alliance to. so now that i am in a new alliance, i guess im safe...for now :ph34r:

how do you change ur alliance over there btw?


im changing subject again aren't i? :blink:

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