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The Phoenix Federation Announcement


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That hardly reflects poorly on the alliance. Molon Labe is a war machine, and against an average alliance, I have no doubt they would clean up.

But when you mess with the Force, you don't stand a chance.

lol, nice one! It also helps that you have three times as many nations, but we can take it. This whole losing strength thing is just a ploy. We are lulling you into a false sense of security before we issue the mass beat-down. The Sith were purged once from the Galaxy (albeit one far, far away), and they can be again!

o/ seemingly overwhelming odds

o/ TPF

o/ Molon Labe

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Good luck TPF and NSO. I have friends on both sides of this conflict, so guess I'll need to remain neutral on this one.

Good luck guys and have fun! Remember that this is just a game and you can rebuild and do the war thing all over again. War is exciting!

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Although I am involved in the fighting against you TPF people, I don't really have it out against you or anything. In fact, I see what you're doing as much as what I myself did in the War of the Coalition while I was in Carpe Diem. Good luck on the hopeless battle! Although I'm helping it made a tad more hopeless.

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Oh no doubt ML is great at war. THey certainly have earned my respect in their performance. I was just reflecting on the hopelessness of this move.

I for one respect their commitment to their allies, and look forward to getting to know them better after the war.

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I haven't posted here until today but I must come to the defence of TPF ......WE ARE DOING WHAT IS RIGHT TRUE AND JUST ......I will never be ashamed of TPF and we are not going to be broken up ....you all have it very wrong .....we have proud,loyal members that will rather die than be taken into tyranny that this is all about ....KARMA wants to take out alliances that it doesn't agree with well ...let them keep coming the TPF will be waiting.
O hai 2007
lol, nice one! It also helps that you have three times as many nations, but we can take it. This whole losing strength thing is just a ploy. We are lulling you into a false sense of security before we issue the mass beat-down. The Sith were purged once from the Galaxy (albeit one far, far away), and they can be again!

o/ seemingly overwhelming odds

o/ TPF

o/ Molon Labe

You didn't watch anything other than the films, did you dear?
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I for one respect their commitment to their allies, and look forward to getting to know them better after the war.

There is a fine line between compliments and sticking your nose right into the keyster. You walk it oh so delicately.

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What one must remember is that this goes beyond one's personal view this is about loyalty and yes at first I myself was going to surrender ...but you must asked yourself the question .....surrender to who and to what ...the only thing that these guys are pushing here is a rule of tyranny and communism and that is pure darkness I believe in every nations freedom and every nations right to liberty and If I accept the surrender terms then I may as well declare myself a slave to tyrants and overlords and I will never give into this .....The TPF may have many shortcomings but any allied member of the TPF alliance can swear that there was always freedom and liberty.........for this I will die for and like the phoenix the TPF can never killed .....

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What one must remember is that this goes beyond one's personal view this is about loyalty and yes at first I myself was going to surrender ...but you must asked yourself the question .....surrender to who and to what ...the only thing that these guys are pushing here is a rule of tyranny and communism and that is pure darkness I believe in every nations freedom and every nations right to liberty and If I accept the surrender terms then I may as well declare myself a slave to tyrants and overlords and I will never give into this .....The TPF may have many shortcomings but any allied member of the TPF alliance can swear that there was always freedom and liberty.........for this I will die for and like the phoenix the TPF can never killed .....

Your loyalty is great, but your view of the opposition is completely misguided.

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...said the person sitting on their computer playing a geopolitical nation simulater.

You got me! I do play CN during the day while working. It is a nice break from doing real work. However, mocking me for not knowing 'enough' about Star Wars really is quite rich - and unnecessary. That is all.

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You got me! I do play CN during the day while working. It is a nice break from doing real work. However, mocking me for not knowing 'enough' about Star Wars really is quite rich - and unnecessary. That is all.

You just made fun of the fact that you think someone doesn't go outside to the real world... really... you cant just turn around and play the victim on this one.

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This makes no sense. The very fact that you guys had to even show a "united front" says it all tbh. :lol:

If everyone had agreed to support Pacifica and it was never a question...why did the meeting even have to take place? Why did the mood and tone seem like it was one of a group of people were trying to fix something they broke? :popcorn:

This is the question I have been asking throughout but which is never answered. If they answer it honestly they prove my point. That is why they are so angry and frustrated. The evidence does not support their claims.

For me, they'd get more credit for manning up and telling the truth but maybe it is too late for that now.

Anyway, the admission as to the meeting to rally alliances back to defending Pacifica does enough to show that what I have stated is true so, I rest my case.

Edited by Tygaland
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This is the question I have been asking throughout but which is never answered. If they answer it honestly they prove my point. That is why they are so angry and frustrated. The evidence does not support their claims.

For me, they'd get more credit for manning up and telling the truth but maybe it is too late for that now.

Anyway, the admission as to the meeting to rally alliances back to defending Pacifica does enough to show that what I have stated is true so, I rest my case.

That is the problem. You have been told the truth, yet because it doesn't "show that what I have stated is true" then you don't believe it. So, basically you have formed your opinion and anyone who tells you something contrary is lying. Anyway, since you have formed your opinion, and I am not going ot lie to you to justify it, I'm done with this thread.

Edited by Kilkenny
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That is the problem. You have been told the truth, yet because it doesn't "show that what I have stated is true" then you don't believe it. So, basically you have formed your opinion and anyone who tells you something contrary is lying. Anyway, since you have formed your opinion, and I am not going ot lie to you to justify it, I'm done with this thread.

Another one trotting out the usual vitriol but failing to address the main point. If you can tell me why a meeting was held, led by MCXA, to rally the alliances that cancelled on Pacifica back to fighting to defend them when you all were always going to honour your treaties and defend Pacifica anyway, then please do so. It is a rather simple question to answer.

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