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Public Notice from Karma

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Did you guys offer the terms this early because of your arrogance, or that you just want to stop the fighting?

I fail to see how giving nations caught up in the crossfire a way out as early as possible comes off as arrogant. Maybe we actually care about these nations, even if they are our enemies. For example, my target has been begging for peace since the first day I attacked him, unfortunately I couldn't let him go because we didn't have individual terms yet. I was glad to peace him out and let him continue on living the way he's always wanted to: in peace.

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Did you guys offer the terms this early because of your arrogance, or that you just want to stop the fighting?

Arrogance obviously. It wasn't the nations asking us for peace at all.

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Can people just stop acting like the Hegemony is one blobby being that is controlled by Moo without any individuals that might have their own views on certain matters?

I am not fighting for the NPO or their "Hegemony". I am fighting for my alliance and my allies. I have my own opinions. I am against EZI and, in but the rarest cases, PZI. I am against disbanding alliances, viceroys and decomming of Wonders.

For me, my alliance comes before everything. It is my home. And for this alliance I will fight. My nation and my personal beliefs are not important. Nor is the NPO's cause.

So stop posting these silly generalizations. It makes you look stupid.

The way you phrased it made your comment incredibly funny. NPO and its allies have forced alliances to decom wonders several times. No matter what you say you're fighting for their ideals. You might not fight because you support them yourself but ultimately you're tied to NPO through your alliance and you're fighting for their cause.

The fact that you're fighting for ideals you not only don't belive in but are even opposed makes you look like a drone. At least I'm supporting an alliance that share the same ideals and values as me wich is more than can be said about you apparently.

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But destroying all ur improvements and wonders while you're -28 wonders as it is, you call that fair. I dont think so.

Edit: Mispell

Where exactly in the OP does it say you have to decom your wonders?

Also the minus something in your IMPROVEMENT slots (not wonders) is due to the GRL rising and your loss of infra. It'll go back to normal as you rebuild and nukes stop flying.

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The way you phrased it made your comment incredibly funny. NPO and its allies have forced alliances to decom wonders several times. No matter what you say you're fighting for their ideals. You might not fight because you support them yourself but ultimately you're tied to NPO through your alliance and you're fighting for their cause.

The fact that you're fighting for ideals you not only don't belive in but are even opposed makes you look like a drone. At least I'm supporting an alliance that share the same ideals and values as me wich is more than can be said about you apparently.

Well, my alliance does the whole "Honouring of Treaties" thingy... If that makes me a drone, so be it. If that sets me apart from you, that's even better. I would suppose you would rather have me desert my alliance, my home for some 300 days now, just before the war started?

Good thing to know, though, that everything stupid, silly or mean that is done or will be done in the name of Karma or one of the alliances belonging to this grouping can be blamed on you personally.

The idiocy of the idea that a war that rages between thousands of nations can be divided into two groups of rulers who either fully support or vehemently oppose any of a great variaty of policies is laughable. Are you saying nobody on the Karma side believes in, oh, EZI?

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The way you phrased it made your comment incredibly funny. NPO and its allies have forced alliances to decom wonders several times. No matter what you say you're fighting for their ideals. You might not fight because you support them yourself but ultimately you're tied to NPO through your alliance and you're fighting for their cause.

The fact that you're fighting for ideals you not only don't belive in but are even opposed makes you look like a drone. At least I'm supporting an alliance that share the same ideals and values as me wich is more than can be said about you apparently.

How convenient.

I fight for Soldier who is fighting nations who declared on my allies at TPF. Do I have to share ideals with every alliance allies of my allies are tied up to? If so where do you draw the line?

At your convenience...I'm sure.

I'm not like that

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I suggest you read my comments carefully before you respond to them it'll make us avoid misunderstandings.

Are you saying nobody on the Karma side believes in, oh, EZI?

I didn't say that you share the ideals of NPO or that nobody on the karma side belives in EZI. I'm saying that you're ultimately fighting to protect the ideals of your side no matter what your own ones are.

I would suppose you would rather have me desert my alliance, my home for some 300 days now, just before the war started?

Another thing I'm not saying is that you should abandon your allies. I think maybe you should have picked an alliance where you share their ideas and values but that's too late now. I don't think anyone should abandon their alliance for that matter. You picked an alliance in peacetime and abandoning them when they need your help is wrong.

Good thing to know, though, that everything stupid, silly or mean that is done or will be done in the name of Karma or one of the alliances belonging to this grouping can be blamed on you personally.

Yes if karma turns out to be an evil mastmind plan to take over the world and make everyone misserable I would be responsible ammong with many others for fighting to get them into power. If I thought this was the case or I thought that my alliance would ever support something like that I wouldn't have joined this alliance in the first place though.

Feel free to twist my words once again. The ones fighting for what's righteous and true is going to win this war.

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This broadcast is still ongoing? :blink:

This is a tactic that has been used by all sides, for a very long time now. It has its advantages. The crowd that believes in the morality of the game may have their moral reasons for offering rank and file members of alliances a way out. There's nothing wrong with that. The crowd that doesn't care about morality, or rather, doesn't believe morality has any place in the context of Planet Bob, may use this tactic for strategic purposes. There is nothing wrong with that.

As far as terms go, these are pretty light, even for individuals. I've seen much worse, although that in itself isn't a justification for anything.

Also, lol, why is everyone talking about the change supposedly to be brought about by Karma? The war has just barely begun, and what the future holds remains to be seen. How about we cross that bridge when we come to it? We still have a ways to go.

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Fair terms indeed, though I personally will never surrender. Even were I to consider this dishonor, it is stated that I would have to resign from my alliance, which I would never do. I am Wolfpack through and through, and shall never give that up

However, Wolfpack is now accepting the surrender of ODN nations. Feel free to change your AA's to Wolfpack POW.


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Also, lol, why is everyone talking about the change supposedly to be brought about by Karma? The war has just barely begun, and what the future holds remains to be seen. How about we cross that bridge when we come to it? We still have a ways to go.

The reason is because Karma themselves have been talking about it constantly since well before the war even began.

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What? Do you even know Tygaland's history? Wait, stupid question. Obviously you don't, don't worry though I will rid you of this ignorance.

Tyga left NpO after the white team was founded which was a little after GWII if my own memory is correct. Since then in every single war that Tygaland has won in the STA he gave the opposing alliance a white peace. How in gods name is that Hegemony or Sponge/Doitzel?

The very creation of the NpO was one of the most over the top and unreasonable surrender terms ever created. Tyga was appointed their leader after working diligently to establish the NpO in the blue sphere. White peace would never have been offered to LUE were it up to Tyga after he jumped the gun and jumpstarted one of the greatest wars in CN history. I know his history. What's he's done as leader of the STA is only half of it.

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All three of my attackers have already sent me "pls pls pls surrender" messages. Kinda pathetic, really.

I know you! I sent you one of those messages. :)

Your response made me chuckle.

To: rsoxbronco1 From: NewPoseidon Date: 4/26/2009 8:19:16 PM

Subject: RE: Surrender Terms

Message: It is common knowledge in CN that Karma members are backstabbing liars.

As such, honor and pragmatism demand that I keep fighting unless asked to stop by my noble GGA leadership.

gl w/ur n00b rushing,


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The reason is because Karma themselves have been talking about it constantly since well before the war even began.

I understand that, but most of these changes aren't going to be brought about while a war is going on. The victors still determine the outcome of the war, and we're not at the conclusion of the war.

Many of the changes Karma is working for have to do with alliance peace/surrender terms, and I am relatively certain everyone is having far too much fun blowing each other up to talk about peace/surrender terms yet.

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