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Public Notice from Karma

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So now POW camps are good things? I recall a massive outcry about them when they were first enacted, though you may have been on the NPO around that time and part of the enacting, so I supposed you've been consistent in support for them. Similarly, you supported the NPO long after they had first engaged in the concept of viceroyships. Long after they engaged in wars that extended well beyond reasonability. Long after nations were driven to deletion to escape their wrath. If not as a member of NPO, then as a member of GATO when they supported the NPO.

When your alliance decided they'd had enough, I seem to recall you abandoning GATO and joining the NPO. At what exact moment did you become so certain about what is right and wrong? At what point did it push you over the edge? Like so many of those you fight alongside, you've been an accomplice in what you claim to wish to abolish. Are we expected to believe that so many of you have suddenly decided that what you were doing for several months was wrong and that you did so all at once? Or is it the far more likely reality that you fellows felt it was time you spread your wings and take a shot at running things?

Fella, I think you have me horribly confused for someone else. I entered this world as a GATOer, and I have more or less remained a GATOer for the last three years until recently. One of the first things I ever did was voice displeasure at the actions of the NPO (namely their treatment of Portugal and the ODN way way back when) and I've been pretty darn consistent in my views since then.

With that out of the way it has become perfectly clear to me that all you wish to do is go on complaining without any substance to back you up. There isn't much even I can do against that so I'll leave you to it.

Edited by Ragashingo
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No, you dont know what OPP-TPF relations are, you know what Dutchy told you, there's a significant difference, since I actually, you know, do my job and am regularly in contact with TPF, and don't force them to constantly attempt to get into contact with IRAN's government, I'm actually available whenever they want to talk, or when anyone wants to talk. You';re correct, we did approach him due to 3 of our members leaving at the same time to join your alliance, which is somewhat normal, but still suspicious, and as I stated, Dutchy left our alliance and continued to have root admin, as I recall, someone from a Q government alliance installed a script on the Q forums and was using it to spy, even while not in a Q alliance, so it was a concern. so I spoke with mhawk about it, due to it being a potential problem, considering actively recruiting from an alliance is considered an act of war, and nom you knew what condition our nations were in when Dutchy left, you have no idea what our condition is now, and old information is irrelevant, you need constant sources of new information for it to be useful.

Mogar, you think i get all my info from just one person? No, i dont. If you do oh well not gonna argue that with you. Also just to let you know. It was 2 nations, one was an ex-tfo neways and as i said b4 mogar, ducthy showed interest in merging way b4 tpf forced you into IRAN's gov. And as to the fourms issue, one root was given back 2 days after he left, not to mention it was root to your OLD fourms anyways. You were just angry that 2 members left u and took away 100k ns, so u were looking for a CB i imagine.

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I don't understand why Hegemony supporters can't post this instead of "LULZZZZ I WILL STILL WIN!!!"

If you believe your side will win, that's just fine. Some people would like to surrender and this post is for them. If you think they're unfair terms, list out why instead of spewing out nonsense.

Thank you sir for setting an example.

The vast majority of us have stated their views in precisely this manner.

You are indirectly insulting us by your blanket statement.

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I don't understand why Karma supporters cant simply remain respectful while discussing these subjects, you have and I am glad some of you are, but others are acting like jackals and it makes me wonder if the world really will change if some of them are in charge of this new world you'll be bringing.

That's true, you can't always have a basket of all perfect apples. We can't completely control who joins us as I'm sure you're not in complete control of the exact list of ideals you're fighting for as you have posted of your displeasure for certain NPO actions.

Anyways, I think the world will change for the better because it was at a boiling point in which change was absolutely necessary.

EDIT: Dahl, I was referring to certain Hegemonic supporters who do this. I was not referring to all people on that side. Sorry if you misunderstood.

Edited by Matthew Conrad
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No you're pointing out how little have changed in one specific area that we're not trying to change thus my earlier analogy. I'd do another analogy but since you managed to misunderstand the breathing one I'm not sure I can simplify it enough for you.

You made a poor analogy. The obvious response from you would've been pointing out how you guys had changed things in other ways if you feel that I'm targetting one specific area where you've let things roll as is. What are those other areas? Where have things changed?

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I'm offended by Karma suggesting that individual surrenders are some great leap forward. As for change? Why would I want change? You are the people looking for change. I'm just pointing out how little you are accomplishing in that regard.

Who said anything about these terms being a "great leap forward"? They are lenient terms for nations wanting an out. They are not mandatory as can plainly be seen by those that have declined the offer. If a nation wants to accept them, then that is their decision.

As for the whole change thing. The change Karma wishes to bring was nicely covered by Revanche. But I'm sure it is not going to stop you and others from screeching about every decision made by the Karma Coalition that is not polar opposite to those made by the hegemony over the past few years.

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Mogar, you think i get all my info from just one person? No, i dont. If you do oh well not gonna argue that with you. Also just to let you know. It was 2 nations, one was an ex-tfo neways and as i said b4 mogar, ducthy showed interest in merging way b4 tpf forced you into IRAN's gov. And as to the fourms issue, one root was given back 2 days after he left, not to mention it was root to your OLD fourms anyways. You were just angry that 2 members left u and took away 100k ns, so u were looking for a CB i imagine.

No, I don't like sending my little ones to war, and yes, you took 2 members, so as you alluded to, I'd imagine that's who you got your information from, or from PC, who knows nothing about how OPP works now, and again, they didn't force anything, Dutchy sucked at his job so he was replaced by the two other Triums, its how the charter works.

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I don't understand why Hegemony supporters can't post this instead of "LULZZZZ I WILL STILL WIN!!!"

If you believe your side will win, that's just fine. Some people would like to surrender and this post is for them. If you think they're unfair terms, list out why instead of spewing out nonsense.

Thank you sir for setting an example.

I believe my exact words were, and I quote: "No thank you."

Please show me how that amounts to "LULZZZZ I WILL STILL WIN!!!"

You get a cookie if you're able to.

Edited by Lord of Destruction
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You made a poor analogy. The obvious response from you would've been pointing out how you guys had changed things in other ways if you feel that I'm targetting one specific area where you've let things roll as is. What are those other areas? Where have things changed?

I'm guessing those changes, outlined by Revanche quite well, will be implemented should Karma win the war. Are you seriously saying that these changes should be implemented immediately while the Cyberverse is at war?

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<replies - lots of them>

Seriously, stop, it's getting increasingly annoying. This isn't the thread for discussing whatever problems it is you have with IRAN, TPF, Mogar or anyone else for that matter.

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Fella, I think you have me horribly confused for someone else. I entered this world as a GATOer, and I have more or less remained a GATOer for the last three years until recently. One of the first things I ever did was voice displeasure at the actions of the NPO (namely their treatment of Portugal and the ODN way way back when) and I've been pretty darn consistent in my views since then.

With that out of the way it has become perfectly clear to me that all you wish to do is go on complaining without any substance to back you up. There isn't much even I can do against that so I'll leave you to it.

Hmmm.. perhaps it was only Letum and the others and I am misremembering. Quite a few of your guys bailed to NPO, so I hope you will pardon my error. In any case, I don't believe change is coming. I object to suggestions that it has. Perhaps you will prove me wrong in time, but I won't hold my breath. The terms as they are remain fairly standard. I won't take them, and I think the whole concept of PoW is, and has always been, ridiculous, though it has become almost a necessity because people won't acknowledge a defeated opponent without it.

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Alright I see alot of people screaming "I will never surrender" etc in this thread, to those people, I say shut the hell up. Obviously if you DO NOT WANT TO SURRENDER, then these TERMS OF SURRENDER have nothing to do with you, and thus do not require your useless imput. I also see alot of people taking shots at those, who feel it is best to accept these terms, in order to ensure the survival of their nation. To these people I also say, Shut the hell up. Just because you do not want to surrender, does not mean, that its not the right move for some people, by all means get your !@#$ kicked in, but DO NOT call someone out, because they feel that, they need to protect their nation, to have FUN in a GAME, that is down right childish, and immature. I see people bashing both sides, saying "oh your disrespectful" Truth is, I've yet to see any "side" that is respectful, Neither side is perfect, that includes your side mogar (I use you as an example because you chose to act as if all of Karma is disrespectful), this bashing, and BS'ing is part of the reason for these war's, because childish leaders, and forum goers feel the need to poke fun, or talk crap about every person that doesnt see eye to eye with them. In closing, EVERYONE, needs to calm down, grow up, be nice, and


Edited by Barix9
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I don't see how you could be pissed off at them but gladly die for them in the same post.

By not keeping a treaty, you lose any respect you had. How would you feel if you went to war and all your allies left you?

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I don't particularly want my nation destroyed, but I don't see myself surrendering any time soon. :)

Also, does this sentiment apply to Karma nations as well?

Do the Hegemony give equally lenient terms?

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Alright I see alot of people screaming "I will never surrender" etc in this thread, to those people, I say shut the hell up. Obviously if you DO NOT WANT TO SURRENDER, then these TERMS OF SURRENDER have nothing to do with you, and thus do not require your useless imput. I also see alot of people taking shots at those, who feel it is best to accept these terms, in order to ensure the survival of their nation. To these people I also say, Shut the hell up. Just because you do not want to surrender, does not mean, that its not the right move for some people, by all means get your !@#$ kicked in, but DO NOT call someone out, because they feel that, they need to protect their nation, to have FUN in a GAME, that is down right childish, and immature. I see people bashing both sides, saying "oh your disrespectful" Truth is, I've yet to see any "side" that is respectful, Neither side is perfect, that includes your side mogar (I use you as an example because you chose to act as if all of Karma is disrespectful), this bashing, and BS'ing is part of the reason for these war's, because childish leaders, and forum goers feel the need to poke fun, or talk crap about every person that doesnt see eye to eye with them. In closing, EVERYONE, needs to calm down, grow up, be nice, and


And you're tell us to calm down?

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You made a poor analogy. The obvious response from you would've been pointing out how you guys had changed things in other ways if you feel that I'm targetting one specific area where you've let things roll as is. What are those other areas? Where have things changed?

I'll try to make this as simple as possible for you.

Will change.

This is future tense. This would mean that something will change in the future.


This is past tense. This would mean that something has changed.

Seriously though, the war isn't even over yet and you're already complaining about how Bob havn't changed. At least give the war a week before you start that line of trolling.

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dutchy /= IRAN

My statement on us going to TPF has been retracted, you got me there.

So, our condition was not noteworthy because was we were going to declare on you for essentially stealing our strongest member and then having him hand over our valuable information?

And if by noteworthy you indeed mean likeliness to win the war, please notice that all 4 of the FoB nations who are attacking me are in anarchy and have been since the second day of the freakin' war! So perhaps by your twisted standards, all of those 4 nations are incredibly not noteworthy because they can't beat a nation, myself, who is not noteworthy? Give me a break.

lol, yea, well i have 4 nations on me and they cant get me i anarchy. big woop. means nothing. No offense. Congrats on the war btw :)

and btw thats not a legit CB :P

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I believe my exact words were, and I quote: "No thank you."

Please show me how that amounts to "LULZZZZ I WILL STILL WIN!!!"

You get a cookie if you're able to.

Or you could read my edit first before posting! I definitely hit edit before your post so no excuses.

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And you're tell us to calm down?

Sure did. You see, through the magic of the internet words get misinterpreted. Im as calm as can be, I just think its time someone told everyone else to Shut the hell up.

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Alright I see alot of people screaming "I will never surrender" etc in this thread, to those people, I say shut the hell up. Obviously if you DO NOT WANT TO SURRENDER, then these TERMS OF SURRENDER have nothing to do with you, and thus do not require your useless imput. I also see alot of people taking shots at those, who feel it is best to accept these terms, in order to ensure the survival of their nation. To these people I also say, Shut the hell up. Just because you do not want to surrender, does not mean, that its not the right move for some people, by all means get your !@#$ kicked in, but DO NOT call someone out, because they feel that, they need to protect their nation, to have FUN in a GAME, that is down right childish, and immature. I see people bashing both sides, saying "oh your disrespectful" Truth is, I've yet to see any "side" that is respectful, Neither side is perfect, that includes your side mogar (I use you as an example because you chose to act as if all of Karma is disrespectful), this bashing, and BS'ing is part of the reason for these war's, because childish leaders, and forum goers feel the need to poke fun, or talk crap about every person that doesnt see eye to eye with them. In closing, EVERYONE, needs to calm down, grow up, be nice, and


Dude, chill out.

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Who said anything about these terms being a "great leap forward"? They are lenient terms for nations wanting an out. They are not mandatory as can plainly be seen by those that have declined the offer. If a nation wants to accept them, then that is their decision.

As for the whole change thing. The change Karma wishes to bring was nicely covered by Revanche. But I'm sure it is not going to stop you and others from screeching about every decision made by the Karma Coalition that is not polar opposite to those made by the hegemony over the past few years.

You are pretty much exactly what Karma claims to wish to eliminate. You've remanufactured yourself by being the little guy for awhile, but you have not changed at all. Much like Sponge and Doitzel you pretty much were the Hegemony, had an altercation with those in charge and find yourself where you are now in an attempt to displace those that pushed you aside. I will get no honest discussion from you, and I would be foolish to continue this on as though I would. Have a pleasant evening.

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Your boys, the only one I'm fighting at least, has done nothing to me but CM me.

Iran has launched an Iranian satellite into space on an Iranian rocket. Have you ever heard of Pirates launching Pirate built missiles? I think not, we are revolutionizing the way pirates are thought about. We are 16th century digital boys.

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