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Official Umbrella Announcement

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I was going to make a crack about parasoles being really feminine, but that would have been in bad taste. Or I could have said, "I hope your umbrellas can catch our nukes," but that again would be tacky. I was going to make a Mary Poppins reference but that may have gone over the heads of some of the listeners. So, in the end, I went with what I have.

You see, the fact of the matter is, I like wars a lot, and I don't get off on insulting people in public. Umbrella's going to do their job and I'm going to do mine, and at the end of the war, we'll go our separate ways. I'm sorry if you were hoping for better, but that's how I roll. And at the end of the day, I don't care what you think and I will sleep at night knowing that you didn't think my comeback was funny.

Ah the ole' to cool for school act. So you insult my spelling, you try and actually make a couple of wise cracks (And fail miserably) and now that you can't compete you pull the "LOL I DONT CARE WUT U THINK LOL". Yeah, if you didn't true care you wouldn't of took the time to respond, nor make a !@#$@#$ paragraph about why you don't care.

Face it Duncan King, maybe this just isn't your game..You know...The typical wanna be bad $@!. I think GATO is taking applications.

*stoner edit

Edited by PrototyoeRuler
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Ah the ole' to cool for school act. So you insult my spelling, you try and actually make a couple of wise cracks (And fail miserably) and now that you can't compete you pull the "LOL I DONT CARE WUT U THINK LOL". Yeah, if you didn't true care you wouldn't of took the time to respond, nor make a !@#$@#$ paragraph about why you don't care.

Face it Duncan King, maybe this just isn't your game..You know...The typical wanna be bad $@!. I think GATO is taking applications.

*stoner edit

Please stop. This is uncalled for.

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Ah the ole' to cool for school act. So you insult my spelling, you try and actually make a couple of wise cracks (And fail miserably) and now that you can't compete you pull the "LOL I DONT CARE WUT U THINK LOL". Yeah, if you didn't true care you wouldn't of took the time to respond, nor make a !@#$@#$ paragraph about why you don't care.

Face it Duncan King, maybe this just isn't your game..You know...The typical wanna be bad $@!. I think GATO is taking applications.

*stoner edit

If comments like this become the new acceptable level of discourse on Planet Bob in the wake of a Karma victory, then maybe this isn't a community that I want to be a part of anymore. I always try to keep a modicrum of civility in my posts and I never make things as personal as you did there.

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If comments like this become the new acceptable level of discourse on Planet Bob in the wake of a Karma victory, then maybe this isn't a community that I want to be a part of anymore. I always try to keep a modicrum of civility in my posts and I never make things as personal as you did there.

Like this would never have happened a year ago? Just make fun and ignore it B)

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If comments like this become the new acceptable level of discourse on Planet Bob in the wake of a Karma victory, then maybe this isn't a community that I want to be a part of anymore. I always try to keep a modicrum of civility in my posts and I never make things as personal as you did there.

OCC: Personal? It's Alliance Politics. I roleplay a certain way in my posts, and you act a certain in yours. Nothing I said in my post was untrue nor insulting. It's how I play my character, straight up and out there. If you can't handle a little heat stay out of the announcement. We are at war, sorry if I am not taking you out to dinner and taking you out to a movie.

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