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    Kissmy Anthia
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  1. Ya, ya, I know, I know....I'm going to bed, another 12 hr shift to do tonight, that make 6 in a row, and another tomarrow. The work sucks, but the overtime is very nice.
  2. Whoha, the light at the end of the tunnle......OMFG, run back, run.....its a freight train!!! hehe, sry, just tired is all, but I thought it was kinda funny. Just trying to make light of the subject, get it, "light"...."bright side"....hehe, oh well, failed again. Your right though, I've noticed my % rating of NS steadily going up, even though I've had to reduce my military substantialy to make my bills, and it's a good feeling.
  3. No, I'm not Pentad, only Pentad speak for our alliance. Just a concerned CN citizen, tring to make it in the world of the BIG DOGS. arf, arf. I'm on the porch for now, but soon, I'll have big fangs too, and then, just wait, I'll show you all how to bite into a Tootsie Roll Lollypop. Ah 1, ah 2, ah 3....crunch. God I'm so tired, I get like this when I'm tired. Worked 5-12 hour shifts in a row now, very little sleep in the last few days. I can't even find the psell check button anymore. And I can't believe I'm old enough to remember that commercial.
  4. He goes for 3, takes the shot and....ooohhhh, the point is missed again, too bad for the away team eh Chuck? Thats right Howard, they just blew it out their @$$ once again. This team has got to get their act together or there just going to go home mad everytime.......now a word from our sponsor: Are your hemroids acting up again, try new "Clue", just a dab'l do ya. Get new fast acting "Clue" ......comes in cream or sepositories, either way you can shove it up your @$$.
  5. Well thats great.....ya, very good......yup.....hmm.......pfft......whatever dude
  6. LOL!!! Now thats funny, really it is, not kidding. Talk about the un-involved, hehe. I thought Sparta was one of the alliances in the middle of all this? Just asking.
  7. Wow, you really are getting hamered, my condolences. I'm not crying rivers there yahoo, I made a simple statement with a bit of political satire entwined within, and all of a suden I'm defending myself against thoes that would make a mountian out of a mole hill, simply, lay off the nukes for a while will ya please, there are others tring to live here and the apartment walls are thin, and the folks on the second floor keep stomping their feet. I look foward to rolling out the red carpet to your envoy. Should your embasadors require any special needs, please feel free to alert the kitchen as to any food allergies they might have, or house keeping as to possible detergent/fabric softener reactions as well. In the meen time, I'll keep a light on for you
  8. I guess that makes me one of the lucky ones since I have radiation clean up, none the less, a loss is a loss, great or small. There are others not involved that are sufering much more than I.
  9. The ones getting nuked are the ones involved with the war...get a clue as to the purpose of this rant.
  10. I am dealing with it, and this is how, via a forum, I was under the impression that this was what forums were for, my mistake. Hmmm, food for thought....priorities.....war references......I was just bringing up an example of what it was like to them as to how it is to us, maybe a little over dramatic, but then.......who gives a damn, obviously nobody here.
  11. Great, another democrat.....throw him to the wolves.
  12. No, possibly not, but I had to scale down on a few things including my military because it did affect my GNP. My income affected my bill payments (hmm, sounds like RL), hence a "Cyber Recession". There were layoffs, strikes, union involvement, the national guard had to be called out by the Govenor, it was ugly.
  13. If I had any nukes, you'd be the first to know B)
  14. Not a damn thing, and it's not just my problem. Just a tad bit of information as to how the rest of the world is doing.
  15. Hmm...and you would know about the sensation of being "Buthurt" eh?
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