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A Joint Announcement

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I remember when Pacifica had a better class of friends.

You all disgust me. Traitors, the lot of you, and I hope the fire that is killing Pacifica consumes you as well.

To be fair, this leaves us with more targets.

I've got my BBQ sauce ready, and my goggles on for the fireworks.

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The only real disappoinment here is that we don't get to throw out the trash in one fell swoop.

But be warned, cosmic reallignment does not only apply to the NPO.

Karma will come for you. Just wait.

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I wouldn't go that far. I think the idea behind this is NPO used to be ok but with what they have done recently they are not worth standing up for.

A MADP is a MADP, regardless of what one of the signatories might be doing. I guarantee you that if NPO looked like they'd come out on top that all of these alliances would be sticking with them.

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You really think ODN had a clue it was going to turn out like this?

For the first time since GW3 we broke our chains to the Hegemony and sided with the "Underdog."

We're probably not anywhere near as disappointed as the rest of Karma, but we're just as disgusted given the hypocrisy IRON displayed towards us.

That's what I get for not reading every post >_< I saw the orange in your sig and assumed you were in IRON and didn't read anything else cause I'm an evil troll =(

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So what exactly is the reasoning behind these cancellations? TORN had a genuine reason for leaving the NPO behind them, but as far as I can see, the rest of you do not. I'd probably find this hilarious if I wasn't so disgusted.

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To be fair, this leaves us with more targets.

I've got my BBQ sauce ready, and my goggles on for the fireworks.

Hi, Dilber.

I said it when you guys screwed TORN, and I'll say it now that your allies have screwed you.

No one, no matter how bad they may or may not be, deserves this.

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I wouldn't go that far. I think the idea behind this is NPO used to be ok but with what they have done recently they are not worth standing up for.

They will be after this war is over and they have this incredible grudge against the rest of Q.

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Words can not describe the sentiment I feel towards you cowards. You never backed down when it was a curbstomp...you never backed down with b/s CB's but now finally when you are about to face your match...you chicken out.

Don't worry I will never confuse honor and your alliances ever again. It's a sad day for Pacifica....I guess in the end it was "the company Pacifica kept which killed the beast"

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When compared to others, I have not been playing this game for every long. I did not take part in any of the great wars, in fact my nation was first created shortly after the UJW. I have met many kind-hearted people in this game, many who were very passionate about their work, and have been allowed the privilege of standing together with some of this game's finest. One thing I have been taught by said finest is the strength of companionship. When standing together, you stand strong.

In light of this, I must say that the lot of you disgust this relatively young player. The previous war, the Coalition War, holds a testament that echos strongly at this point in time.

Friends > Infra.

May karma have mercy on you, because if given the option I would give you none.

I whole-heartadly agree with this.

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